
Author Topic: [L2JInfinite Odyssey] Emperor 25x & Avalon PvP Just Started !!!  (Read 1937 times)

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  • Posts: 15
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  • www.PlayErtheia.com

    Site : Play Ertheia
    FaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/PlayErtheia/
    Rates :
    XP : 1000x
    SP: 1000x
    Adena Drop : 50x
    Items Drop : 2x
    Enchants :
    SAFE :  +3
    Max : +21
    Normal Scroll : 76 % (if fails = crystals)
    Blessed Scroll : 90% (if fails = 0)
    Destruction Scroll : 90% (if fails = remain same enchant)
    General :
    Buffs , dances and songs = 1 h
    Olympiad every week
    Start with LvL 105
    When add Subclass  = LvL 85
    Autolearn Skills until Awakening
    No quest for subclass /dual class
    Start With Bleesed R95 Items
    Weapons for farm are almost free in shop
    Economy based on Adena & Coin Of  Luck
    Coin of Luck added on all Farm Zones
    All mobs have chance to drop Coin Of  Luck
    Farm Zones
    Dragon Weapons Farm Drop :
    LvL 1  Weapons - High Chance
    LvL 2 Weapons - Medium Chance
    LvL 3 Weapons - Low Chance
    + Coin Of Luck
    Also the weapons are in shop
    Armor Zone :
    Bloody Eternal : High Chance to drop parts of armor
    Dark Eternal : Medium Chance to drop parts of armor
    + Coin Of Luck
    Also the armors are in shop
    Party Zone :
    All stones  + adenian tatoo +  Immortal Scroll Chapter 1 + Adena + Coin Of Luck
    Raid Boss :
    Drop Jewels / adena/ destruction scrolls & more
    Also the jewels are in shop
    All the top items are in shop !!  So you can be Solo player and be able to get all or You can come with the clan and farm in party mode :) !

    Play Ertheia]http://playertheia.com/banner/emperor.png

    Rates :
     XP : 25x 
    SP: 25x
    Adena Drop : 25x
    Spoil : 20x
    Items Drop : 15x
    Raid Boss Drop : 10
    RateQuestReward : 10x
    RateQuestDrop : 5x
    RateManor : 10 x
    Weight : x5
    Enchants :
    SAFE :  +3
    Max : +17
    Normal Scroll : 86 %
    Blessed Scroll : 86%
    General :
    Autolearn skills until  3rd Class
    All instances & quest fully working
    Mentor System working perfect
    All new charcters start with Runes as a gift
    Level Up Reward
    Level Up Bonus
    Community Board with :
    - shop
    -Sell Items
    -Mammon Shop
    And Much  More !!
    Don’t Miss The chance to join on a Decent Server Without Corruption  !
    Best Regards to everyone !
    and finnaly will be hosted in France and this is the dedicate :
    Intel  E5-1650v2
    E5-1650v2 6/12t 
    3,5 / 3,9 GHz 128 GB of RAM
    DDR3 ECC 1600 MHz 2 x480GB of SSD  SOFT and vRack 10Gbs
    Any ideas are very welcome ,and i just want to let you know i will not open this server for get rich , i m just away from my home for the next years so i most do something with my free time . "l2 just relax me" i will be the only one who manage the project so you will not have to be worried about corruption. Everything in this servers is Premium . Servers are protected against DDOS , and with 2 protections against bot/hacks programs .
    Best Regards to everyone !

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=25680.0
    « Last Edit: March 25, 2016, 03:44:33 PM by PlayErtheia »

