Lineage 2 ROT - Bard x20
Chronicle: : Gracia Epilogue
Platform: L2J
Start Date: 18.12.2015r. godz. 7:00 Pm(polish time gmt+1)
General Info:
XP - 20x
SP - 20x
Adena - 15x
Drop - 10x
Spoil - 15x
Quest Reward - 5x
Quest Drop - 5x
Raidboss Drop - 3x
Rate Party XP - 1.6x
Rate Party SP - 1.6x
Enchantment Rates:
Max Enchant: +20
Safe Enchant: +3
Simple Scroll: 60%
Blessed Scroll: 60%
Raidboss Respawn:
Valakas: 192+2
Antharas: 168+1
Baium: 96+1
Frintezza: 48+1
Zaken: 48+1
Queen Ant: 24+1
Core: 24+1
Orfen: 24+1
Barakiel: 24+6
Varka / Ketra alliance Raidboss: 24+1
Van Halter: 48+1
Simple Raidboss: 16+2
GM Shop to B Grade(alt + B )
Event Shop(alt + B )
Buffer (scheme) (alt + B )
Global GK (alt + B )
Donation Shop (alt + B )
Merchant Of Mammon (Giran City)
Blacksmith Of Mammon (Giran City)
Extra info:
24 Buff Slot +4 Debuff
2 h - Buff time
NPC to change professions (1 & 2 - Free, 3 - 15KK A and 2KK AA).
Subclass Change - Free
Autolearn skills
Register Is Open !
http://l2rot.pl/register.phpPeople who sign up to 15.12.15 get extra Event coins
Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=25012.0