
Author Topic: L2Server.us  (Read 1768 times)

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    « on: April 29, 2011, 01:56:20 PM »

    Server will be online  on Saturday 04.30.2011  17:00  GMT +1 Server Time

    Server Information
    Experience: 15x
    Spell Points: 15x
    Party Experience: 2x
    Party Spell Points: 2x
    Adena Drop: 10x
    Item Spoil: 10x (Blue Mobs Spoil)
    Item Drop: 10x
    Drop Protected Time 10sec
    Raid Boss Drop: 10x
    Epic Boss Drop: 10x
    Epic Jewels : 2x (Attention Queen Ant, Orfen and Core have 30% Chance, this means it is possible to get 2 Jewels, one or nothing)
    Quests drop and reward:
    Drop Quest Item: 3x (Attention this means if the quest item you want to drop has a chances of 100% you will get 5, NOT ALL QUEST HAVE 100% DROP CHANCE)
    Adena : 5x
    Recipe: 1x
    Materials: 3x
    Scrolls Of Enchant: 1x
    Books for Enchanting skills: 1x
    Quest Drop Chance of all quests for s80 is 20%
    (All quest Rewards are 5x Exception Scrolls of enchant, weapons, armors, recipes, and all books that enchant skills, you will get just one not 5) Olympiad:
    Non Classed Participants 9
    Same Classed Participants 5
    Olympiad 1st each month
    Other Info:
    Champion Mobs:
    All Champion are passive monsters
    Champion give same amount of Xp and SP as a normal Mob
    5% chance for a mob to became champion
    MinLevel 20
    MaxLevel 85
    Hp 4x
    HpRegen 2x
    Atk 1.5x
    SpdAtk 1.5
    SpoilRate 2x
    Adena 2x
    No Quest for SubClass and class change
    Class Change - 1st 10.000 Adena, 2ed 100.000 Adena, 3th 1.000.000 Adena
    Custom Shop - up top B Grade
    Mana Potion - 500 Mp/potion - 5000 Adena + Town Tax.
    Buffs Time 1h - Npc Buffer
    All S80 and S84 Full drops are remove from Mobs (S80 and S84 can be optain only if you craft or RB drop)
    All S84 can be unsealed only with Festival Adena (Drops for all RB from 1 to 300.000 random amount)
    Festival Adena may be sold to other players
    Low A Grade in Luxery Shop
    SlotsForNoDwarf 100
    SlotsForDwarf 150
    DwarfRecipeLimit 100
    Keep manufacture shoplist after relog
    In order to balance the server we keep buff ammount as retail like
    Max buff Slots 20
    Max dance Slots 12
    All players will recive 1.000.000 Adena as a Vitamin Gift when they get lvl 15.
    Varka, Ketra and Barakel respawn is at 12h + -
    Varka and Ketra ally quests drop rate are biger in order to help players craft S grade
    Delevel Npc
    Item Auction
    Auto Activate Shots
    Mammon is not in town we announce Mammon Spawn
    Enchant Rate: (retail like)
    Enchant Chance Weapon Warrior: 70%
    Enchant Chance Weapon Mage" 40%
    Enchant Chance Armor: 66%
    Enchant Chance Jewelry: 66%
    Enchant Chance Element Stone: 50%
    Enchant Chance Element Crystal: 30%
    Enchant Chance Element Jewel: 20%
    Enchant Chance Element Energy: 10%

    Blessed Enchant Chance Weapon Warrior: 70%
    Blessed Enchant Chance Weapon Mage: 40%
    Blessed Enchant Chance Armor: 66%
    Blessed Enchant Chance Jewelry: 66%

    Enchant Max Weapon: Unlimited
    Enchant Max Armor: Unlimited
    Enchant Max Jewelry: Unlimited

    Enchant Safe Max: 3
    Enchant Safe Max Full: 4
    Accessory augmentation skills currently disabled
    Augmentation NG Skill Chance: 15
    Augmentation Mid Skill Chance: 30
    Augmentation High Skill Chance: 45
    Augmentation Top Skill Chance: 60

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=2998.0

