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    [L2J] L2JAVA New Season
    « on: April 30, 2016, 04:36:14 AM »
    L2Java 5000x bye bye buggers!

    We want to announce, what TODAY (2016 04 30) 8PM (GMT +2) will be new Lineage2 Interlude L2Java - Lineage2 L2J Interlude servers (PVP, Faction, Stuck Sub) 5000x PVP server season start!
    And we called it "Bye Bye buggers"

    A lot of work was done in past months and a lot of things was fixed in L2Java 5000x server and soon server will be ready for fresh start!
    Forum and mail system was fixed too! And we have new GM: Plunksna!

    Most important updates:

    * Castle sieges was fixed.
    * 100% now will work skills and augments (well if not 100%, than 99% should be  )
    * Olympiad was fixed
    * Movement system was fixed and renewed Geodata
    * GM shop was reworked
    * Now NPC spawns should be dinamic, like L2Off
    * Added auto buffs for newbie players
    * Added Poker game!
    * Added Event Engine
    * Added Bug report manager
    * Modified Community board (now are settings to turn off exp, loot, npc levels and etc)
    * Added new pvp rank system!
    * Now all epic raid boss have drops (Queen Ant, Core, Orfen, Baium, Antharas, Valakas)
    * Others raid boss 70+ lvl will have custom drop too
    * Added Hero item (hero for 24 hours, drop from epic boss)
    * Added NPC with Raid boss info
    * Modified Cancel skill (you will get back canceled buffs in 15 seconds)
    * Reworked all zones!
    * New items: Blue Marks, Life Coins, Event Coins, Premium adena
    * Security from botting
    * And others updates, which i forgot to write here

    What we need to do more? Most important things, to increase more balance for classes (becouse a lot of skills, which don't worked before, now should work) and we will do it in live server!

    And other server features:

    Exp/SP 5000x
    Enchant success: 85%
    Max enchant +35
    No quests for proffession, subclass, nobless
    Buffer, buff time 9 hours.
    Class changer
    Statistic NPC
    Offline shop
    Top players NPC
    Augments like enchant scrolls
    Auto nobless
    Invasion event
    Custom champion system

    Well, in other words, it's completely new server with new custom zones, without bugs and with new features!

    What you need to do, it's just download new system and wait for server start!

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=25910.0
    « Last Edit: April 30, 2016, 05:06:37 AM by GraetMaestro »

