
Author Topic: L2KILL The last Reborn start  (Read 2001 times)

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    L2KILL The last Reborn start
    « on: October 05, 2011, 06:37:35 PM »
    L2 KILL: The last Reborn

    Server starting October 9 16:00 gmt+2

    Do you remember the history of l2kill when it started for first time? .. server had about 70-90 online, and that was a first shot, with a lot of mistakes and bugs, like skills and etc, but server was still build perfect and it kept those people online and all had fun. In later ages l2kill was wiped and remade for a new start, modern start, it got 200 online the first day, and people were playing, until some problems like npc buffer and other minor stuff was a reason people started leaving. Now i see server is reviving, people are comming here again, and i decided thats a time for a new start. L2KILL TLR start

    These changes will be modified: rates 1000x, new npc buffers, hope for scheme buffer, easier and more fun to farm, castle sieges event, pvp color system, more pvp reward and motivation to do pvp.
    If you have offers or request you can contact within website form.


    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=4344.0

