
Author Topic: [L2J] L2 Realm x10 high five 16.10.2015 100% Custom Java Platform 2500+ Expected  (Read 1887 times)

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    Hardcore x10 Rates.

    Grand Opening 16.10.2015

    Open Beta Test 09.10.2015 (or early)

    1500+ unique gamers registered in our Forums. 2500+ Expected.

    One month of advertise and events begun!

    Website: http://lineage-realm.net/index.html


    EXP/SP: x10
    Party Bonus Rate: 2-25%, 3-40%, 4-50%, 5-60%, 6-70%, 7-100%, 8-110%, 9-120%
    Drop: chance 5, amount 1 (Recs-Keys 1)
    Adena: x5
    Spoil: x5
    SealStone: 5
    Safe Enchant: 3
    Max Enchant: 16
    Normal Scroll Enchant Rate: 55%
    Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 60%
    Elemental Max. Level: Level 7
    Element Stone Rate: 50%
    Element Crystals Rate: 40%
    GrandBossDrop: x1
    Quest Drop: x3
    Quest Reward: x3
    Rate Extract Fish: x5
    Manor: x5
    Weight: x5

    Features & Configuration

    Server, Site and Forum Time GMT+2.
    NCP Buffer
    Mana Potions
    Buffs, Dances and songs Duration 2 hours.
    Buff Slots 24 (+4 Divine Inspiration).
    Dance and Songs Slots 14.
    Sieges and Territory wars every weekend.
    2 Weeks Olympiad period: every 1st and 15th of the month there will be new heroes.
    Olympiads Max Enchant +6 (Items enchanted more then +6 have stats like +6).
    Olympiad Start Everyday from 21:00 to 00:00 GMT+2.
    GM Shop up to S-Grade.
    Mana Pots
    Starting Newbie packages
    Unique Achievements System.
    Exclusive Anti-Bot + Report system.
    Special Vote Reward System (Higher reward for every vote banner and unique item after you cast your vote).
    No more scam* with our Ingame Security system.
    Inventory and his Slots increased.
    Droplist database Search Engine.
    New* Academy Search and Recruit system.
    Unique Augumentation System *New.
    New Nexus Event Engine with many unseen events.
    New unique Community Board.
    Underground Coliseum.
    Party-Matching System.
    Sub-Class without quest, Max sub Level 85.
    Auto Learn Skills.
    Auto Loot Configurable.
    Offline Buffers.
    Offline Shops.
    New Auction System (similar to Diablo)
    Visual System.
    Raidboss and GrandBoss Info.
    Wedding System.
    Champions System.
    Vitality System.
    40+ New Clan Halls.
    Auto Shots on Login


    Every 1 hour, 10 minutes Registration time, 15 minutes Duration.
    Team vs Team
    Capture the Flag
    Tresure Hunt
    Korean Style
    Last Hero
    Tournaments 1v1, 2v2, 3v3
    9vs9 Tournament: http://lineage-realm.net/forum/index.php?threads/event-9vs9-tournament.17/
    Mass Advertise With Rewards: http://lineage-realm.net/forum/index.php?threads/event-mass-advertise.97/
    Clans Confirmed to Join: http://lineage-realm.net/forum/index.php?threads/clans-confirmed-to-join.113/
    Apply for Streamer: http://lineage-realm.net/forum/index.php?threads/event-apply-for-streamer-in-l2-realm.309/
    Introduce Yourself: http://lineage-realm.net/forum/index.php?threads/event-introduce-yourself.312/
    Giveaways: http://lineage-realm.net/forum/index.php?threads/event-rewards-giveaways.77/
    Every Friday Night 1 round of the brackets will be played.


    High ingame protection for your Characters & Accounts.
    For complete satisfaction and pure gameplay with no Scams, Theft, Bots - we introduce to you our security methods below:

    Best Anti-Bot protection so far developed specificly for our private project. While it detects most of the famous illegal programs, clickers, bots.. we continue develop it furter because it aint catching all 100% of them. Thats why we have few more methods inplace. Such as ACTIVE GM'S, speaking English, Russian, Greek, Portuguese, Bulgarian.. and..

    .Security command gives you the options to set password to your Character and everytime you login you MUST identify first with .security using your password set. If you fail to enter the correct password your account can't trade, drop, pvp, or anything.
    .Report - You can /target and report bad players (bots, fake shops, scamers, spamers etc).
    .Captcha - Opens randomly while you farm and you have to answer it. If you are afk or bot punishment is automatic.
    .HWID settings to lock your account per hardware id(only your computer can log it).
    Website: http://lineage-realm.net/
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.../Lineage2Realm/
    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/L2Realm.net
    Vkontakte: http://vk.com/lineage2realm
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lineage2Realm
    Skype: Svetoslav1g

    Best regards,
    Lineage-Realm Team

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=24440.0
    « Last Edit: September 20, 2015, 05:07:44 AM by GraetMaestro »

