
Author Topic: L2JL2Mafia - Koofs vs Noo bs  (Read 959 times)

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    L2Mafia - Koofs vs Noo bs
    « on: January 07, 2020, 08:51:51 AM »


    Two Factions , An Endless War. Which Side Will You Choose?


    The legendary faction server, that everyone was waiting for, Koofs vs Noo bs is back!

    A huge Interlude Lineage 2 project revives.

    24 hours pvp , no farm , fascinating rotating pvp zones!

    Koofs vs Noo bs will fight each other day and night in order to gain their lost respect!


    Are you ready to feel the excitement?

    18 JANUARY 2020


    Website: https://www.L2Mafia.net

    Koofs vs Noo bs: https://www.L2Mafia.net/Koofs-vs-Noo bs

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/L2mafia.net/


    Starting Level: Lv 80

    Safe Enchant: +6

    Max Enchant: +25

    Normal Scroll Chance: 80% (+0 to +16)

    Dynasty Normal Scroll Chance: 80% (+0 to +16)

    Blessed Scroll Chance: 100% (+0 to +16)

    Dynasty Blessed Scroll Chance: 100% (+0 to +16)

    Crystal Scroll Chance: 70% (+16 to +21)
        If your enchantment fails, it will reduce your enchant to -1.
        Example: If you enchant from +17 to +18 and it fails, it will become +16

    Dynasty Crystal Scroll Chance: 70% (+16 to +21)
        If your enchantment fails, it will reduce your enchant to -1.
        Example: If you enchant from +17 to +18 and it fails, it will become +16

    Infinity Scroll Chance: 5% (+21 to +25)

    Mid-Grade Lifestone: 25%

    High-Grade Lifestone: 50%

    Top-Grade Lifestone: 100%

    Everyone starts with B-Grade Armors and Weapons

    Koofs Faction Base: Dark Elf Village

    Noo bs Faction Base: Elven Village

    1 PVP : 3 ADENA

    Let’s start explaining how our adena system will work in L2Mafia Koofs vs Noo bs

    The basic factor is: 1 PVP = 3 adena.
    But as the server progress and since the main and only currency is adena this system is totaly unfair for new players. In order to make things better and provide a fair pvp expirience for both old and new players we have added the following system:

    New Equipment Depended PvP Reward:
    This new reward system will totaly boost our servers duration and give a chance to new players start playing in our faction server. Its very hard to explain all the complicated algorithms developed behind this system but in general when a low equipment player kills a high equipment player it will gain more adena than the minimum reward of 3 adenas. For example a full b grade player kills a full a grade player , instead of taking 3 adenas wich is the standard reward he will receive 6 adenas, on the other hand if a full A grade player kill a full b grade player will take the standard reward of 3 adenas. Our system calculates all aspects for equipment grade to equipment enchantment and not only.

    But what about support classes (Healers and Tanks)?
    In order to help support classes, we have completely reworked the party system.
    Party *By Turn: No matter who makes the pvp kill the adena will be rewarded to one by one party player every time
    Party *Random Loot: No matter who makes the pvp kill the adena will be rewarded randomly to one party member.
    Party *Finders Keepers: The player that makes the pvp kill takes the adena (like playing solo)
    All support classes have 20% Chance to get +1 pvp kill when their party get kills.
    All support classes take kill assist for every pvp kill their party makes.


    Zone Objestive: Kill Enemy Faction
    Heal Allowed: NO

    Zone Objestive: Kill Enemy Faction
    Heal Allowed: NO

    Zone Objestive: Kill Enemy Guards
    Heal Allowed: YES

    Zone Objestive: Kill Enemy Faction
    Heal Allowed: NO

    Zone Objestive: Kill Enemy Guards
    Heal Allowed: YES

    Zone Objestive: Kill Enemy Guards
    Heal Allowed: YES

    Zone Objestive: Kill Enemy Faction
    Heal Allowed: NO

    Zone Objestive: Kill Enemy Guards
    Heal Allowed: YES

    Zone Objestive: Kill Enemy Faction
    Heal Allowed: NO

    Zone Objestive: Kill Enemy Faction
    Heal Allowed: NO

    Zone Objestive: Kill Enemy Faction
    Heal Allowed: NO


    As you can see in the image below, you can now check your PvP Score in the last hour and your playing Skill Score (MMR).

    We’ve also added KDA (PVPs / Deaths / Assists) so you can keep track of your statistics.

    The most important feature though, in our opinion, is the Faction Chat (+Faction) because now you can communicate with same faction players ONLY.


    To Village
    Teleports you back to your Faction Base as usual.

    Random Respawn
    Respawns your character inside the current pvp zone choosing randomly one of the eight spawns.

    But that’s not all, our server will check the spawn status and teleport you to a – safe – spot.

    Meaning that if a spawn is full of enemy faction, it wont spawn you there , instead it will choose another more – safe – spawn.


    There is a special npc where you can Register for 1 vs 1 Battle and make your bet for example: 5 Donation Coins, 100 adenas or anything else..

