
Author Topic: [l2j] New Mid Interlude x25  (Read 1434 times)

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    [l2j] New Mid Interlude x25
    « on: March 15, 2015, 05:03:39 PM »
    L2olddays Interlude x25

    If you are looking for something more than standard L2 gameplay, for features that you will not find anywhere else, looking for a completely new game of that kind..

    .. then you can stop reading right now. It's not a server for you.

    Our project does not have the nothing you have not seen before. However, the refinement of the known elements of the game and providing the stable, comfortable gameplay are in our top priority. Sometimes, unfortunately, often happens that the creator of private servers try to invent and introduce stuff like tattoos, extra custom hyper-super-duper sets and different, in our opinion, crap. Instead focus on the optimization of what has already been invented.

    And here enters our private server of Lineage 2. It's - as we can see in the title - Interlude chronicle based. Why is this chronicle? According to us - as well as hundreds of other players - this is the last, the real scene of L2. That is, able to muster the good old memories.

    Let's begin with the numbers and dry facts then:


    Exp: x25
    SP: x25
    Adena: x20
    Spam is not allowed Stones: x2
    Drop: x15
    Raid Drop: x5
    Spoil: x15
    Manor: x1
    Quest Drop: x5 (is not x5 for all quest)
    Quest Reward x5 (is not x5 for all quest)
    Quest Adena Reward x5 (is not x5 for all quest)
    No Need Book to learn skills (is not autolearn)

    Enchant System

    Safe for weapon and armor: +3;
    Max enchant for armor: +20
    Max enchant for weapon: +20

    Buff System:

    Max buff amount: 22 (+4 from Divine Inspiration)
    Buff Time - 2h for prophecies/songs/dances/pp/se/ee buffs


    Npc Buffer
    Offline shop/craft is Auto (Just make shop and log out)
    XpOn or XpOff (use .xpoff or .xpon)
    Shift +Click on mob to check stat/drop
    Anti-buff shield
    Region Shout/Trade Chat
    NPC class changer with reward (1st+500.000/2+2.500.000/3-20.000.000 & 20.00000 AA)
    Dual - boxing is allowed.
    GMshop up to B grade
    Free Global Teleport*
    Mana potion
    Event Medal
    Fang Of Stakato tradable (drop x10)
    Decent geodata
    Cursed Weapons
    Weight limit x4
    GM Shop trading SealStones
    Full Community Board
    AutoLoot (no for raid drops)
    Player spawn protection system: 20 seconds
    Frequent updates
    Helpful and friendly GM Staff
    GM events
    Bosses Rates :
    Grand Boss
    AdenaBoss = x5.00
    ItemsBoss = x5.00
    Raid Boss
    AdenaRaid = x5.00
    ItemsRaid = x5.00
    Raid Minions
    AdenaMinon = x5.00
    ItemsMinon = x5.00

    Game Account is Auto.

    Click HERE to visit website
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    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=22909.0
    « Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 05:07:13 PM by scorp1os »

