Ladies & gentlemen, we proudly present Lineage II Elcardia.
This server has been opened one time in the past but closed due lack of players. This one, is a newer version of L2Elcardia with +/- features. The results will amaze you, because we did our best for you. Because words are poor receipts for what time hath stole away, let's see the preview.
Server Rates - Experience Points: x1000
- Skill Points: x1000
- Adena Drop: x1
- Consumables Drop: x1
Enchant Rates - Safe Enchant: +4
- Max Enchant: +16
- Max Enchant with Crystal: +20
- Normal Scroll Chance: 70% (from +0 to +16)
- Blessed Scroll Chance: 90% (from +0 to +16)
- Crystal Scroll Chance: 80% (from +16 to +20, in case of failure it goes back to +16)
Augmentation - Chances have been removed.
- Augmentation Rate: 15% (Top grade only)
- Usable Skills: 1 Active & 1 Passive
Additional Information - Available NPCs at Giran.
- Available buff slots: 48
- Available subclasses: 5
- Subclass level: 80
- Geodata & pathnodes
- Spawn & teleport protection.
- Auto learn skills.
- Auto loot.
- Increased inventory slots.
- Champion monsters with extra rewards (Blue Eva * 3 & Golden Apiga).
- Disabled clan penalty.
- Disabled weight penalty.
- Disabled raid curse.
- Disabled delevel.
- Disabled death penalty.
- Disabled freight warehouse function.
- Disabled crafting.
- Disabled subclass quest.
- Disabled item requirment for clan skills.
- Disabled community board.
- Disabled tutorial.
- Aden, Giran, Goddard sieges (every sunday at 18:00).
Retail Features - Almost everything works fine, nothing to explain here.
Olympiad - Starts at 18:00 (GMT+2)
- Ends at 00:00 (GMT+2)
- Weekly period.
- Retail olympiad engine.
- After every game, your skills are getting refreshed.
- Olympiad register restriction (player needs 50 PvP to register at Olympiad).
- Olympiad counted enchant: +4
Custom Features - Title colors based on PvPs (125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 pvp).
- Killing spree (every 5 pvp kills).
- Item rewards for pvp, pk kills & killing spree.
- All-in-one subclass master.
- Heroic valor is available on subclasses.
- Inconsumable soulshots (you have to buy only 1).
- Scheme buffer (including pet buff support).
- Cancellation skill returns buffs after 7 seconds.
- Nobless item.
- New exchanging method between Adena, Not allowed Bar (double-click on them).
- Stackable items (lifestones, book of giants, scrolls).
- Armory restriction.
- Massive pvp zone (auto nobless, restore, respawn inside)
- TvT Event (/events in-game).
- Visualize system (/visual in-game)(known as dressMe).
Detailed Custom Features Global Vote Rewarder The common global vote reward system. It's synchronized with Hopzone, Topzone & L2Network.
Individual Vote Rewarder The common individual vote reward system. It's synchronized with Hopzone, Topzone & L2Network.
Target Revelation It's a brand new mini-feature. When someone targets you, a message appears in chat.
Lucky Manager A funny feature that everybody loves. It's also known as "Casino".
Hourly Top PvP Player Every hour, the system checks which player did the most pvp. The winner, gets a reward.
Hourly Top Farm Player Every hour, the system checks which player killed more monsters (system counts only the custom farm monster). The winner, gets a reward.
Master of Enchanting A brand new idea made by me for you. This event can be enabled only by me (it's not automatic, for now). When I enable this event, you have 10 minutes to register. After registration phase, the registrants will take 1 MoE (stands for event's name) weapon and a bunch of MoE scrolls. The event gives 2 minutes enchant phase, that means that you have 2 minutes to enchant the weapon.
The higher enchant wins!
Special Clan Functions We have made 3 new functions for clan leaders. You can upgrade your clan at server's high priest at clan section.
Achievements A brand new system made by me for you. It's really entertaining and bless you with the achieve feeling.
Death Recap A smart system to prevent corruption.
Heartless Raid A really special raid boss.
Enough with words. Please, give a minute to register in our community boards for more information, new out-game events and many many more!
Website (Online - Under construction)
Community Boards (Online - Under construction)
Facebook Page (Offline)