http://l2abyssal.comServer Information - Interlude PvP Custom!
--+ Server Rates +--
Exp: 3000x / Sp: 3000x / Adena: 3000x
Items: 2x / Spoil: 1x / Drop: 2x
--+ Enchant +--
*Safe:5 *Max Weapon / Armor / Jewelry: 25
*Normal scroll: 75% from 5-20
*Blessed scroll: 100% from 1-20
*Improved Scroll: 100% from 1-25
--+ Server Specifications +--
* Completed C4 / C5 / C6 and some special skills
* Custom Shops with full c4, c5, Interlude and customized things
* Custom Teleporter with special zones
* Monsters only in farm zones
* 5 subclasses for 1 character
* Auto Class Master
* Zariche/Akamanah working
* Community board is disable
* Augmentation system
* Enchant Skills work
* The chance to get a skill in the augmentation process is from 15 to 45%
* You can have only 1 active and 1 passive skill at the same time
* Away system mode on
* Banking system mode on
* Offline trade system mode on
* Start Level 40
* Max buff slots setted to: 75
* Max debuffs: 5
* Autolearn Skills
* Standard respawn delay: 30 seconds
* Custom Start up zone
* Unique Raid Bosses
* On each pvp/pk you get an item
--+ Custom Npc`s +--
* Unique GmShop
* Unique Buffer
* Unique Teleporter
* Unique Raid Bosses
* Unique Farm Monsters
* All npc's look different
--+ Custom Items +--
* A lot of custom Hats and Accesoryes
* Custom Armor sets
* Custom Weapon sets
* Custom Tattoo's
* All custom items give special stats.
--+ Events +--
* Every hour event
* CTF / TVT / DM
* Pc Bang points
* Many GM Event*For Clan lvl, Reputation, etc
--+ Game Command +--
.deposit / .ctfjoin / .ctfleave / .ctfinfo /
.online / .repair /.tvtjoin / .tvtleave / .tvtleave
.password / .tradeoff / .tradeon