
Author Topic: L2J[L2J - Interlude] L2 Order VS Chaos the best faction server !  (Read 1257 times)

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    L2 Order VS Chaos Interlude Factions Server
    Website:L2 Order VS Chaos Factions Server
    Forum:Forums - L2 Order VS Chaos Community
    Opening Date:25/11/2016 16:00 GMT+2


    The game play is based on a routine of events which will run constantly one after another, each event has its own unique set of features.
    The event routine includes maps, faction events, mini events and a chance for a boss event at the end of each routine.
    The Portal NPC will display statistics from past events as well as personal player statistics.
    Every weekend there's also a unique retail like event running.

    Longest time events with biggest kind of goals to accomplish.
    Maps will end faster if their goal is achieved.
    A raid boss will spawn 5 minutes before the map ends.
    Currently implemented map types are:
    * Battlefield - Transfer as many bases as possible from the enemy to your team by killing them.
    * Capture the Flag - Steal as many flags as possible from the enemy and deliver it back to your base.
    * Domination - Rule a certain area on the map for as much time as possible by having more players in it than the enemy.
    * Escort - Protect an NPC from the enemy team while it makes its way from one point of the map to another.
    * Fortress - Use the Capture Fort skill on the NPC inside the fortress to capture it for your side.
    * Siege - Kill the king inside the castle in order to capture it and prevent the enemy from killing your king.
    * Team VS Team - Kill as many enemies as possible to score for your team.

    Faction Events
    After a map ends a faction event will start.
    Faction events are divided into 2 realms, each team will get its own realm.
    The teams are not able to see each other, the first team to complete the event goal wins.
    The score bar will show both teams the progression of each team.
    Currently implemented faction events:
    * Blood Castle - Pass all 3 stages by killing all monsters and then killing the Seer boss at the end.
    * Clear the Chamber - Kill all the monsters before the enemy does.
    * City Under Attack - Be the first to kill 50 invading monsters.
    * Kill the God - Be the first to slay the enemy god.
    * Rescue the Princess - Kill the boss at each stage in order to free the princess.
    * Search the Beast - Find and kill the hidden beast.
    * Lair of the Snowman - Get through all the snowman to kill the Ice Queen at the end.
    * The Magician's Tower - Weaken the magician by killing all its minions and then kill him.
    * Wisdom Test - Answer correctly as many questions as possible to weaken the boss and kill it.

    Mini Events
    A mini event will start after a faction event.
    Players will have 3 minutes to register before the mini event will start.
    These are usually short time events with small objectives to complete.
    Currently implemented mini events:
    * Battlefield - Use the Capture Base skill on each NPC in order to capture it for your side.
    * Bomb Fight - Use the Bomb skill to spawn NPC that explodes after 3 seconds and kills all surrounding enemies.
    * Death Match - Make the biggest amount of kills in order to win the event.
    * Hunting Grounds - Use the bow to shoot enemies and turn them into your side.
    * Korean TvT - Survive more rounds than the enemy in order to win.
    * Last Man Standing - Survive the event in order to win.
    * Lucky Chests - Open as many chests as possible in order to win.
    * Humans VS Mutants - Make as many mutant kills or kills as a mutant as possible.
    * Raid in the Middle - Kill the boss while staying safe from the enemy team.
    * Russian Roulette - Each round try to guess which chest won't die in order to win.
    * Simon Says - Say exactly what Simon says each round in order to win.
    * VIP TvT - Kill the enemy VIP while keeping yours safe.
    * Humans VS Zombies - Be the last to survive the apocalypse.

