EXP: 1000x
SP: 1000x
Adena: 6000x
PartyXP: 2x
Safe Enchant: 3
Max Enchant: 20
Enchant Rate: 66%
Blessed Enchant Rate: 100%
Scheme and macro buffer. All buffs 5 hours.
No donation for enchants. Max is 20.
No customs. Except new cloaks: 7th anniversary, RB cloaks and tattoos.
Max gear is vesper, but vorpal and elegia could also be obtained by doing siege.
Masterwork system.
PvP color system.
Clan reputation system.
PvP weapon & armor specialisation system.
Very wide GM shop, with a lot of stuff inside.
Easy Farm for adena and GoldBar exchange system.
Custom Farm zones
All skills are working.
Full geodata + pathnode.
High balance.
www.l2kill.comLinkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=12850.0