
Author Topic: Lineage 2 Network PvP Server  (Read 1591 times)

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Lineage 2 Network PvP Server
« on: January 06, 2012, 04:52:53 AM »
Lineage 2 Network PvP Server - 13.11.2011


Purpose of the server:
As we all know the time is precious and lately we don't have lots of time to spend on games anymore. That is why this server was created for those that want to login, get the best armor fast and just literaly ENJOY THE GAME. No needs of long farmings to get the best items. And because its PvP server all kills are rewarded by speacial coin (PvP Coin). For these Coins you can buy Scrolls to enchant your weapon and armor so there is equality in all respect. No one is better or worst. If you want to PvP without spending lots of hours to gain best items, join our server.
Votes are rewarded by points and these points can be exchanged for items in our offline shop.
New starting up method has been added to make the game more interested.

    Rates and enchants:
    Exp : x1000
    SP: x1000
    Party XP: x1
    Party SP: x1
    Drop: x1
    Safe Enchanting : +3
    Max Enchanting : +10
    Blessed Enchant : 80% (no normal scrolls)
    When a Blessed Enchant Fails your Enchant goes to -1 !! Ex: +10 weap will go to +9.
    PvP / PK reward with PvP Coin
    Global Gatekeeper, GmShop, NpcBuffer, Scheme Buffer
    MaxBuffAmount = 34
    MaxActivationBuffAmount = 20
    MaxDanceAmount = 14
    Good Balancing between Classes
    Skills Are Auto-Learn
    Forgotten Scroll Skills Are Auto-Learn
    Wedding System
    No Clan Penalties
    All Region Sieges
    3 Sub-Class
    Subclass lvl 85
    Lvl 81/83 Skills! -> Auto learn!
    Unique Game Play
    Full Geodata
    3 Hours buffs
    Attribute System
    No karma/dead drop

    Custom Features:
    Special Pvp Zone with auto flag
    Custom respawn zones
    PvP items can be attributed,augmented etc.
    Special PvP zone with pvp reward
    Attribute system with lvl 9 max (180 armor and 450 weapon)
    Hero Weapons can be enchanted and attributes added

    # PvP Name color System.
    # Pk Title color System.
    # TvT, CTF, Raid Boss

   Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quadcore
   incl. Hyper-Threading Technology

    Hard discs 2 x 750 GB SATA-II HDD
    (Software-RAID 1)
    NIC 1 GBit OnBoard
    connected at 100 MBit
    Backup Space 100 GB
    Traffic Unlimited*

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« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 04:53:33 AM by Lineage2Network »