    The NPC announces that you are Searching for 1 vs 1 opponent. As soon as someone accepts your bet from npc you will be auto teleported in a Special Arena where you will fight each other.

    The winner will reiceve the whole bet amount.


    Let’s now explain in which areas bishop – healer classes will be allowed.

    Healers will be available ONLY in the following zones:
    – Faction Boss Zone
    – Grand Olympiad Games
    – Castle Sieges
    – Castle Vs Castle Map

    Bishops won’t be allowed to enter Rune Castle, Cemetery and The First Arena Map


    Spoil Coin: You can exchange this coin for Crystal Enchant Scrolls (up to S-Grade) and Dynasty Crystal Scrolls

    Some information about this Special Zone:

    - Only Spoilers ( Fortune Seekers ) can join. (Base class or Subclass doesn't matter)

    - Zone opens 4 times a day and it remains open for 20 Minutes.

    - All Players will appear as Female Dwarf when they join to make it more enjoyable. (Imagine an area full of Dwarfs for PvE and PvP)

    - This Zone has Ssome nice drops Available with Spoil - Sweep (Not Normal Drops). The drops are: (Auto) CP Potion, Mafia Potion and Spoil Coin.

    - Both Factions join the same zone , so we will have a lot PvP action too.

    We really hope you'll enjoy it , as it will be a vital feature for your gameplay.



    Lucky Boss

    Lucky bosses respawn every 1 hour and 30 minutes. They drop 1-300 adena and some other special items you can see ingame. Drops are x2. One for the most damage ( solo or party ) and one for the last hit.

    Each faction have their own faction boss. When boss dies faction members participated on the fight will be rewarded with 10 adena.

    Faction Boss

    Valakas – The faction boss of our koofs vs Noo bs lineage2 faction server.

    Valakas respawns every 13 hours , it is a faction boss. That means both factions ( koofs and Noo bs ) will fight each other to benefit from valakas loot. Valakas will drop the same exactly drops with lucky bosses + the winning faction will be rewarded with 50 adena for each member.



    Koofs vs Noo bs will have Grand Olympiad Games like a normal server – retail!
    Same faction matches will be available
    Olympiad has 1 Week circle
    Olympiad operates every day from 20:00 until 00:00 GMT+2.
    New heroes will appear every Sunday.
    Olympiad needs 6 minimum participants to begin.
    Every victory will grand you Noblesse Gate Pass (x50) which you can use to buy items
    Your points will be traded for only x1 Noblesse Gate Pass
        That means points are only important to be the best of your class and win the hero, not for Gate Pass
    Augment Skills are NOT allowed in Olympiad
    Participants can register only 1x character per HWID into the olympiad games
    Entering the stadium all cubics, pets or summons are erased.



    Raidboss Barakiel will reward you with x5 Noblesse Item
        Once you click on this Noblesse Item, you will become Noblesse

    Epic Grandbosses will have x2 Drops (Last Hit & Damage Dealt):
        x1 Jewel & Clan Reputation Items on the player who made Last Hit
        x1 Jewel & Clan Reputation Items for the Most Damage Dealt
    Valakas: 128h Respawn

    Antharas: 72h Respawn

    Zaken: 72h Respawn

    Baium: 120h Respawn

    Ant Queen: 72h Respawn

    Frintezza: 128h Respawn

    Barakiel: 12h Respawn

    Orfen: 24h Respawn

    Core: 24h Respawn


    Every member of the Clan that owns a Castle will have a +5% Bonus in Enchantment
        This Bonus is for all kinds of Scrolls (Normal, Blessed & Crystal)

    Every member of the Clan that owns a Castle will have a +2% Bonus in Lifestones
        This Bonus is for all kinds of Lifestones (Mid, High & Top)


    You can use our Auction House system to sell Items for

    PvP Coins or Donation Coins.

    We have also added an option where you can sell Items that

    are AUGMENTED and others can buy the item with the

    skill it has on it when you added it.


    - Displays information about the current PVP Zone (Map)

    - Displays your target's abilities and statistics.

    - Opens your Account Control Panel.

    - You can check the remaining time of your VIP Status and your VIP benefits.

    - After you submit your votes for L2Mafia, use it to get rewarded with our Vote Buff.

    - You can check the respawn time of all Raid bosses.

    - You can check the Top PVP Player of the hour.

    .buffon / .buffoff
    - Allow or Disallow if other player's buff will effect your character.

    Use it only when your character is stuck - Repairs your character.



    Dismissing a clan member will give a 1 Day penalty to the clan.

    Only Lv 5 and above clans may register on Castle Sieges.

    Heroes provide Clan reputation points reward to the Clan.

    Castles provide Clan reputation points reward to the Clan.

    Clan Penalties
        24h Leave Clan Penalty.
        12h Clan Expell Penalty.
        72h Delete Clan Penalty.

    Clan Size
        40 members maximum to Main Clan.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=29394.0
    « Last Edit: January 18, 2020, 05:52:50 AM by L2MafiaAd »