    Boss Events
    After every mini event there's a chance a grand boss event will start.
    Chance depends on amount of players online and day of week.
    There are 2 types of boss events: Team VS Team and Free for All.
    FFA will start only if there's not enough players for a TvT.
    In order to increase your chance for better rewards, you must take a vital part in the event.
    Currently implemented boss events:
    * Antharas
    * Baium
    * Core
    * Frintezza
    * Orfen
    * Queen Ant
    * Sailren
    * Valakas
    * Zaken

    Weekend Events
    These type of events are a mimic of the retail ones.
    They will run every weekend from Friday to Monday.
    These events will grant extra boost and fun to everyone.
    Currently implemented weekend events:
    * Change of Heart - Collect 9 heart pieces in order to play a paper, rock, scissors game and win rewards.
    * Heavy Medals - Collect medals to increase your event rank, better event rank means better rewards.
    * Letter Collector - Build up words from letters, the more words the better rewards you'll get.
    * Master of Enchanting - Try to enchant a staff as high as possible for better rewards.
    * Playing with Fire - Get ingredients for making fireworks, the more fireworks you make the more rewards you get.
    * Power of Love - Collect Tokens of Love and trade them for a reward.
    * Squish the Squash - Collect Pollens and use them to buy/grow a seed, better squashes means better rewards.
    * Zaken's Curse - Pigs will spawn randomly during maps, killing pigs results in getting rewarded.

    * AIO buffer with 7 premade editable schemes.
    * Option to restore default schemes.
    * 4 hours buff duration.
    * Buff slots 20+4.
    * Summons restore buffs when resummoned.
    * Buffs kept after death (including toggles).
    * Cubics casted on self are kept after death and last for 4 hours.
    * Anti buff griefing system.
    * Symbols and Event buffs do not take a buff slot.
    * Cancelled buffs return after 7 seconds.

    * Retail enchant rates.
    * Only blessed enchant scrolls available.
    * Safe enchant +3 (+4 full body).
    * Max enchant +16.
    * Life stones chances: Low 3%, Mid 6%, High 9%, Top 12%.

    * PvP rewards with EXP/SP/Adena/Items which players can use to make progress ingame.
    * Players get rewarded according to damage done on enemies when they die.
    * Players can be spoiled for extra rewards.
    * Debuffs and heals also count as damage.
    * Players get rewarded for resurrecting (limited to 5 minutes per player).
    * Healers, tankers, supports and summoners can gain PvP points by EXP.

    Class Balance
    No effect in olympiad:
    * CP/HP/MP Potions will regeneration 40 MP instead of 120 on healers.
    * FOI duration reduced to 8 seconds and cannot be used in boss events anymore.
    * Prayer is a self buff.
    * Blow damage bonus reduced from x2 to x1.4
    * Removed full lethal.
    * Cat/Pony buffs are self/owner only and increased to 4 hours.
    * Snipe duration reduced to 30 seconds.
    * All Fear/Stun duration reduced to 2 seconds.
    * All Mute/Paralyze/Root duration reduced to 4 seconds.
    * All Debuff/Sleep/Weakness/Betray duration reduced to 10 seconds.
    * Mana Burn power doubled.
    * Increased the amount of targets a warlord can hit by 5.
    * If a player gets resurrected by others in events, only HP will be restored to 70%.
    * Armor Mastery penalty enabled.
    * A summoner cannot send his summon to attack if target cannot be seen by the owner.
    * Reduced the range at which summoner can send his summon to attack from 2000 to 1600.
    * Reduced magic critical rate by 75%.
    * Reduced magic critical damage by 25%.
    * Reduced duelist force skills damage by 25%.
    * Reduced tyrant force skills damage by 10%.
    * Reduced archer critical damage by 15%.
    * Destroyers cannot take down more than 40% of target's max CP+HP in a single hit.
    * Destroyers cannot take down more than 10% of flags/unicorns HP in a single hit.
    * Increased warlord damage by 25%.
    * Increased summon damage by 20%.
    * Increased human tanker damage by 20% when not wearing a bow.
    * Increased elf/dark elf tanker damage by 50% when not wearing a bow.
    * Energy Stones cannot be used to increase force.
    * Necromancer summons doesn't require a corpse to be summoned.
    * Necromancer summons can only be buffed with speed buffs.
    * Heroic Valor is target self.
    * Heroic Miracle duration reduced to 8 seconds.
    * Hero Rod/Scepter heal chance reduced from 3% to 1%.
    * A healer cannot resurrect other healers in maps and mini events.
    * Mass resurrection is disabled in events.
    With effect in olympiad:
    * Aggression/Aura of Hate reuse delay increased from 3 seconds to 15 seconds.
    * Force Barrier reuse delay increased from 10 minutes to 15 minutes.
    * Mirage reuse delay increased from 5 minutes to 10 minutes.
    * Dash reuse delay increased from 8 seconds to 16 seconds.
    * Arrest range increased from 150 to 400.
    * Revival can be used at 15% HP instead of 5%.

