
Author Topic: [L2J] l2Platform.com pvp tomorrow!! 12:00+2gmt  (Read 1595 times)

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    [L2J] l2Platform.com pvp tomorrow!! 12:00+2gmt
    « on: October 23, 2015, 02:59:56 AM »
     L2Platform server information:
    web www.l2platform.com
     Rates: Exp - 5000x/ Sp - 5000x/ Aden - 1x/ Drop - 1x/ Spoil - 1x.
     Enchant rates: Simple scroll: 80%/ Blessed: 90%/ Crystall: 100%/ Safe +3/ Max +15./ Max enchant with crystal: +20.

    client - Interlude.
    No custom item.


    Npc Buffer (Buffs 2 Hous).

    NPC: Augment.
    Augmentations (Buffs2 Hous).
    Augmentations 10% (No Limit-Active, 1-Passive.

    NPC: Event Taider.
    Hot Springs: Flu, Malaria (Buffs 1 Hous).
    Buff Skill Shop (Help You Olympiad And TVT).
    Event Items (Accessory).

    NPC: Skill Enchanter.
    All Skill Enchanter Rate (1-30 70%).
    Tatto 10Lv Items 10% CP/HP/MP, 20% Run Speed.

    Professional changer.
    Subclass without quest.
    Nobless Kill Baraciel.

    Npc: TOP Manager (Top 10 PVP/PK/ONLINE).
    Npc: Warehouse.
    Npc: Raid Boss Info.

     Game Zone:
    Npc: Epic Boss GK.
    Epic Boss (Spawn 2 Hours).
    5 Epic Boss (Drop: Epic Jewels).

    Npc: Gatekeeper.
    Main Town - Gludio.
    Main Town - Giran.
    Farming zone (Aden, Ancient Adena).
    Zone (Top-Life Stone).

    Raid Boss (12 Raid Boss).
    Raid Boss (Spawn 2 Hours).
    Raid Boss (Barakiel, Drop: Raid Boss Items )(+Nobles Status).
    Raid Boss (Giant Olkuth, Drop: Ancient Adena).
    Raid Boss (Lord Ipos, Drop: Adena).
    Raid Boss (Rahha, Drop: Adena, Ancient Adena, Raid Boss Items).
    Raid Boss (Gordon, Drop: Adena, Ancient Adena, Raid Boss Items).
    Raid Boss (Ice Fairy Sirra, Drop: Adena, Ancient Adena, Raid Boss Items).
    Raid Boss (Benom, Drop: Adena, Ancient Adena, Raid Boss Items).
    Raid Boss (Demons Agent Falston, Drop: Adena, Ancient Adena, Raid Boss Items).
    Raid Boss (Cats Eye Bandit, Drop: Adena, Ancient Adena, Raid Boss Items).
    Raid Boss (Ketras Chief Brakki, Drop: Adena, Ancient Adena, Raid Boss Items).
    Raid Boss (Anakim, Drop: Adena, Ancient Adena, Raid Boss Items).
    Raid Boss (Lilith, Drop: Adena, Ancient Adena, Raid Boss Items).

    NPC: Clan And Alliance.
    NPC: Service.
    8 Level Clan Free.
    All Clan Player get 8 Level Clan Skill(No Need Categories).
    Special Rep. Point Quest (Kill 1 Tyranosaurus = 500 Rep. Points).

    Olympiad start time [15:00].
    Competition period [7 Days].
    All Player Have [10k Point].
    Max Lose [3 Point].

     Server Event:
    Tvt Event 60 min.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=24692.0
    « Last Edit: October 23, 2015, 12:41:20 PM by GraetMaestro »

