Server: Aria MultiskillRatesXP: x30
SP: x25
Spoil: x50
Drop: x20
Adena: x50
Party Xp: x45
Party Sp: x30
QuestXp: x 10
Sp: x 10
Adena: x10
PetXp: x 20
EnchantMax Enchant: +30
Enchant Safe: +5
Enchant Scroll: 45%
Blessed Scroll: 75%
Crystal Scroll: 100%
Other ChangesVitality Buff Reuse Time 1 Houer
Full GM Shop from No Grade until S80 Grade
Mana Pots heal 500MP
Wight Limit: x6
Auto Loot Drops
No Subclass Quest
Balance Class Stats
Auto TvT Event (every houer)
Forgotten Skills for all Class (learnable by npc)
My Teleport Items in GM Shop
Tattoos (Custom Stats)
Greater Boss Jewelry (Custom Stats)
Custom Farm Area
Full Workable Masterwork (Dynasty, Vesper Armor)
Buffs (Song, Dance, Chants, Prof, OL, Improved, Kamael): 60 min
Max Buff Amount = 50 + 40
Subclass max: 7
Subclass level max: 85
Inventar Slots Char: 150
Inventar Slots Dwarf: 170
WH Slots Char: 300
WH Slots Dwarf: 350
Max Stats:Patk Speed: 8000
Cast Speed: 8000
Patk CritRate: 3000
Matk CritRate: 3000
Evasion: 2000
Run Speed: 600
Custom NPCGM Shop
NPC Buffer
L2 Nation GK
Event NPC
TvT Manager
Info NPC (when you have any question over the custom things)