    More Balance Changes
    * Gear dependent rewards - higher/lower rewards depends on killed target gear.
    * Team balance based on Elo/Count.
    * Anti farm / AFK systems.
    * Bonus buff for people who die too much without making kills.
    * Bonus buff for losing team during an event.

    * Only 1vs1 class irrelevant matches available.
    * Time left until olympiad period ends shows up for players upon login.
    * Runs only at Friday/Saturday/Sunday 18:00 GMT +2 until 22:00 GMT +2.
    * Weekly cycle with 1/4 rewards, heroes every Monday.
    * Fights regardless of player's faction.
    * Minimum participants needed is 5.
    * Registration to olympaid is open only for players with at least rank 5.

    * 5 Members maximum inside events.
    * Increased EXP/SP/Adena rewards when playing in party.
    * Party limiting to 28 points max, so a party cannot become too strong.
    * Healers count as 15 points, tankers as 12 points, anything else 0.
    * Brown title color for party members.

    * No clan penalties.
    * 10 members maximum in main clan.
    * 5 extra members for every royal guard/royal knight the clan has.
    * 2 clans maximum in an alliance.
    * Free leveling up to level 2.
    * Levels 3, 4 and 5 requires SP and quest items (buy able from GM shop).
    * Levels 6, 7 and 8 requires reputation points.
    * Only same faction can be invited to clan or alliance.
    * Weekly retail like Aden castle siege for clans with a variety of rewards.
    * Clan wars - clans can declare war against clans of opposite faction.

    Voiced Commands
    * .info - used during events to show the top players, the score of each team, the goal of the current event and to see own score.
    * .playalone / .playinparty - turn on/off random parties while joining events.
    * .shotsoff / .animon / .animoff / .allanimoff - show/hide animations, use if have client lags.
    * .scoreon / .scoreoff - show/hide the score bar during events.
    * .msgon / .msgoff - show/hide killing streak messages on screen.
    * .radaron / .radaroff - show/hide player radar in events.
    * .setpin / .changepin / .writepin - manage character-level security pin code.
    * .elo - if used on others can show others Elo points, otherwise shows self Elo points.
    * .joinparty - auto join a party during an event.

    * Starting level 76 with 3rd class (including sub classes).
    * Max level 80 (including sub classes).
    * Free class change and subclass.
    * Players can take any subclass, regardless of their main class/race.
    * Starting gear B-grade.
    * Rebirth system with skills as rewards.
    * Free noble after 3rd rebirth.
    * Unique achievements system with levels and amazing rewards.
    * Global vote reward system for Adena.
    * Personal vote reward system for temporary passive skill.
    * Double EXP/SP event at random times during the day.
    * Player ranks system.
    * Killing spree system.
    * Events voting system.
    * Announcements upon raid bosses/grand bosses spawn/death.
    * Full GM shop with gifts system.
    * Grand master for sub classes, clan/ally management, skill learning and more.
    * Toggle skill for CP/HP/MP instead of potions.
    * Return skill for all classes instead of SoE.
    * Special town for both factions for improved server economy.
    * Offline shops with dedicated store zone.
    * Trade chat is faction only chat.
    * Shout and Hero chats will show player's faction.
    * Players can duel in town.
    * Services NPC (Name/Gender change, Faction change etc).
    * Training Dummy NPCs to test your class from different perspectives.
    * Tablet of Information NPC shows useful tips, info and boss status.
    * Free warehouse and freight.
    * All NPCs available in town.
    * 10 seconds spawn protection.
    * Increased weight/inventory/private store slots.
    * No death penalties and no exp loss.
    * Max 1 client per PC can login.
    * Pin code security upon character login.
    * Mini games - Poker, Lottery and Casino.
    * Wedding with gotolove and extra skills.
    * Spoilers can spoil players for extra rewards.

