Information about L2 Shrine Gracia Final server you looking for solid Gracia final server with retail files, this one is right for you!
Online count about 500 unique IPs and rising.
Chronicle: Gracia final
EXP/SP rate: 4x (
5x with vote, you will get "premium buff" automatically after vote,also it allows you enter to solo kama )
Adena rate: 3x
Drop/spoil rate: 2.5x
RB drop rate: 2x
Quest EXP/SP rate: 4x
Quest adena rate: 3x
Spam is not allowed stones drop 2.5x
Star stones drop 2.5x
Gathering energy drop 2.5x
RB EXP - 4x
Epic jewellery drop: 1x
Ancient Tome Of The Demon drop rate: 1x
Selected quests are adjusted to match the server rate.
Hardware: 2x quad core, 32 GB RAM, 2x 120 GB SSD in RAID 1
Software: Custom core based on L2OFF platform
No donate - we have enough money to keep server running for an indefinite period of time.Changes against retail Gracia Final:
Server works with newer Gracia Epilogue client
No GM Shop, Global Gatekeeper and GM Buffer
Retail Raid Boss (including Epic RBs) respawn time
Retail Manor setup
Retail Olympiad setup (running from server start)
Retail Clan hall auction (running from server start)
Attribute stone/Crystal chance - retail
Retail class change quests
Retail subclass and noblesse
Auctioneer in Giran, Aden and Rune turned off
Possibility to turn off experience gain (.expon/.expoff)
Possibility to see current server time (.time)
Offline trade (.offline)
Command channel members don't take area damage/debuffs from other members
Disabled /trade on olympiad
Skill enchant directly from skill window (retail Gracia Epilogue)
Skill enchant consumes Adena and SP (retail Gracia Epilogue)
Slightly adjusted vitality levels (retail Gracia Epilogue)
Unified heavy/light/robe/kamael cloaks (retail Gracia Epilogue)