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    [L2J] Ofendal Interlude x75
    « on: January 01, 2016, 04:30:36 PM »
    Website: http://promo.ofendal.com/

    Grand Opening: January 10 at 20:00 (+3 UTC/GMT)​
    OBT: January 5 at 20:00 (+3 UTC/GMT)​
    Server time (game time): +3 UTC​/GMT
    Chronicles Server: Interlude - classic
    Platform: Java
    Rates EXP 75x, SP 75x, Adena 75x, Drop 30x, Spoil 25x, Quest Drop 15x, Raid 10x
    When creating a character you will find:
    All characters appearing in the starting area. In which stands baffer
    Characters appear in TOP No-Grade equipment and start-up capital for the development of
    Automatic learning skills
    Unique panel ALT + B with a shop, and the ability to teleport to the location
    On the assembly:
    High quality, unique-designed assembly that best corresponds to all parameters official server Interlude
    Qualitative GEODATA that will not allow you to get stuck or fall through the ground and other other places
    What awaits you on the server:
    Unique Buffer with the ability to create personal profiles and buff in 1 click
    26 +4 (Divine Inspiration) slots for buff. Buffs last 2 hour
    GM Shop where you can buy things to S-Grade. Ofendal coins that drop from mobs 76+ 15%
    NPC Classmaster which can be a profession, it is also possible to get to the menu .menu
    Convenient Donate Shop
    Implemented demonic weapons and Zariche Akamanah
    The slots in the inventory increased to 250. Disabled overdrive
    On the server, there are mobs champions with power and drop an Exp
    Available offline trade
    Mana Potion, which restores 100 MP
    Team / unstuck - 15 seconds
    Trip command experience, block buff, auto loot
    Infinity soulshots and arrows
    Sub-class and Nobless:
    Sub class is available with a quest. Each player can take up to 3 sub classes
    Simplifying the quest to nobles.
    Respawn Nobles RB: 6 hours +/- 30 minutes
    The Olympics will start January 15, 2015
     The duration of the Olympiad: 18:00 to 00:00 GMT +2
     Period of the Olympic Games - 2 weeks
     Period Olympiad server - 2 weeks , anti- cheat points. Max enchant for olly +6 for all items!
    Sieges are held every two weeks
    Unique game events: ( Coming Soon )
    TvT (Team vs Team)
    CTF (Capture the Flag)
    DM (Death Match)
    Life Stone:
    Chance to gain skill with PM: Top Life Stone - 7%, High Life Stone - 5%, Middle Life Stone - 3%, Life Stone - 1%
    Chance to hone conventional cheats - 60%. Chance to hone Blessed cheats - 60%
    Maximum sharpening a weapon +16, armor and jewelry 14
    Secure point +3 on whole armor +4
    Respawn bosses on a quest on Alliance: 12 + 24 hours
    Raid Boss:
     Respawn normal bosses - according to the official server
     In the raid bosses drop added - Ofendal Coins, LS, Book of Giants
     Everyone 80+ RB added drop Top-Grade Life Stone: level 76 with a chance to 100% from 1 to 3 items.
    Epic Bosses:
    Epic implemented at all AoE / PvP zones
              Spawn time:
    Ant Queen - 24 hours +4 hours
    Core - 36 hours +/- 4:00 hours
    Zaken - 48 hours +/- 2:00 hours
    Orfen - 36 hours +/- 4:00 hours
    Baium - 5 days 3 hours
    Antharas - 8 days 3 hours
    Valakas - 11 days
    Frintezza - 48 hours
    Other features of the gameplay:
    Drop things with PK players in PvP areas cleaned
    The game is available for purchase Premium Account, bonuses EXP 150x, SP 150x, Adena 150x, Drop 40x, Spoil 30x, Quest Drop 15x, Raid 10x
    Unique protection from input from the computer
    The best protection from third-party software!
    Reliable protection from DDoS-attacks

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=25140.0