    L2 Order VS Chaos Interlude Factions Server

    L2 Order VS Chaos Factions Server
    Forums - L2 Order VS Chaos Community
    Opening Date: 25/11/2016 16:00 GMT+2

    Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5MYoGJM9lc

    The game play is based on a routine of events which will run constantly one after another, each event has its own unique set of features.
    The event routine includes maps, faction events, mini events and a chance for a boss event at the end of each routine.
    The Portal NPC will display statistics from past events as well as personal player statistics.
    Every weekend there's also a unique retail like event running.

    Longest time events with biggest kind of goals to accomplish.
    Maps will end faster if their goal is achieved.
    A raid boss will spawn 5 minutes before the map ends.

    Currently implemented map types are:
    * Battlefield - Transfer as many bases as possible from the enemy to your team by killing them.

    * Capture the Flag - Steal as many flags as possible from the enemy and deliver it back to your base.

    * Domination - Rule a certain area on the map for as much time as possible by having more players in it than the enemy.

    * Escort - Protect an NPC from the enemy team while it makes its way from one point of the map to another.

    * Fortress - Use the Capture Fort skill on the NPC inside the fortress to capture it for your side.

    * Siege - Kill the king inside the castle in order to capture it and prevent the enemy from killing your king.

    * Team VS Team - Kill as many enemies as possible to score for your team.

    Faction Events
    After a map ends a faction event will start.
    Faction events are divided into 2 realms, each team will get its own realm.
    The teams are not able to see each other, the first team to complete the event goal wins.
    The score bar will show both teams the progression of each team.

    Currently implemented faction events:
    * Blood Castle - Pass all 3 stages by killing all monsters and then killing the Seer boss at the end.
    * Clear the Chamber - Kill all the monsters before the enemy does.
    * City Under Attack - Be the first to kill 50 invading monsters.
    * Kill the God - Be the first to slay the enemy god.
    * Rescue the Princess - Kill the boss at each stage in order to free the princess.
    * Search the Beast - Find and kill the hidden beast.
    * Lair of the Snowman - Get through all the snowman to kill the Ice Queen at the end.
    * The Magician's Tower - Weaken the magician by killing all its minions and then kill him.
    * Wisdom Test - Answer correctly as many questions as possible to weaken the boss and kill it.

    Mini Events
    A mini event will start after a faction event.
    Players will have 3 minutes to register before the mini event will start.
    These are usually short time events with small objectives to complete.

    Currently implemented mini events:
    * Battlefield - Use the Capture Base skill on each NPC in order to capture it for your side.
    * Bomb Fight - Use the Bomb skill to spawn NPC that explodes after 3 seconds and kills all surrounding enemies.
    * Death Match - Make the biggest amount of kills in order to win the event.
    * Hunting Grounds - Use the bow to shoot enemies and turn them into your side.
    * Korean TvT - Survive more rounds than the enemy in order to win.
    * Last Man Standing - Survive the event in order to win.
    * Lucky Chests - Open as many chests as possible in order to win.
    * Humans VS Mutants - Make as many mutant kills or kills as a mutant as possible.
    * Raid in the Middle - Kill the boss while staying safe from the enemy team.
    * Russian Roulette - Each round try to guess which chest won't die in order to win.
    * Simon Says - Say exactly what Simon says each round in order to win.
    * VIP TvT - Kill the enemy VIP while keeping yours safe.
    * Humans VS Zombies - Be the last to survive the apocalypse.

    Boss Events
    After every mini event there's a chance a grand boss event will start.
    Chance depends on amount of players online and day of week.
    There are 2 types of boss events: Team VS Team and Free for All.
    FFA will start only if there's not enough players for a TvT.
    In order to increase your chance for better rewards, you must take a vital part in the event.

