Server Information:
Quick overview of our server.
› L2Short Interlude Server.
› 1000x Experience , 1000x Adena.
› Skills are auto-learn.
› There are not custom items.
› NPC buffer , GMshop , Global Gatekeeper and more.
› noblesse item selled at shop.
Features that you aren't able to find anywhere.
› We don't give powered items in exchange for donations.
› Class balance is almost complete.
› Fully operational skills. Retail like.
› Old players have not advantage over new players, because our system of enchantment.
Security of our server versus external programs.
› Anti-Bot System. Versus programs like l2walker.
› Anti-Cheat System. You can't join with l2phx , l2haplex .
› DDOS Protection System. High security versus attacks.
› Anti-Flood System. High security versus flood.
Gameplay features:
1-Party Zone (Primeval Isle).
2-Party RaidBoss (Primeval Isle).
3-Solo PvP Zone (Random Zone).
4- Safe Enchant: 5
5-Enchant with Normal & Blessed + 16 and Crystal Max +20.
6-Command .menu.
7-Vote Menu topzone/network.
1-Special Tattoo Fighter/Mage Attack Speed +100 and Casting Speed +100.
2-Special Hats Sream Mask/Bamboo Hat/and more.
Lineage 2 Short - A server made by playersForum:
lineage 2 ShortLinkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=25502.0