
Author Topic: [L2JGE] L2 Eternity Throne  (Read 1699 times)

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    [L2JGE] L2 Eternity Throne
    « on: May 18, 2011, 01:44:12 PM »

    Lineage 2 Eternity Throne
    Low rate ~7
    Server start : 20-05-2011
    Open Beta test : 1-05-2011 to 20-05-2011
    Site : www.l2et.com
    Forum : www.forum.l2et.com

    Video presentation:

    Server is working on "fair play" rule. Not everything is like "retail", cause we believe retail system in few case's have bad configuration's. Some of classes are too strong, and some of skills give to high chances to own server. We fix many systems in game, and idea's for that we got from our experience and many Lineage 2 forum's. We change quest system drop, add event system combined with instance, special tasks for marriage couples, no-life players system, friend helpfull system and many others unique solutions. On our server you will find also systems from other games cause they are very helpful for players. Our experience based on hours of conversations with players from official and private servers, we are going through changes...

    Our server will work only on gracia epilogue chornic, it will be low rate server with many special events and amazing atmosphere !

    Server starts in 20-05-2011

    Rates :

    -Party EXP:1.2
    -Party SP:1.2
    -Raid drop:7
    -Epic drop:1
    -Extract fish:4
    -Quest drop: (Depends of Quest)
    -Quest reward xp i sp:2
    -Quest reward adena:8
    -Vitality gain:1.2
    -Vitality lost:2
    -Vitality herb:chance lower due higher level
    -Pet exp rate:1
    -Pet food rate:2
    -Fish Profs Upgrades: more slots added
    -Buffs: 20 slots
    -Dance&Song:12 slots
    -Enchant chance 46%
    -Blessed chance 66%

    Game specification:

    -Creation account on website (Create new password)
    -dualbox allowed, multibox forbidden (offline shops doesnt count)
    -Autolearn skills off
    # 1st [Free]
    # 2nd [Adena]
    # 3rd [Quest]
    -Subclass : Quest or buy [Adena + Acient Adena]
    -Nobless: Quest or Territory War
    #Normal Buffs [30m]
    # Songs [6m]
    # Dances [6m]
    # Normal buffs [30m]
    # Magnus etc. [10m]
    # Kamael Buff's [2m]
    # Pa'agrio Buff'ses [30m]
    # ClanHall, Castle, Fortress [1 hour]
    -Herb drop limit [+/- 8 levels of player]
    # MissionManager - Vitality Dungeon
    # FriendManager - Friend System
    # CoupleManager - Quests System for marriage
    # Vote Events
    -Special player commands:
    # .drop - only adena drop
    # .exp - gain exp and sp are disabled (on quest too)
    # .event - event participate command
    # .changepassword - command for change account password (you can create new password also in website)
    -Talismans statistics fixed and and prohibition to use in Olympiad
    -Dimensional Merchant with Vitamin Item's (Backup Stone's, Elemental Stone's etc.)
    -Kamael Debuffs Formulas (Buff Steal and Disarm fix)

    Hardware Specification:

    CPU: Intel Xeon i7 W3520 4x 2x 2.66+ GHz 8 MB L2 - QPI 4.8 GT/sec Turbo Boost Technology @ 2.93GHz 64 bits
    RAM: 12 GB DDR3
    HDD: Intel SSD X25-M 2x 80 GB
    LOCATION: Denmark


    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=3090.0