    Currently implemented boss events:
    * Antharas
    * Baium
    * Core
    * Frintezza
    * Orfen
    * Queen Ant
    * Sailren
    * Valakas
    * Zaken

    Weekend Events
    These type of events are a mimic of the retail ones.
    They will run every weekend from Friday to Monday.
    These events will grant extra boost and fun to everyone.
    Currently implemented weekend events:

    * Change of Heart - Collect 9 heart pieces in order to play a paper, rock, scissors game and win rewards.
    * Heavy Medals - Collect medals to increase your event rank, better event rank means better rewards.
    * Letter Collector - Build up words from letters, the more words the better rewards you'll get.
    * Master of Enchanting - Try to enchant a staff as high as possible for better rewards.
    * Playing with Fire - Get ingredients for making fireworks, the more fireworks you make the more rewards you get.
    * Power of Love - Collect Tokens of Love and trade them for a reward.
    * Squish the Squash - Collect Pollens and use them to buy/grow a seed, better squashes means better rewards.
    * Zaken's Curse - Pigs will spawn randomly during maps, killing pigs results in getting rewarded.

    * AIO buffer with 7 premade editable schemes.
    * Option to restore default schemes.
    * 4 hours buff duration.
    * Buff slots 20+4.
    * Summons restore buffs when resummoned.
    * Buffs kept after death (including toggles).
    * Cubics casted on self are kept after death and last for 4 hours.
    * Anti buff griefing system.
    * Symbols and Event buffs do not take a buff slot.
    * Cancelled buffs return after 7 seconds.

    * Retail enchant rates.
    * Only blessed enchant scrolls available.
    * Safe enchant +3 (+4 full body).
    * Max enchant +16.
    * Life stones chances: Low 3%, Mid 6%, High 9%, Top 12%.

    * PvP rewards with EXP/SP/Adena/Items which players can use to make progress ingame.
    * Players get rewarded according to damage done on enemies when they die.
    * Players can be spoiled for extra rewards.
    * Debuffs and heals also count as damage.
    * Players get rewarded for resurrecting (limited to 5 minutes per player).
    * Healers, tankers, supports and summoners can gain PvP points by EXP.

    Class Balance
    No effect in olympiad:
    * CP/HP/MP Potions will regeneration 40 MP instead of 120 on healers.
    * FOI duration reduced to 8 seconds and cannot be used in boss events anymore.
    * Prayer is a self buff.
    * Blow damage bonus reduced from x2 to x1.4
    * Removed full lethal.
    * Cat/Pony buffs are self/owner only and increased to 4 hours.
    * Snipe duration reduced to 30 seconds.
    * All Fear/Stun duration reduced to 2 seconds.
    * All Mute/Paralyze/Root duration reduced to 4 seconds.
    * All Debuff/Sleep/Weakness/Betray duration reduced to 10 seconds.
    * Mana Burn power doubled.
    * Increased the amount of targets a warlord can hit by 5.
    * If a player gets resurrected by others in events, only HP will be restored to 70%.
    * Armor Mastery penalty enabled.
    * A summoner cannot send his summon to attack if target cannot be seen by the owner.
    * Reduced the range at which summoner can send his summon to attack from 2000 to 1600.
    * Reduced magic critical rate by 75%.
    * Reduced magic critical damage by 25%.
    * Reduced duelist force skills damage by 25%.
    * Reduced tyrant force skills damage by 10%.
    * Reduced archer critical damage by 15%.
    * Destroyers cannot take down more than 40% of target's max CP+HP in a single hit.
    * Destroyers cannot take down more than 10% of flags/unicorns HP in a single hit.
    * Increased warlord damage by 25%.
    * Increased summon damage by 20%.
    * Increased human tanker damage by 20% when not wearing a bow.
    * Increased elf/dark elf tanker damage by 50% when not wearing a bow.
    * Energy Stones cannot be used to increase force.
    * Necromancer summons doesn't require a corpse to be summoned.
    * Necromancer summons can only be buffed with speed buffs.
    * Heroic Valor is target self.
    * Heroic Miracle duration reduced to 8 seconds.
    * Hero Rod/Scepter heal chance reduced from 3% to 1%.
    * A healer cannot resurrect other healers in maps and mini events.
    * Mass resurrection is disabled in events.

    With effect in olympiad:
    * Aggression/Aura of Hate reuse delay increased from 3 seconds to 15 seconds.
    * Force Barrier reuse delay increased from 10 minutes to 15 minutes.
    * Mirage reuse delay increased from 5 minutes to 10 minutes.
    * Dash reuse delay increased from 8 seconds to 16 seconds.
    * Arrest range increased from 150 to 400.
    * Revival can be used at 15% HP instead of 5%.

