EXP 1000x
SP 1000x
Adena 1000x
Capture the Flag, Domination, Bomb Fight, Team vs Team, Deathmatch, Last Man Standing, VIP Team vs Team, Lucky Chests, Zombie, Simon Says, Double Domination, Russian Roulette, Mutant, Battlefield, Last Hero, Quiz Event, and Hide and Seek
Custom Cancellation System
When you get cancelled, you regain all your lost effects again after 15 seconds! Making cancel worthwhile without it being annoying or overpowered. You will also get notified with an on-screen message when your buffs are restored. Working with all of type cancels, banes, Touch of death, Steal divinity, hero pole.
Anti - KS system
Most damage on the Raid Bosses take the drops.
Killing Spree system
You will get publicly broadcasted after you kill 5/10/15/20/25/etc people consecutively without dying.
PvP Messages
When you kill or get killed you get a message with big white letters on the screen
Spawn protection effect
Anyone getting spawn protected will get a effect so others know he is in spawn protection. Also spawn protection lasts for 10 seconds
PvP Color system
Wanna stand out? Every time you gain a certain amount of PvP points, your title color will change.
Geodata and pathnodes
We can ensure you will not encounter wallshoots, wallwalkers or any kind of similar troubles with our geodata
Completely NEW Community Board. You can see there server info about our server, Top PvP and PK, Castle info, Account info and Server Statistics. You can also repair your character in case if you have got critical error on login using "repair character". ( make another character on the same account and then use community board to repair your char )
Crystal scrolls fully working.
Custom PK-hunters.Pk hunters kill ONLY players with karma , even if you hit the guard or use mass skills near him guard wont kill you !
Custom balance - Play as any class!
Buff shield protection! Each character has a skill to block the in-coming buffs from the other players ( overbuff usage )
Dressme system ( players will look to wear w/e armor they wish , no matter if they use other in inventory )
New custom clan halls
Automated vote reward systems
Custom Olympiad place designed to avoid "Feed"
Custom Wedding place
Custom farm place for clan eggs (a small instance)
Hero debuffs and weapons are litle boosted so hero worth to fight !
Custom damage window with different colors
Siege Rewards - If you successfully siege a castle you will be rewarded!
Scheme Buffer (With pet options)
Augmentations are retail like
Max 5 Sub classes
Raid Boss respawn info NPC and on Community board
Alt+Click removes a buff/song/dance
85 Level Fortress guards
Auto enchanter NPC
Scheme Buffer with protections
Event Manager ( for 14 events )
Clan Points trader NPC
Title color Npc
Boss respawn NPC
http://L2Xen.comHow To Connect:This is a FREYA server. You need the Freya client to play. If you don't have it, You can download it here Download and extract our patch to your Lineage II Folder. Download patch -> Start the game using the L2.exe in your system folder.
3. Log in! Auto account creation.