
Author Topic: [L2m] L2-Exodus 17.12.2011 18 gmt+1  (Read 1669 times)

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    [L2m] L2-Exodus 17.12.2011 18 gmt+1
    « on: December 17, 2011, 05:41:06 AM »


                                              [size=150]Open Beta Test: 12.12.2011
                                              Live Server: 17.12.2011[/size]


    The server operates on the principle of "fair play". Not everything on it works like the official server.
      Because we believe that the official system is in several places in a bad configuration. Some classes are unbalanced in terms of strength in PvP combat and defense.
      We have improved a lot of PvE systems and we draw ideas from players who have described their experience of many well-known forums.
      We have rewritten all the quests and they improved the drop rate, we have created many events connected with the department a special task for wedding couples.
      The system for "no life" and support system for friends in the game. On our server you will find the systems of other games that can be very helpful.
      We are characterized by truly creative group in every aspect and we will continue the course we will be willing to create things proposed by the players
      themselves as well as we continue to think over what to do to play for all was a nice exciting journey through the world of Lineage II, and maybe come back the memories from years past of this great game and once again feel
      like little kids enjoying the new discoveries.

    Friend Manager

    Wthat when you add someone to the so-called. "Friend List" you can Doing interesting quests from friends as we get 15 days

    *Bransoletes and Hats

    You get the online Pc Bang Point Which can be exchanged for:

    * Full Vit

    * Adena Box

    * Sp Points

    * Mouse Coin

    * And also various Afro Hats Agathions

    Diemnsional Merchant

    U of So this is the Merchant exp After a hard days on end for locations, we can replace items epilogue
    various stripes Soul Crystal to resurrect agathiony pen (operating on the principle of salavation) and
    the Books "My Teleport" (yeah not be needed phx: D)

    And also a lot of other very interesting events with a very interesting and original prizes, and certainly not the time
    in the nude.

    * Chroncile: Gracia Epilogue
    * Utpime  24/7


    Xp = 10
    Sp =  10
    Drop = 7
    Spoil = 7
    Adena = 7
    Raid Drop = 8
    Epic Drop = 1
    HellboundTrust = 10

    The server will be retail-like.

     ]*[ Software: l2M ]*[

    * SubClase can buy or do quest
    * Noblesse Status available from the quest, and TW
    * Ability to purchase the First and Second Profession
    * Dual Box 1box only one active in the city (Shop)

    FinalStrike l2
    * Bufs Overlord also act to ally
    * Full geodata and pathnode
    * Full functionality of castles and siege (The Slightly modified so that a slightly lesser computers were not lag)
    * Quest of Giants Cave (Recipes A grade combined with quest Whispers of Dream Part 2 of Loa)
    * Fully working fortresses with their Dungeonami
    * No auto-learn skills.
    * Pet system.
    * Working Foundation & Masterwork Item
    * All quests Seven Signs
    * Working Talisman
    * On Auto pick up
    * Operated Territory Wars
    * A functioning system of Fame
    * A working Kamaloka | RimKamaloka
    * All Grand Bosses
    * Zaken Day / Night

    *Fully working locations Gracia Epilogue:

    + Forge of the Gods
    + Primeval Isle
    + Giants' Cave
    + Chamber of Delusion
    + Stakato's Nest
    + Mithril Mines
    + Crypts of Disgrace
    + Fields of Silence
    + Fields of Whispers
    + Den Of Evil

    * Working Clan Airship
    * Working all Pailaki I, II, III
    * Working all four Kamaolki
    * Working system Item Sending and Mailing
    * All S80 Quests
    * And also a 100% Working Udergroung Coloseum with all five arenas (this will not find anywhere else;)

    The rest of things will be in Beta testing  so that you can have confidence that no "Buy a cat in a bag:)

    The destination of our activity is creating stable equivalent retail server.
    After a long period of work we made infallible server and we deployed every function so like on retail server.
    It is not the next server made by people who don’t know “what does it mean how to manage the server, how to create ideal games,
    who are waiting only for a profit and so on…” We would like to create server for you! For players! Not for profit! I am sure that with your help we will made perfect
    world of lineage II with amazing games on a professional level.

    I hope, we will have many players from around the world.

    Server Machine

    4x 2(HT)x 2.66+ GHz
    RAM 36 GB DDR3 RAM
    HDD 4x 2 TB SATA II
    Cisco firewall

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=5307.0

