
Author Topic: [L2J] Interlude Lineage 2 RadioArvyla  (Read 1842 times)

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    [L2J] Interlude Lineage 2 RadioArvyla
    « on: April 04, 2016, 08:30:31 AM »
    Server Start 2016-04-7 12:00 (GMT+2) (Server Beta Is On)
    Server Rates
    Xp: 5000x
    Sp: 3000x
    Party Xp: 1.0x
    Party Sp: 1.0x
    Drop: 10x
    Adena: 1000x
    Spoil: 5x
    Interlude C6
    Enchantment Rates
    Max for normal items is +20.
    Max for custom items is +10.
    All the normal items are automatic +4.
    Safe +0 Customs.
    The enchant rate for normal items starts from 95% and in every enchant loses -5%.
    The enchant rate for custom items starts from 75% for 3 enchants and in every enchant after 3 loses -10%.
    With normal enchant scrolls the normal items when it fails will be +4.
    With normal enchant scrolls the custom items when it fails will be vanished.
    With crystal enchant scrolls the normal items when it fails will be +10. Also are usable only after +10.
    With crystal enchant scrolls the custom items when it fails will be +0.
    With blessed enchant scrolls the normal items when it fails will take a penalty of -2 enchant level. Also are usable only after +15.
    With blessed enchant scrolls the custom items when it fails will take a penalty of -1 enchant level. Also are usable only after +7.
    Auto Pvp Enchanting with rate 2% for weapons 4% for the others. Can be enchanted until 18 for normal items and 8 for custom items.
    Augmentation Chances: Mid 5%, High 10%, Top 15%.
    Scrolls, Lifestones and Book of Giants are stackable
    When you are making doubleClick on a Lifestone the Augmention table will appears
    When you are making on the Gemstones C the Remove Augmetion table will appears
    Custom effect when you are making skill enchanting
    Olympiad Information
    Olympiad Starts: 18:00 (GMT+4)
    Olympiad Ends: 00:00 (GMT+4)
    Hero Changes: Every Sunday 00:00 (GMT+4)
    Olympiad points have to be exchanged on Sunday
    Hero Status can be retrieved from Monument of Heroes
    Additional Information
    Buffs 3h
    Increased movement speed on all classes
    ANTI-Buff added on all Classes
    Main Town Aden
    Fully working RaidBosses
    Fully working GrandBosses
    Fully working Offline shops
    Fully working Sieges
    Global Olympiad
    Ideally balanced classes (accomplished in Olympiad environment)
    #Entering the Game
    L2RadioArvyla Entering the Game.

    Auto noblesse login
    200kk Adena
    mp, healing, cp(lvl1 150 cp) pots and SS,BSS
    A Security Key untradeable, undroppable, undestroyable and unsellable. By using this key you can submit your security code(if u have one) so you can have full access on your player.
    You can create a code by using the command .security
    Summon CP Potion skill can give you up to 100 CP potions lvl 2 (300 cp recover). The reuse time is same for mages and fighters.
    The class manager is making you direct on the last class that you want.
    Entering in Aden(Main Town) level 80.
    Hero announce system(no matters if you re on sub. The system will announce u will ur base class). Clan leader announce system(All the clan leaders that own a Castle).
    Raid Bosses announce system(When a raid make his appear it will be announced).
    Forbidden names system. By entering the name in the config this name will be disabled to use it in game.
    Joinable in Aden
    Lvl 83-89 to join
    2 Teams [Yellow & Green]
    Price for the winner Team 4 Not allowed Einhasad
    Price for the losers 1 Not allowed Einhasad
    Additional 1 Not allowed Einhasad for the Top Killer
    You cant attack your teamates with hit or spells
    5 minutes the registration
    10 minutes the event
    TvT Every 1hours
    Joinable in Aden
    Lvl 83-89 to join
    2 Teams [Yellow & Green]
    Price for the winner Team 4 Not allowed Einhasad
    Price for the losers 1 Not allowed Einhasad
    Additional 1 Not allowed Einhasad for the Top Killer
    You cant attack your teamates with hit or spells
    5 minutes the registration
    10 minutes the event
    CTF Every 1hours
    Joinable in Aden
    Lvl 83-89 to join
    The 3 first top killers will take 2 Not allowed Einhasad as reward
    5 minutes the registration
    10 minutes the event
    CTF Every 1hours
    Our L2RadioArvyla #Farming
    Alt+Click to see the Status,Drops. The Ancient Adena and the Adena are not included.
    Gludin as a safe farm for the newbies. Not a lot mobs but their respawn is low. Getting coins and bogs.
    Ruins of Despair is a normal farming zone without guards and all the mobs, one Raid Boss and a random spawn Mob that spawns almost every 3,5 hours there or in Abandonded Camp.
    Abandonded Camp is a normal farming zone without guards and all the mobs, one Raid Boss and a random spawn Mob that spawns almost every 3,5 hours there or in Ruins of Despair.
    A random mob with nice drops appears in Hunters Village or in Rune every 3,5 hours.
    9 Raid Bosses in every single region. 1 for every region. They appears in the gatekeeper as "ZoneName(Rare)". Respawning time 6-12 hours
    5 Grand Bosses that drops Jewels and items. 12-24 hour respawn. To enter you need event medal that you can earn it only by voting!
    Custom items. Titanium armor with 5 parts. Dynasty armor. Icarus weapons, dynasty weapons, Relic weapons and Accessories with custom stats. The armors are gaining ++ status by enchating them. Starting at +5, +8 and +10.The Dynasty Rapier works as a dagger and a swords. You can use Blows and every single skill that use sword.
    Relic weapons got unique aura enchanting. Different in every weapon. Also they can debuff you on critical hits. Like "Trick,Silence,Hex etc".
    Unique SS Effects on attacks by the Custom weapons. 0 to 3 the first effect 4-6 second effect 7-9 third effect and +10 the last effect. Rly Beautiful*
    Customs coins. Adena, Golden Apiga, Bloody Pa'agrio, Silver Shilen, Not allowed Einhasad, Blue Eva, Festival Adena, Event Medal, Glittering Medal.
    Creating Golden apiga by 1kkk adena. .deposit .withdraw commands
    Creating Silver Shilen by 50 Bloody Pa'agrio. Not allowed Einhasad are with low rates.
    Blue eva by 25 Not allowed Einhasad.
    Festival Adena by RB'S and Voting(after 20 votes the choice will appear).
    Event and Glittering Medals only by Voting.
    3 New items that are used to Seed yourself with the Effect of Seed of Fire, Water and Wind. Usable only on urself.
    New potions Battle and War Pots. Increases pvpDamage or pvpDefense. in FameShop
    Herbs with different effects. in FameShop
    Different Healing Pots. in FameShop
    Reputation points
    Server Hardware
    Intel Xeon Processor E7-8870
    24 GB RAM DDR 3
    350 GB SATA-II SSD
    Operating System: Linux
    Server conection: 1Gbps/S (Gourd tunnel Tunel 45Gbps/s)


    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=25746.0

