www.l2luckystrike.comCheck our promotional trailer:
https://youtu.be/zfft6HVU4okGRAND OPENING April 1st 16:00 CET
Welcome to L2LuckyStrike, the revolution of PvP servers. Our server have the most innovative features and incredible file sources with development everyday. If you love PvP, enjoy challenging PvE and can't wait to fight against the most powerful enemies you must join us on
www.l2luckystrike.comDiscover much more features on our website and become a part of the new movement of revolutionary PvP.
Chronicle: High Five Part 5. Rates x5000
Starting level: 85
Subclass starting level: 85
Max Subclasses: 3
High Five Part 5 chronicle
GM Shop, NPC buffer and custom farm zone
Enchants from 87% to 99%
No safe enchant, no limit enchant.
Attribute max lvl 7 instant with one stone
Learn more about the unique item/enchant system on the post of our forum:
http://www.l2luckystrike.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5All buffs available (except kamael and class specific)
Npc Buffs enchanted +30/+15, 24 hour duration
36 buff slots, 16 dances
Mana potions available
Unique raid system of public instances for one party and big clans
PvP Reward and Class Balance
Heroes, Sieges and Territory war every week
Cancel and Steal Divinity return buffs
Overbuff protection
Olympiad anti-feed protection
PvP Items can be enchanted, augmented, and elemented
All cloaks have the same stats
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=23017.0