
Author Topic: L2OFF[L2OFF] L2E-Global.com Interlude Final x7 ( 05 April - 2019 )  (Read 1414 times)

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    Grand Opening: 05 April 2019, 20:00 (gtm +2)
    Website: http://l2e-global.com/

    Interlude Final x7 can be described in three main points:

      1: The total number of changes and improvements that have been developed and integrated into the game over the past year. Their goal is to make your game more comfortable, interesting, varied and return the long lost balance of good old chronicles. In order to get acquainted with the main changes, we recommend you to learn this topic: Interlude Final Update Chronology (topic coming soon). But they will all be intuitive during the game.
      2: The so-called signature of the project, its unique features that personalize and set E-Global apart from others, regardless of which version of the game and on which rating we launch. Namely: Achievements, Daily Quests, Clan Unity, Cronus Raid Boss, NPC Adventurers' Guide and Butler, a proxy server access system that allows players from China to play on the server, and even the general “breach of good manners" - everything goes from server to server, improving and adapting to the realities of the concept and your expectations.
      3: The concept of a specific server: its rates and features; its uniqueness and originality.

    In this topic, we announce the server concept and describe the components of Interlude Final which you should pay attention to, in order to fully touch this game world.


    Basic rates: EXP & SP x7, Raid EXP & SP x5

    Exp & SP depends on monster level, which you farm:
    From 1 to 65 level of monster - static x7 rate;
    Starting from 66 to 78 level of monster - from x7 to x5 gradually;
    Monsters from level 78 have fixed rate x4
    Premium Account provides +30% personal EXP bonus and 50% SP bonus.

    Basic rate: Adena x5  Basic rate: Spam is not allowed Stones x3

    Chance Adena and Spam is not allowed Stones - basic, 70%;
    Amount of Spam is not allowed Stones - х3, fixed, doesn't depend on monster level;
    Amount of Adena depends on monster level:
    From 1 to 60 level - fixed rate х5;
    From 61 to 77 level - from х5 to х3 gradually;
    Starting from 78 level of monster - fixed rate x3.
    Premium Account provide +25% to amount of Adena and Spam is not allowed Stones.

    Basic rates: Drop x4, Raid Drop x3, Epic Drop x1

    Amount of item drop is basic, x1;
    Chance of items drop is depending on level of the monster, overrun the 100% will cause to increasing of items amount;
    From 1 to 60 level - fixed rate х5;
    From 61 to 77 level - from х5 to х3 gradually;
    Starting from 78 level of the monster - fixed rate х3.
    Premium Account provide +25% to drop rate.
     Basic rates: Spoil x3

    Amount of received items is basic, x1;
    Chance of items receiving x3, overrun the 100% will cause to increasing of items amount;
    Premium Account provide +25% to the chance of receiving items (to character, who have spoiled => gather spoile).
     Basic rates: Manor - x1

    Cooldown of the daily Manor cycle: ~20:06 (gmt+2)
    We remind you that the Manor system dependents directly on the Siege, respectively, the first seeds will be available on Monday, April 22 (if the owners of the castles put the seeds for sale).

    NPC Family Club Manager (improved analogue of Newbie Helper) can be found Near Gatekeeper at every town, as well as at places where a lot of players are getting together. These are NPCs from which you can take Support Magic, Daily tasks and rewards for them, as well in the future they will be responsible for holding weekly Events and issuing Prizes.

    Support Magic , Club Card:

    Adventurers' Guide provides additional improving magic for your character and his pet / samona:

    The list of available Buffs and their levels depend on the level of the Character and the presence of a Club Card.
    Duration of all buffs - 60 min:
    Buff are being removed if a character didn't have Noblesse Blessing at the time of death;
    Can be canceled along with other similar improving skills;
    Are being removed using Alt-click on them.
    You can create buff profiles.
    Buffer is available for all players level 1-62, with a Club Card a player can get buffs up to level 80.
    More detailed list of available buffs will be announced a bit later, however you can say for sure: there will be no 3rd class skills, songs and dances.

    Daily Quests:

    We have prepared personal daily quests, which will provide some useful bonuses for your character.

