
Author Topic: L2OFF Interlude Crystal 5x  (Read 1585 times)

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    L2OFF Interlude Crystal 5x
    « on: August 30, 2011, 01:25:52 AM »

    Drop/Spoil Rates

    * Adena and Spam is not allowed Stone amount 5*, chance 1*
    * Spoiling of material amount 5*, chance 5*
    * Drop of material amount 5*, chance 5*
    * Drop/Spoil of other things amount 1*, chance 5*

    Monsters, Raid Bosses and Treasure Chests settings

    Normal Monsters -> 5x XP/SP, 5x Adena, 5x Spam is not allowed Stones
    Raid Bosses -> 5x XP/SP, 1x Drops
    Chronicle Bosses -> 5x XP/SP, 5x Adena, 1x Drops
    Treasure Chests -> 5x XP/SP, 5x Adena, 5x Drops

    Quests settings

    Quest Adena rate: 5*

    *The Zero Hour - 4x Quest Item Drop Amount
    *Yoke of the Past - 5x Reward Amount (Blank Scroll)
    *Exploration of the Giants Cave, Part 2 - 2x Quest Item Drop Amount
    *Exploration of the Giants Cave, Part 1 - 2x Quest Item Drop Amount
    *Supplier of Reagents - amount of Moonstone Shard from package is advanced from 1 to 2 and from 2 to 4
    *Influx of the Machines - 2x Quest Item Drop Amount
    *Guardians of the Holy Grail - 2x Quest Item Drop Amount
    *For Sleepless Deadmen - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount
    *Legacy of Insolence - 2x Quest Item Drop Amount
    *Black Swan - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount
    *Alligator Hunter - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount
    *Lizardmen's Conspiracy - 5x Reward Amount (SP)
    *Vanquish Remnants - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount
    *Heart in Search of Power - 2x Reward Amount (Material)
    *Delicious Top Choice Meat - 2x Reward Amount (Material)
    *Necromancer's Request - 2x Reward Amount (Material)
    *In the Forgotten Village - 2x Reward Amount (Material)

    C1 - C4 functions are fully functional

    * Clan Halls and Auctions
    * Castle Sieges
    * Recommendations
    * Raid Bosses
    * Auto Soulshots/Spiritshots
    * Combat Points (CP)
    * Seven Signs
    * Festival of Darkness
    * Dimensional Rift
    * Four Sepulchers
    * Adventurers' Guildsman
    * Manor System
    * 3rd Class Change
    * Subclass
    * Noblesse
    * Hero
    * Olympiad
    * Skill Enchanting
    * And other!

    Functional C5 and Interlude functions

    * Buff/Debuff system with 24 Buff slots and 10 Debuff slots

    * IL Drops
    * IL Mobs
    * IL Raid Bosses
    * IL Areas
    * Clan Rank system
    * Clan Privileges
    * IL Gatekeepers
    * Olympiad
    * +6 Set Enchant Bonuses
    * Herbs
    * Elixirs
    * Rune and Schuttgart Clan Halls
    * Rune and Schuttgart Castles including Manor
    * Fortress of the Dead (Siege Clan Hall)
    * Wild Beast Reserver (Siege Clan Hall)
    * A Grade Recipes (drop/spoil)
    * Soul Crystals stage 7-10 are being sold in Giran Luxury Shop
    * Soul Crystal levelling from 10->11 and 11->12 through the Raid Bosses
    * All quests are functional

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=4007.0

