Come and play Gods Come with your clan and get clan lvl 8 and 1 premium accountEvery day will organize *an unannounced events. All people who are JUST online will earn reward !
Reward list :Bless Enchant Armor
Bless Enchant Weapon
Giant Codex
Giant Codex Mastery
Festival Adena
Top Life Stone
http://WWW.LINEAGE2.TEAJUTA.ROFORUM ZoneServer security from bots (L2Walker, L2Net, L2Tower, etc) provides LameGuard.
Server rates:Xp / Sp - 20x
Adena - 20x
Drop - 15x
Spoil - 15X
Quest Reward - 5x (Not for all)
Quest Drop - 10x (Not for all)
Raidboss Drop - 5x
Rate party XP - 2x
Zero our Reward - 2x
Olympiad:Olympiad Starts 18:00 (+2 GMT)
Olympiad Ends: 24:00 (+2 GMT)
Hero Changes: Every Sunday 24:00 (+2 GMT)
Olympiad points have to be exchanged on Sunday
Hero Status can be retrieved from Monument of Heroes
Enchantment Rates:Max Enchant (Weapon / Armor): +16
Max Enchant (Jewelery): +16
Safe Enchant: +3
Simple Scroll: 55%
Blessed Scroll: 60%
FORUM ZONE* future time #lineage2