
Author Topic: L2JL2Phoenix.pro Interlude x50  (Read 975 times)

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OfflineDoMin Joon

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    L2Phoenix.pro Interlude x50
    « on: August 18, 2018, 02:04:34 AM »
    GRAND OPENING MAY 26 - 20:00 GMT+3

    • Exp Sp x50
    • Drop x15
    • Adena x25
    • Spoil x20
    • Manor x1
    • 7sign x5
    • RB Drop x10
    • Epic RB Exp Sp Drop x1
    • Quest Drop x10 Rewardx1

    S-Grade weapon recipe quests
    • Relics of the Old Empire (74+ lvl) - item drop  х10
    • Gather The Flames (74+ lvl) - item drop  х10
    S-Grade armor recipe quests
    • Alliance with the Ketra Orcs (74+ lvl) - item drop  х10
    • Alliance with the Varka Silenos (74+ lvl) - item drop  х10
    • War with Ketra Orcs (74+ lvl) -item drop  х10
    • War with the Varka Silenos (74+ lvl) - item drop  х10
    • The Finest Food (73+ lvl) - item drop x10
    TOP A-Grade weapon recipe quests
    • A Powerful Primeval Creature (75+ lvl) - item drop  х10
    • Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe (75+ lvl) - item drop x10
    A-Grade armor recipe quests
    • Legacy of Insolence (59+ lvl) - item drop x10
    • Exploration of Giants Cave Part 1 (51+ lvl) - item drop x10
    • Exploration of Giants Cave Part 2 (57+ lvl) - item drop x10
    Adena & S Grade scroll quests
    • Seekers of the Holy Grail (73+ lvl) - item drop  х10
    • Guardians of the Holy Grail (73+ lvl) - item drop  х10
    Quests for resources
    • The Zero Hour (66+ lvl) - item drop x10Enria, Asofe, Thons, Varnish of Purity, Synthetic Cokes, Compound Braid, Durable Metal Plate, Mithril Alloy, Oriharukon
    • Delicious Top Choice Meat (65+ lvl) - item reward x10Mold Glue, Asofe, Thons, Mold Lubricant, Enria, Mold Hardener
    • Heart in Search of Power (60+ lvl) - item reward x10Asofe, Mold Hardener, Thons, Enria
    Other Quests
    • In Search Of Fragments Of The Dimension (20+ lvl) - drop x10
    • Hunt of the Golden Ram Mercenary Force (66+ lvl) - drop x10
    • A Game of Cards (61+ lvl) - drop x10
    • Seductive Whispers (50+ lvl) - drop x10
    • Yoke of the Past (20+ lvl) - drop x10

    What awaits you in the beginning
    • All characters start with top no grade armor + weapon + soul / spirit shots (all SS and Arrows is Infinity)
    • In all towns - villages where characters appear there are all necessary NPCs
    • Community Board (Alt+B) which will add more comfort to the game
    • Player control panel command in game .cfg .menu
    • To configure auto use Cp Hp Mp potions command in game .acp
    • Champion mobs is x10 hp with spawn chance 5%
    • The command /unstuck cast 15 seconds
    • Inventory changed for no dwarf 180 slots, dwarfs 210 slots
    • Base warehouse slots for no dwarf = 100
    • Base warehouse slots for dwarf = 120
    • Maximum warehouse slots for clan = 200
    • Weight limit increased x20
    • Flames of Invincibility (Alliance UD) 30 seconds
    • Bounty Hunter at lvl 40 added new skill Mass Sweeper
    • Official chance of enchant safe +3 fullbody armor +4
    • Offline shop & craft by command .offline
    • Change password command in game .cfg .menu
    • Unique protection against hacking your data through a secondary password
    • Tyrannosaurus respawn 5 minutes drop chance Top Grade Life Stone is 30%
    • Life stone skill chance  Top-10%   High-7%   Mid-5%   Ls76-1%
    Class, Subclass, Noblesse
    • 1st class transfer quest (20+ lvl) - reward 2kk adena
    • 2nd class transfer quest (40+ lvl) - reward 6kk adena
    • 3rd class transfer quest (76+ lvl) - 2 Book of Giants
    • Sub class without quest - max 3 subs
    • Minimum level to add subclass 75
    • Any Subclass manager show all sub class list
    • Simplified quest Noblesse. Reagents are sold in GmShop
    • Flame Of Splendor Barakiel - respawn time 5 hours +- 30 minutes random
    • Service community market provides the opportunity to trade items for the alternative currency Adena-Not allowed Bar-Coin of Luck
    • On our market you can buy from other players or sell themselves any item from your inventory which may transmit
    • For example enchanted weapon - armor - jewelry and popular consumables
    • Possible sale of augmented weapons
    • GmShop is up to B Grade with all consumables
    • Trader of Mammon and Blacksmith of Mammon are available
    • All buffs, dances, songs, full recovery Mp, Hp, Cp & buffs for pets is Free
    • Number of slots: 36 + 8 Debuff, Duration 2 hours
    • Blessing of Noblesse is now Debuff to support more comfortable
    • Vip Buffs + Resists cost 1 Festival adena per Buff
    • All champion mobs drop Festival adena with chance 100%
    • Vip Buff Pass for 3 hours is available in vote shop
    • Easy system to save your own buff profile up to 15 profiles
    Changed raid boss
    • Noblesse Barakiel respawn time 5 hours + - 30 minutes
    • Varka & Ketra Alliance Bosses respawn time 7 hours + - 1 hour random
    • All other Raid Bosses respawn time like official
    Epic raid boss
    • Command in game to check status .epic
    • At the start of the server all Epic Bosses will be dead
    • The countdown will begin their spawn from May 26 at 20:00 GMT+2
    • All Epic bosses changed to level 80
    • Ant Queen ring drop chance 70%
    • All other epic jewelry drop chance 100%
    Siege and bonus for capturing
    • Sieges every 2 weeks
    • First sieges will start 20.00 GMT+2
    • 100 Euro  Aden Castle
    • 80  Coin of Luck  Goddard
    • 60  Coin of Luck Giran
    • 40  Coin of Luck  Rune Castle
    • 40  Coin of Luck Oren
    • 30  Coin of Luck Gludio
    • 30  Coin of Luck Dion
    • 20  Coin of Luck Innadril
    • 20  Coin of Luck Schuttgart
    • Weekly hero system
    • Olympiad games every day 18:00 - 00:00 GMT+2
    • Max enchant for all +7
    Clan system and bonus
    • Clan will be created 7 level
    • Bonus for clan with members 40+ Level 8 and Full clan skills READ MORE
    • Bonuses are issued automatically without the intervention of the admin

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=28616.0
    « Last Edit: August 18, 2018, 02:22:17 AM by DoMin Joon »

