Hello fellow community! As you all know we are about to open our gates to all of you and let the fight begin! Before this we would like to inform you we will start Open Beta in two days. during the open beta period you will get a chance to test our server and give your opinion on every aspect, for more information visit our server forum !
[Beta opening]Opening beta 24/10 (18:00 GMT +2)
http://l2dasparion.net/forum/index.php?/topic/25-open-beta-2410-1800-gmt-2/#entry89[GRAND OPENING]30/10/2015 18:00 GMT +2
View the countdown on
*Experience (EXP) 5000x
*Skill Points (SP) 5000x
*Adena Rates 100x
*Drop / Spoil 1x
*RaidBoss Drop 1x
*Quest Drop 1x
*Quest Reward 1x
*Fish Drop 1x
*Vitality System 100x
*Manor 100x
Enchant Rates
*Safe Enchant = +4
*Normal enchant scroll rate = 66%
*Blessed enchant scroll rate = 90%
*Crystal scrolls rate = 70%
*Max Enchant Armor & Jewels = +12 With Blessed Scrolls
*Max Enchant Weapon = +12 With Blessed Scrolls
*Max Enchant Armor & Jewels = +16 With Crystall Scrolls
*Max Enchant Weapon = +16 With With Crystall Scrolls
*Gm Shop.
*Epic Raid Boss Informer.
*Augment Shop.
*Skill Enchant Shop.
*Casino Club.
*Vote Shop.
*Vote Manager.
*Top 20 PvP / PK
*Clan Manager.
*Siege Manager.
*Wedding Manager.
*Farm Protection.
*Event Engine:TvT,DM,CTF,LMS,TW.
Gamplay and Curency
*Ultimate Character entry of start game
*Full npc buffer with auto buff
*Pick your Top grade starting items
*Special Farm Coins, GB, PvP C*, Pk C* and Event Trophy
*Special Vote Rewards
*Custom tattoos and accessory
*All active/passive augments are fully working! 1 Active Or 1 Passive only
*Lifestone Skill Chance : High 15% / Top 20%
*Clan Reputation Special Item +2500
*GM Custom Event with great rewards
*PvP Farm and Color system.
*Pk Farm and Color system.
*Max Subclasses = 5
*Subclass without quest
*Max Clans in Alliance = 3
*Active Staff
*Wedding System
*Farm Zones
*Easy Farm
*No weight limit
*All flood protections
*Custom Epic Raids Scripts Enter Epics and PvP
*Try your best to win the raid and the zone
*Killing spree system
*No Lag
*Frendly Gms
*Max buffs: 60 Slots
*Buffs Duration: 3 hours
*When You Die Your Buffs Removed
Custom Zones
*Main Town: Giran
*Town of Gludin: Safe zone
*The Cemetery: Farm 1 PVP/PK
*The Forbidden Gateway: Farm2 PVP/PK
*Varka Silenos Outpost: LS/Bog zone
*PVP ZONE: Primeval Isle
Olympiad Informations
*Olympiad Duration 8Hours
*Olympiad Fight Duration 5Minutes
*Olympiad Period Duration 7Days
*Olympiad Time Start 18:00
*Olympiad Regist End 22:50
*Olympiad Time End 00:00
*Olympiad Max Enchant +6
*Timezone GMT+3
Custom Commands
.menu Enabled
.pincode Enabled
.online Enabled
.offline_shop Enabled
.ctfinfo Enabled
.ctfjoin Enabled
.ctfleave Enabled
.dminfo Enabled
.dmjoin Enabled
.dmleave Enabled
.tvtinfo Enabled
.tvtjoin Enabled
.tvtleave Enabled
Have Fun on Cypress.
http://l2dasparion.net/forumFB Page:
http://fb.com/lineage2dasparionLinkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=24697.0