    Important information:

    You can start quest at NPC "Pathfinder Worker" which you can find at: Gludio, Dion, Heine, Oren, Schuttgart, Rune;
    You can start a quest 1 time a day;
    Quest cooldown: 6:30 server time;
    Some reward has a time limit as well as they are personal (can not be trade).
    List of the Quests:

    1. Challenge the Rim Kamaloka

    Available only for characters with Premium Account;
    Type: solo;
    Goal: Complete solo Kamaloka;
    Stable reward:
     Ivory Coin - 50 q-ty.
    Reward is reliant on rank of completing Kamaloka:
     Rim Kamaloka Box Grade D (48 hours limited period) - includes Rune 50% of EXP/SP, duration 20 mins;
     Rim Kamaloka Box Grade C (48 hours limited period) - includes Rune 50% of EXP/SP, duration 30 mins;
     Rim Kamaloka Box Grade B (48 hours limited period) - includes Rune 50% of EXP/SP, duration 40 mins;
     Rim Kamaloka Box Grade A (48 hours limited period) - includes Rune 50% of EXP/SP, duration 50 mins;
     Rim Kamaloka Box Grade S (48 hours limited period) - includes Rune 50% of EXP/SP, duration 60 mins;
    2. Challenge the Hall of the Abyss

    Type: group;
    Goal: Kill RB in Kamaloka;
    Quest mechanics: quest will consider as completed once character will make a last hit (if he will be in group - quest will be completed for all group, if he will be solo - only for character that have made a last hit);
     Nobless Scroll (48 hours limited period) - You will feel Blessing of Noblesse effect on your after you use this scroll. Duration: 60 mins. All effects (buff\debuff etc) will still affect on your character after it's death. Scroll effect will be removed.
     Ivory Coin - 35 q-ty.
    3. Challenge the Labyrinth of Abyss

    Type: group;
    Goal: Kill RB in Kamaloka;
    Quest mechanics: quest will consider as completed once character will make a last hit (if he will be in group - quest will be completed for all group, if he will be solo - only for character that have made a last hit);
     Nobless Scroll (48 hours limited period) - You will feel Blessing of Noblesse effect on your after you use this scroll. Duration: 60 mins. All effects (buff\debuff etc) will still affect on your character after it's death. Scroll effect will be removed.
     Ivory Coin - 35 q-ty.
    4. Successful raid

    Type: group;
    Goal: Kill any RB;
    Raid Boss exeption: Epic Bosses, Instance Bosses, Four Sepulchers and Rift Bosses;
    Quest mechanics: quest will consider as completed once character will make a last hit (if he will be in group - quest will be completed for all group, if he will be solo - only for character that have made a last hit);
     Nobless Scroll (48 hours limited period) - You will feel Blessing of Noblesse effect on your after you use this scroll. Duration: 60 mins. All effects (buff\debuff etc) will still affect on your character after it's death. Scroll effect will be removed.
     Ivory Coin - 40 q-ty.
    5. Fighting Evil

    Type: Group, party or solo.
    Goal: Collent 50-250 Shard of Evil from monsters. Amount of items depends on the level of chosen location.
    Player can choose only one quest per day, depending on your chracters leve\fitable location: 1-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-75, 76-80.
    Mechanic: For every level there are 2 location for your choice. The list of the monsters is also available at quest description.
     Ivory Coin - from 50 to 200 q-ty. Amount of coins depends on the level of chosen location.


    Preliminary version.
    Before and during the OBT the assortment of the shop could be changed. Stay tuned!

     Family Coin - donation currency, which you can purchase at your Control Panel:
    1 Family Coin = 7.5 Rubls;
    10 Family Coins = 1 Euro;
    Family Coins - can be traded, also you can set a private store on buying and selling Family Coins. So as all Shop assortment is available ingame you can get them.
    Currency of the Family Coins is stick to the currency of rubls to euro.

    Premium Account:

    Premium 1

    30 days
    50 Family Coins (5 euro)
    Ingame at NPC or at your Control Panel

    Premium 2

    130 Family Coins (13 euro)
    Ingame at NPC or at your Control Panel


    +30% q-ty
    Personal, bonus to mobs and RB Exp\SP;

    +50% q-ty
    Personal, bonus to mobs and RB Exp\SP;

    Adena & Spam is not allowed Stones

    +25% q-ty
    General, averaged in the group;


    General, averaged in the group;


    Personal, PA must be on spoiler himself.

    Box limit

    up to +4 boxes
    On the start - 3 boxes. For players that uses PA can load +4 box, but not more then 7 (+1 for each PA box). Off-line traders are NOT counts as a box.
    Rim Kamaloka
    1 time per day + access to special quest in this reward.

    Bonus will applied to all characters on your game account (but not on master account);

    How to check if you have Permium status or not: system message when you log in to the game will show when PA is going to end. Also you will have the golden frame at your level parametr.

    Class Transfer:

    First class

    150.000 Adena
    6 Family Coins
    Second class

    2.000.000 Adena
    30 Family Coins
    Third class

    Full quest
    Not available at the start

    Reward for 3rd clanss transfer: 5.000.000 Adena, 2 Giant's Codex, 1 Giant's Codex - Mastery and 1 Giant's Codex - Discipline or Giant's Codex - Oblivion.

    Grand Opening: 05 April 2019, 20:00 (gtm +2)
    Website: http://l2e-global.com/

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=29031.0

