
Author Topic: L2OFFL2Way Interlude Low Rate  (Read 1157 times)

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    L2Way Interlude Low Rate
    « on: May 20, 2017, 09:45:13 PM »
    Grand Opening
    26 May, 2017 • 21:00 (UTC 0)


    L2Way - L2Off PTS - Low Rate
    Chronicle: Interlude
    Opening date: May 26, 2017
    Server Time: UTC Time Zone (GMT 0)
    Server main language (Chat): English
    Protections: Smartguard Anti-bot + Custom Anti-Bot protection system + Anti-Hack + DDoS protection
    Class Balance: Official (Retail Like) L2Server PTS
    Maximum allowed boxes for computer (windows of the game): 3 + (Unlimited Offline Trade Shops)
    Server Rates: EXP, SP, Adena 4x / Drop 1x / Spoil 1x / Quest rate 2x / Quest Adena 4x
    Safe Enchant: +3 / Max Enchant: 16
    Enchant Rate: from +4 to +14 = 55% / from +15 above = 25%
    Server Hardware: Xeon processor E5-2630V3 (16 x 2,40 GHz), 64 GB of DDR3 RAM, 4x 320GB Intel PRO RAID-10, 1x SATA 1TB Western Digital (for temporary backups), 1Gbit redundant network with protection.
    Olympiads: Will follow the original settings and will be initialized from June 1, 2017.
    PvP System: The server has protection (artificial intelligence) against PVP points feed. Also we will have a system with announces for players kills like Monsterkill, Ultrakill...
    Buff Slots: Interlude Original - 24 slots.
    Starting Items: We know the difficulty in teleporting at the beginning of the game and we will add some teleports to starting farm cities. Use them wisely, because when they are done you'll have to pay GK.
    L2Way Server Commands:
    .jailstat - shows time the left in jail in the case you are jailed
    .time - shows the current server time
    .expon - turn on experience from mobs
    .expoff - turn off experience from mobs
    .offline - start offline shop
    .timeleft - shows time left for any timed item you have
    .packadena - convert 1kkk of adena in adena pack and .unpackadena to revert
    Boss Respawn:

    Respawn / Random

    Barakiel 5h / 1h
    Cabrio 4h / 1h
    Hallate 6h / 1h
    Kernon 4h / 1h
    Golkonda 4h / 1h
    Ant Queen 36h / 2h
    Orfen 48h / 1h
    Core 60h / 1h
    Zaken 60h / 2h
    Frintezza 48h / 2h
    Baium 168h / 2h
    Antaras 264h / 2h

    Bosses of that dont appear here, have original respawn time.
    The original of most mobs is 36h respawn with 24h of random time.
    Staff: There are more than 10 years in management and extensive experience in the L2OFF servers. There are no other GMs or GAs available on the server in this way you can feel free of any kind of interference and/or corruption in the server since there are no GMs or GAs playing.
    The L2Way project (Important - Read): The server uses L2OFF PTS files and focused on being as closed as possible to the official server. The server will be low rate (4x) and buffs in original times. With extensive experience in L2Server administration, as already done by us before, approximately after 8 to 12 months (there is no fixed date) we will have update to Gracia Final and later for High Five always following the focus on being low rate and more similar with the official.
    Donation NPC: The server will launch without grade A and S items available in the NPC and after a few weeks the items will be released gradually in the NPC.
    Boss jewels will not be available via donations and are thus only available via drop. On our site, we will have a script where you can track which players have these jewels.
    There will not be special bonus items for people who donate, all items that will be in npc will also be available for purchase in the original forms of the game. Donation coins can be traded, so players who farm will be able access to those coins.
    There will also not be AIO buffers or NPC buffers. The buffs will be used in the original forms of the game!
    Frequently Asked Questions:
    Does the server intend to insert new GMs or GAs in the future to help in the support and server?
    No, we prefer to keep the server free from such problems. As stated above, we have extensive experience in l2servers administration and we know that GMs or GAs will bring us more problems than solutions. GMs and GAs always have friends who play on the server and this harms the future of the server as we have had past experiences. In addition, you will be sure to be playing on a server where there are no GMs or GAs playing, thus bringing greater reliability to the server. We know that to give support for everyone is a hard job, but we prefer to be bad in the support service reply period than to have great problems like the ones we had in the past.
    When we are going to have Gracia and High Five update players will lost items?
    No, players will not lose any items. The update is done directly in the database, thus, no item, level or skills will be lost.
    What staff will do to keep the server running with a good number of online players?
    Our servers are already well known and everyone knows that they are long date. The reliability and experience of previous servers guarantee you stability and fun for so many years. In addition we will be always doing events to attract new players and we will also be always maintaining a good advertisements in the servers main top lists.
    Is it possible that there are classes that are better than the others on the server?
    Yes, it is possible since the files will be kept in the original way. Even though some classes may be better than the others, as the server uses original buff times, all classes are required to make things happen on the server. Support classes should be the most valued of the server and players who generally like to play in these classes will be played between the clans of the server.
    What are the protections that the server uses?
    The server uses full protection against any kind of automatic action. We use the best softwares to keep the game clean of people who want to take some advantage. In addition to the known software, we also use some techniques developed by our Admin Thunder specially for our servers. As these techniques are not known, we can say with greater confidence that our server is totally free of bots and/or hacking programs. In addition to all the software that the server already uses, the server admins also log in sporadically to check suspicious actions and/or players that may have been reported. Anyway, we can say that using any kind of program to take advantage on our servers, has no future because the ban in your accounts will be applied.
    I share accounts with my friends. They login my accounts and I login his accounts. If he does something wrong, can I be banished with him?
    Each case is a case and we will analyze this type of punishment separately. If we realize that you got any kind of benefit because your friend was using something not allowed, your accounts will also be banned with him. We recommend not sharing your account and not logging accounts from other players to avoid any kind of problems.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=27430.0

