Server Starting Successfully.
# Normal Rates #
RateXp = 70
RateSp = 70
RateDropAdena = 50
Rate Party Xp/Sp = 1
Rate Spoil Items = 30
Rate Drop Items = 20
Rate Quest Drop = 10
Rate Quests Reward = 2
# Bosses Rates #
# Grand Boss
Adena Boss = 10
Items Boss = 1
# Enchant Settings #
# ----------------------------------------------
# Chance For Normal Scrolls -
# ----------------------------------------------
# Weapon
NormalWeaponEnchantLevel = 40%
# Armor
NormalArmorEnchantLevel = 40%
# Jewel
NormalJewelryEnchantLevel = 40%
# ----------------------------------------------
# Chance For Blessed Scrolls -
# ----------------------------------------------
# Weapon
BlessWeaponEnchantLevel = 50%
# Armor
BlessArmorEnchantLevel = 50%
# Jewel
BlessJewelryEnchantLevel = 50%
# Safe enchant
EnchantSafeMax = 3
EnchantSafeMaxFull = 16
# Augmentation #
AugmentationNGSkillChance = 1
AugmentationMidSkillChance = 2
AugmentationHighSkillChance = 5
AugmentationTopSkillChance = 10
# Olympiad Settings #
AltOlyStartTime = 18
AltOlyMin = 00
AltOlyClassedParticipants = 5
AltOlyNonClassedParticipants = 5
AltOlyRechargeSkills = True
AltOlyPeriod = WEEK
AltOlyMaxEnchant = 6
# Clan Settings #
# Number of days you have to wait before :
# - joining another clan
DaysBeforeJoinAClan = 1
# - creating a new clan
DaysBeforeCreateAClan = 0
# Number of days it takes to dissolve a clan
DaysToPassToDissolveAClan = 0
# Number of days before joining a new alliance when clan voluntarily leave an alliance
DaysBeforeJoinAllyWhenLeaved = 0
# Number of days before joining a new alliance when clan was dismissed from an alliance
DaysBeforeJoinAllyWhenDismissed = 0
# Number of days before accepting a new clan for alliance when clan was dismissed from an alliance
DaysBeforeAcceptNewClanWhenDismissed = 0
# Number of days before creating a new alliance when dissolved an alliance
DaysBeforeCreateNewAllyWhenDissolved = 0
# Maximum number of clans in ally
AltMaxNumOfClansInAlly = 3
# Number of members needed to request a clan war
AltClanMembersForWar = 15
# Buffs Config #
# Maximum number of buffs
MaxBuffAmount = 24+4
# Maximum number of debuffs
MaxDebuffAmount = 4
# Features #
*Sub Class Without Quest
*Noblesse questable/buyable
*Buffs/Buff Time - 2h
*All caste/clan hall work
*Skills 92% working
*Balanced Classes
*Dualbox is allowed
*Flawless Geodata
*GM Shop up to B-Grades
*GM Shop trading SealStones
*Noblesse questable/buyable
*Global Gatekeeper
*Autolearn skills
*Merchant of Mammon in town
*Blacksmith of Mammon in town
*Friendly GM Staff
*Vote Shop in Giran Only!
*spawn protect: 20 seconds
*Antibot system
# Epic Boss Info #
Barakiel 4+1
Core 20+1
Queen Ant 22+2
Orfen 26+2
Zaken 40+2
Baium 72+3
Frintezza 72+3
Valakas 96+3
Antharas 96+3
# Dedicate #
Fujitsu PRIMERGY MX130 S2
AMD Opteron™ 3280, 8 Cores, 8x 2.4 GHz
2x 2,000 GB SATA II-HDD, 7.2k
You can enter and if you do not like you can go out anytime,Give us a chance.