    More Balance Changes
    * Gear dependent rewards - higher/lower rewards depends on killed target gear.
    * Team balance based on Elo/Count.
    * Anti farm / AFK systems.
    * Bonus buff for people who die too much without making kills.
    * Bonus buff for losing team during an event.

    * Only 1vs1 class irrelevant matches available.
    * Time left until olympiad period ends shows up for players upon login.
    * Runs only at Friday/Saturday/Sunday 18:00 GMT +2 until 22:00 GMT +2.
    * Weekly cycle with 1/4 rewards, heroes every Monday.
    * Fights regardless of player's faction.
    * Minimum participants needed is 5.
    * Registration to olympaid is open only for players with at least rank 5.

    * 5 Members maximum inside events.
    * Increased EXP/SP/Adena rewards when playing in party.
    * Party limiting to 28 points max, so a party cannot become too strong.
    * Healers count as 15 points, tankers as 12 points, anything else 0.
    * Brown title color for party members.

    * No clan penalties.
    * 10 members maximum in main clan.
    * 5 extra members for every royal guard/royal knight the clan has.
    * 2 clans maximum in an alliance.
    * Free leveling up to level 2.
    * Levels 3, 4 and 5 requires SP and quest items (buy able from GM shop).
    * Levels 6, 7 and 8 requires reputation points.
    * Only same faction can be invited to clan or alliance.
    * Weekly retail like Aden castle siege for clans with a variety of rewards.
    * Clan wars - clans can declare war against clans of opposite faction.

    Voiced Commands
    * .info - used during events to show the top players, the score of each team, the goal of the current event and to see own score.
    * .playalone / .playinparty - turn on/off random parties while joining events.
    * .shotsoff / .animon / .animoff / .allanimoff - show/hide animations, use if have client lags.
    * .scoreon / .scoreoff - show/hide the score bar during events.
    * .msgon / .msgoff - show/hide killing streak messages on screen.
    * .radaron / .radaroff - show/hide player radar in events.
    * .setpin / .changepin / .writepin - manage character-level security pin code.
    * .elo - if used on others can show others Elo points, otherwise shows self Elo points.
    * .joinparty - auto join a party during an event.

    * Starting level 76 with 3rd class (including sub classes).
    * Max level 80 (including sub classes).
    * Free class change and subclass.
    * Players can take any subclass, regardless of their main class/race.
    * Starting gear B-grade.
    * Rebirth system with skills as rewards.
    * Free noble after 3rd rebirth.
    * Unique achievements system with levels and amazing rewards.
    * Global vote reward system for Adena.
    * Personal vote reward system for temporary passive skill.
    * Double EXP/SP event at random times during the day.
    * Player ranks system.
    * Killing spree system.
    * Events voting system.
    * Announcements upon raid bosses/grand bosses spawn/death.
    * Full GM shop with gifts system.
    * Grand master for sub classes, clan/ally management, skill learning and more.
    * Toggle skill for CP/HP/MP instead of potions.
    * Return skill for all classes instead of SoE.
    * Special town for both factions for improved server economy.
    * Offline shops with dedicated store zone.
    * Trade chat is faction only chat.
    * Shout and Hero chats will show player's faction.
    * Players can duel in town.
    * Services NPC (Name/Gender change, Faction change etc).
    * Training Dummy NPCs to test your class from different perspectives.
    * Tablet of Information NPC shows useful tips, info and boss status.
    * Free warehouse and freight.
    * All NPCs available in town.
    * 10 seconds spawn protection.
    * Increased weight/inventory/private store slots.
    * No death penalties and no exp loss.
    * Max 1 client per PC can login.
    * Pin code security upon character login.
    * Mini games - Poker, Lottery and Casino.
    * Wedding with gotolove and extra skills.
    * Spoilers can spoil players for extra rewards.

    Website: L2 Order VS Chaos Factions Server
    Forum: Forums - L2 Order VS Chaos Community
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/L2OvC/

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=27044.0

