
Author Topic: Laguna Reborn - Hi5 - START TODAY!  (Read 1216 times)

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    Laguna Reborn - Hi5 - START TODAY!
    « on: May 01, 2014, 02:00:47 PM »
    Laguna reborn - L2J server based on HIGH FIVE package.
    Server has a custom gameplay,wich is balanced between HIGH&LOW rates.

    It is PVP server without any "starwars" feature.

    Our goal is to provide the real Lineage 2 PVP pleasure.

    Join us,

    Try something different and be different!

    The server start this SUNDAY at 15:00 GMT+2.

    Website : http://l2lr.com

    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LagunaReborn


    Experience (EXP) - 100x
    Skill Points (SP) - 100x
    Adena Rates - Custom
    Drop / Spoil - Custom
    RaidBoss Drop - Custom
    Manor - 100x

    Enchant Rates

    Safe Enchant +3
    Maximum Enchant +16
    Normal Scroll Chance 40-50%
    Blessed Scroll Chance 45-55%
    Crystal Scroll Chance 50-60%
    Maximum Attribute Weapon 6 Lv
    Maximum Attribute Armor 6 Lv
    Attribute Stone 40%
    Attribute Crystal 30%

    Buffs Configuration

    Buffer - Without D/S
    One active box will be allowed of your choice.
    Buff Time - 3hours.
    Max Buff slot - Retail like
    Dance & Songs slot&duration - Retail like
    Trigger Buffs slot - Retail like

    Main Configuration

    Server, site and forum time - GMT+2
    Main Town - Adena
    Starting Level - 76
    Mana Potion - 1000 per 15s
    Max Subclasses - 3
    Max Subclass Lvl - 85
    Olympiad Period - One week
    Auto Loot Enabled
    Subclass Without Quest Enabled
    Auto Learn Skills Enabled
    Geodata Enabled
    Class Master Enabled
    Offline Shop Mode Enabled
    Auto Loot Enabled
    Auto GrandBoss and RaidBoss Loot Disabled
    Champion System ( 2 Types ) Enabled
    Wedding System Enabled

    General Information


    - Retail like Olympiad system.
    - Buffer Support
    - 1st/2nd/3rd Class Changer available.
    - Sieges & Clan hall Wars Every Weekend
    - Automatic Events
    - GameMaster Events
    - ALT+B To Get Buffs/Teleport/Class master/Statistics/News
    - Raid Boss Loot can be picked who made most damage
    - Repair Character .repair charname
    - Lock your account to your ip .lock
    - ALT+B GMShop up to S80-Grade

    - ALT+B Server statistics
    - SHIFT+Click on monster to see the drop

    Custom Features

    - Unique Gameplay.
    - Unique Economy.
    - Alt+b GM Shop Up to S80-Grade Weapons, Armors, Jewels.
    - Alt+b Community Buffer - buffs: PRP,SE,EE + COW/POW includes schemes adding/removing, full CP/HP/MP heal. All buffs are 1 adena of charge.
    - Salina Event Merchant - Exchange your event currency for useful items.
    - NPC Item Broker - Auction items changes every week.
    - NPC Market - Darius,Fiona the main shop to get S84 items.
    - Custom quest to get Fame or Clan Reputation.
    - Nobless quest - no need to take any quest,just kill barakiel.Reward will be applied to all party
    - Custom Residence Feature - Castle/Fortress/Clan Hall : Magic Support - All ressists (SE,EE,PRP) : Teleport - Most popular farming spots.
    - Raidboss spawn announcment system.
    - Random Raidboss - drop changes every week.
    - Custom Grandboss - Level of all granbosses has been changed to 85 LVL. Granbosses was nerfed to be able to kill it with 1 party or less.
    - Grandboss respawn 24h + 4hours random.
    - Augumented item is dropable. ( Be carefull before karming )
    - Olympiad antifeed protection by IP.
    - And more..

    Dont miss a chance,join us!

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=18842.0
    « Last Edit: May 03, 2014, 05:02:03 PM by Laguna »

