Lovely Aden - Lineage 2 Interlude Private Server.
Time Server, Site and Forum ~ GMT -3.
Server platform: L2OFF - Official files (EURO PTS).
100% Working all Interlude Features.
Full Buffers at NPC.
1 Hour Buffer Time, NPC Free.
2 Hours Buffer Time, Profile.
First Class 100k, Second 1kk, Third Class 10kk.
Sub Class and Noblesse need Only kill Bosses.
Buffs Slots 21 + 4 (Divine Inspiration Free).
Skill Restore Life was disabled from server.
Max Clan Level = 5, Only 2 Clans per Ally (You can add skills normally).
Cancel Advanced, buffs return after 15 seconds.
Infinity SoulShot and Arrows.
Auto Loot System (Expect Raid's Drops), Auto Learn Skills.
The rent of Clan Halls was increased.
TVT and AVA automatic events.
Special Area Farm Field of Whispers and Field of Silence.
Special Drops of Blesseds and Lifestones.
All races start at Elven Village.
Special Set (Same Stats from S-Grade) for Aden Castle Owner.
Only Aden Castle Siege work and every Week.
Special Fount at Giran Castle, infos:
Spawn within 30 minutes.
Donate Coin, Blessed Enchants and Lifestones.
Giran Castle Area = Chaotic zone and all doors openeded.
[C Grade] and [B Grade] by Adenas.
[A Grade] and [S Grade] by Farm.
Experience (XP): X75
Skill Points (SP): X75
Drop (Adena): X75
Drop (GrandBoss): X1
Drop (GrandBoss Jewelry): X1
Safe +3
Max Weapon: +16
Max Armor/Jewels: +12
Enchant Rate Retail
Getting a Sub Class
You can get sub class from NPC.
Attention, the quest is not required!
Attention! You are not required to hit raid bosses, talk to the chest that appears after death the raid is enough.
To get you need tall of 4 Scepters / 100.000.000 adena; 75+ lvl.
Scepter mined by killing raid bosses (to hit is not necessarily) and search the chest that appears (necessarily). Only characters level 75 + can find a scepter in the chest.
Scepter is not passed / not for sale, you can only delete the.
After the talk with a chest, the scepter appears in quest inventory.
After that you'll get Cabrio Infernium Scepters and 250.000.000 adena, you should return to the NPC d with one click you will get a subclass.
Getting a Noblesse
Nobless status can be obtained from NPC.
Attention, the quest is not required!
To get you need to have Nobless pass and 250.000.000 adena.
Nobless pass mined by killing a raid boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel. Group whose hit kill raid gets Nobless pass.
Nobless Pass is charged only to those participants seek a group who are on the subclass and have a 75 + level (subclass).
Raid and Epic Bosses
Special Respawn from Epic Bosses to more Active Server
Added Chaotic PVP Zones and Farm Drops on All Epic Bosses
85 Level - Valakas: 120 Hours (Random + - 30 Minutes)
80 Level - Antharas: 120 Hours (Random + - 30 Minutes)
80 Level - Baium: 120 Hours (Random + - 30 Minutes)
80 Level - Frintezza: 48 Hours (Random + - 30 Minutes)
80 Level - Zaken: 48 Hours (Random + - 30 Minutes)
80 Level - Queen Ant: 24 Hours (Random + - 30 Minutes)
80 Level - Core: 24 Hours (Random + - 30 Minutes)
80 Level - Orfen: 24 Hours (Random + - 30 Minutes)
80 Level - Ketra's Hero Hekaton 6 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes)
80 Level - Ketra's Commander Tayr 6 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes)
80 Level - Ketra's Chief Brakki 6 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes)
80 Level - Varka's Hero Shadith 6 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes)
80 Level - Varka's Commander Mos 6 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes)
80 Level - Varka's Chief Horus 6 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes)
80 Level - Barakiel: 3 Hours (Random + - 15 Minutes)
80 Level - Cabrio: 3 Hours (No Random)
80 Level - Golkonda: 3 Hours (No Random)
80 Level - Hallate: 3 Hours (No Random)
80 Level - Kernon: 3 Hours (No Random)
Other Bosses are Retail.
Olympiads and Sieges
First siege will be September 25, 04:00 PM (GMT-3)
Weekly sieges with payments in Euros.
Olympiad Period: 15 Days / Start October 01.
Base Class registration only on Saturday and Sunday.
Sunday = 02:00 PM ~ 08:00 PM (GMT-3)
Monday to Friday = 04:00 PM ~ 08:00 PM (GMT-3)
Saturday 04:00 PM ~ 08:00 (GMT-3) PM
Olly register wll be possible only at Giran Harbor
Need special necklace to enter in Giran Harbor
Enchant Maximum is +6
Areas Farm Drops Infos
Solo Area - Field of Whispers
EAA 1~1 / EAS 1~1 / EWA 1~1 or EWS 1~1 = 1%
SoulBlue 1~3 / SoulGreen 1~1 or SoulRed 1~1 = 100%
RedRose 1~1 / WhiteRose 1~1 or YellowRose 1~1 = 25%
Party Area - Field of Silence
EAA 1~9 or EAS 1~9 or EWA 1~9 or EWS 1~9 = 2%
SoulBlue 100~165 or SoulGreen 50~79 or SoulRed 30~49 = 100%
RedRose 5~15 or WhiteRose 30~50 or YellowRose 45~75 = 100%
Epic Bosses Drops Infos
WhiteRose 101~201 / RedRose-101~201 and YellowRose-101~201 = 30%
Queen Ant = 50%
Core = 50%
Orfen = 50%
Others are 100%
Ketra and Varkas Bosses
SoulBlue 121~221 or SoulGreen 62~92 = 100%
RedRose 5~15 or WhiteRose 14~37 or YellowRose 32~52 = 100%
Forgotten Blade = 9.04% / Imperial Staff = 6.97% / Angel Slayer = 6.54% / Saint Spear = 6.25% / Demon Splinter = 6.25% / Heavens Divider = 6.25% / Tallum Blade*Dark Legion = 6.78% / Arcana Mace = 6.20% / Draconic Bow = 5.20% / Shining Bow = 5.20% / BEAA = 12.24% / BEWA = 10.20% / BEAS = 12.24% / BEWS = 10.20%
Giran Fount Drops Infos
Donate Coin = 1~2 30%
WhiteRose = 100~120 30%
RedRose = 100~120 30%
YellowRose = 100~120 30%
BEWS 1~1 / BEAS 1~1 / BEWA-1~1 / BEAA 1~1 / SoulGreen 67~167 / SoulBlue 125~139 / EAA 1~1 / EWA 1~1 = 50%
Lifestone 76 1~1 / Lifestone Mid 76 1~1 / Lifestone High 1~1 / Lifestone Top 1~1 = 50%