We did not notice how fast we attain one more spring with you, our dear Lineage2 players! Days are getting longer, snow melts and everything is waking up! On this occasion we would like to wake you up too and announce great news about Lineage2 Interlude X150 Opening at 2016 March 11 19:00 GMT+2!
New season - new opportunity! It is new chance for old and new players to get whatever they want. Chance to be one of server leaders, lead for clan, occupy castles, be first of PVP or PK lists, find new friends and the most important thing - spend great time!L2BLAZE.NET INTERLUDE X150 OPENING:2016 March 11th 19:00 GMT+2!Streamers EVENT 10FA/2H!
Every streamer who will broadcast X150 Warfire server, every 2 hours will get 10 Festival Adenas! Turn on your camera, take a coffee and start your broadcast from server opening! To take your reward, contact with our support.
Advertise server opening information in gaming forums, which you will find in our forum: HERE and for every two topics you will get 1 Festival Adenas. Links with screens send to our support skype. More you advertise - more easier game will be for you!
How to connect STEP BY STEP:1. Install clear Lineage2 Interlude client
2. Download our patch, delete old system folder and add our
3. Delete, turn off anti virus or add our system folder to anti virus exceptions
4. Run l2.exe from Lineage2/system
5. Enter data on login window and enjoy the game!
* You have to remove, turn off or use exceptions of antivirus because of our security protection. It is not a virus.
* If you have connection issues with Windows 8 or 10, press right mouse button on l2.exe icon, press Properties, choose compatibility and unmark compatibility mode.
Special Clans EVENT! Clans which have 15 or more active and online players everyday and 5th clan level will get 2 Noblesse Letters 76lvl for clan members and 10 000 CRP! For reward contact with our support!
Hearts of War EVENT!Collect War Hearts from Hot Springs monsters: Yeti, Buffalo, Antelope, Bandersnatch with 3% and Heart Breaker Boss in Cursed Village! You can trade it, sell it or spend in shop!
Raid Boss Heart Breaker spawn every 2 hours!

* First heroes will be formed after march 19 fights!
- Updated latest Geodata and Pathnodes.
- Increased Valakas PVP zone.
- Added Wild Magic buff to buffer.
- Increased Raid Boss full items drop rate.
- Update for Premium status.
- Updated skills stats: Stun, Cancel, Cleanse, Anchor, Erase.
- Updated Valakas Necklace stats.
- Updated Queen Ant PVP zone.
- Castle Sieges fix.
- Critical errors fix.
- Added missing drop to mobs.
- Updated servitors stats and skills.
- Fix for Frintezza instance.
- Update for weak/strong Antharas, depends from inside people.
List will be updated!
Invite your friends, clan, alliance, enemys, sharp your swords, clean your armors and meet your destiny at 2016 March 11 19:00 GMT+2!WEBSITE: