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    Lineage ][ Dreams - Luna 50x!
    « on: March 26, 2017, 12:03:12 PM »
    Hey Guys, Lineage ][ Dreams Luna 50x is a server initially launched in 2009, enjoyed by thousands of people all around the globe.Luna is based on the High Five client. Don't expect a retail High Five server however. Luna is quite unique even though we strive to keep the game as clean as it gets.
    High Five with a twist: no rush!(We  don't like flying orcs).

    Quick Overview
    Before getting started, please note that this list will not include retail features available in Luna. Only some of the custom features and various information we found useful to publish has been added in this listing.

    - 50x Pvp Server.
    - Highly secured server.
    - Experienced Team.
    - Stable. No lag.
    - Antibot System.
    - Rebirth System.

    Custom Gameplay
    - Custom Economy.
    - Custom Playgrounds.
    - Custom Events.
    - Custom Stores.

    Enchant Info
    - Safe: +5, Max: +25.
    - Rate: 69%, with Blessed & Normal Scrolls.

    Custom Economy System
    Custom currencies are used on Luna to purchase equipment and various items.

    Wind, Water and Fire Mantras are obtained in Low, Medium and High Level Zones. These currencies are used to purchase armors, weapons, jewels (from their respective stores in towns and custom NPCs) as well as various other items.

    Cokes and Synthetic Cokes are also obtained in all custom Hunting Grounds.

    Additionally, Synthetic Cokes can be purchased through the Luxury Shop in Giran, or Crafted using the Synthetic Cokes Recipe. The Synthetic Cokes Recipe can be spoiled from the Monastic Pilgrims in Monastery of Silence.

    Silver, Not allowed, and Dreams Coins can be obtained by farming mini-raids and raids. They can also be purchased for Adenas through the Luxury Shop in Giran. Certain equipment requires these currencies.

    Raid Hearts and Souls can be obtained from mini-raids and raids. These currencies can be used to purchase Ancient equipment as well as various other rewards through Aonix and the Raid Manager Astrake.

    Battles, Deathmatch, Survival Points as well as Event Coupons and Medals can be obtained while playing events - points and medals are obtained upon killing an enemy while Coupons are obtained when winning an event. Bring these currencies to Lorain to exchange them for various rewards. Every currency offers different rewards.

    Custom Stores
    All stores were customized on Luna. Any equipment available in-game can be bought directly (using our custom currencies) from the stores - up to Ancient S84.

    No-Grade up to S-Grade is sold in the regular Weapons and Armors Shops found in towns. The grade being sold depends on the town - for example, while only newbies gears are available from the Dion merchants, better gears can be found from the Aden merchants.

    Giran's merchants sells absolutely everything. From No-Grade to S. S80+ can be purchased from * in Giran.

    Notable NPCs
    We've got quite a few awesome faces here on Luna! continue reading...

    Competition Manager

    The Competition Manager Belias can be found in Giran Castle Town. You can use this NPC to view the Hunter and Coliseum Competitions Ranks, as well as purchase rewards using Competition Tickets.

    Event Manager
    The Event Manager Lorain can be found in every towns. You can use her services to purchase rewards using Event Medals and Battles/Deathmatch/Survival Points.

    Various additional services are available, such as exchanging Event Coupons, Medals and Squashes as well as visualizing the Top 50's Winners/Killers on the Events.

    Rebirth Manager

    Thurn, the Rebirth Manager, makes it possible to further increase your character abilities by performing Rebirths.

    Up to three rebirths can be performed. Upon reborn, you'll be de-leveled back to 40 and will receive a Rebirth Book that can be used to learn a Rebirth Skill. Below, the list of available Rebirth Skills:

    Rebirth Guidance
    Level 1 - Increases Accuracy by 3.
    Level 2 - Increases Accuracy by 6.
    Level 3 - Increases Accuracy by 9.

    Rebirth Haste
    Level 1 - Increases Attack Speed by 3%.
    Level 2 - Increases Attack Speed by 6%.
    Level 3 - Increases Attack Speed by 9%.

    Rebirth Health
    Level 1 - Increases Maximum HP by 3%.
    Level 2 - Increases Maximum HP by 6%.
    Level 3 - Increases Maximum HP by 9%.

    Rebirth Mana
    Level 1 - Increases Maximum MP by 3%.
    Level 2 - Increases Maximum MP by 6%.
    Level 3 - Increases Maximum MP by 9%.

    Rebirth Wind Walk
    Level 1 - Increases Speed by 5.
    Level 2 - Increases Speed by 10.
    Level 3 - Increases Speed by 15.

    Rebirth Focus
    Level 1 - Increases Critical Attack Rate by 3%.
    Level 2 - Increases Critical Attack Rate by 6%.
    Level 3 - Increases Critical Attack Rate by 9%.

    Rebirth Might
    Level 1 - Increases P.Atk by 3%.
    Level 2 - Increases P.Atk by 6%.
    Level 3 - Increases P.Atk by 9%.

    Rebirth Empower
    Level 1 - Increases M.Atk by 3%.
    Level 2 - Increases M.Atk by 6%.
    Level 3 - Increases M.Atk by 9%.

    Rebirth Shield
    Level 1 - Increases P.Def by 3%.
    Level 2 - Increases P.Def by 6%.
    Level 3 - Increases P.Def by 9%.

    Rebirth Magic Barrier
    Level 1 - Increases M.Def by 3%.
    Level 2 - Increases M.Def by 6%.
    Level 3 - Increases M.Def by 9%.

    Rebirth Agility
    Level 1 - Increases Evasion by 3.
    Level 2 - Increases Evasion by 6.
    Level 3 - Increases Evasion by 9.

    Rebirth Acumen
    Level 1 - Increases Casting Speed by 3%.
    Level 2 - Increases Casting Speed by 6%.
    Level 3 - Increases Casting Speed by 9%.

    Learning a Rebirth Skill or raising the level of an already owned rebirth skill costs 1 Rebirth Book.

    World Manager

    Youska the World Manager can be found in every towns. You may use his help to bestow a special abilitie to your weapon, craft dual swords, or, trade Soul Crystals for Life Stones.

    Community Manager
    The Community Manager Denkus is located in major towns, Giran, Aden and Goddard. You may use his services to retrieve Festival Adenas or obtain rewards using the Festival Adenas you already collected.

    Primeval Manager
    The Primeval Manager Kante is located on the Primeval Wharf. You may exchange the Deinonychus Eggs collected during the Primeval Battles for rewards such as Hats, Transformations...

    Newbies Buffer
    The Newbie Buffer is located in every newbies villages and villages. Salakhe provides low level characters magical support.

    Following buffs are available:
    Windwalk (60minutes)
    Berserker Spirit (60minutes)
    Blessed Body (60minutes)
    Blessed Soul (60minutes)
    Shield (60minutes)
    Magic Barrier (60minutes)
    Haste (60minutes)
    Might (60minutes)
    Death Whisper (60minutes)
    Focus (60minutes)
    Guidance (60minutes)
    Agility (60minutes)
    Acumen (60minutes)
    Empower (60minutes)
    Wild Magic (60minutes)
    Concentration (60minutes)
    Blessed Shield (60minutes)
    Advanced Block (60minutes)

    Town Buffer
    The Town Buffer Beryl can be found in every towns, and provides characters level 40 or higher a greater magical support.

    Following resistances are available:
    Mental Shield (60minutes)
    Resist Shock (60minutes)
    Chant of Protection (10minutes)
    Chant of Spirit (20minutes)

    Following prophecies are available:
    Prophecy of Wind (20minutes)
    Prophecy of Water (20minutes)
    Prophecy of Fire (20minutes)
    Chant of Victory (20minutes)

    Following buffs are available:
    Windwalk (60minutes)
    Berserker Spirit (60minutes)
    Blessed Body (60minutes)
    Blessed Soul (60minutes)
    Shield (60minutes)
    Magic Barrier (60minutes)
    Haste (60minutes)
    Might (60minutes)
    Death Whisper (60minutes)
    Focus (60minutes)
    Guidance (60minutes)
    Agility (60minutes)
    Acumen (60minutes)
    Empower (60minutes)
    Wild Magic (60minutes)
    Concentration (60minutes)
    Blessed Shield (60minutes)
    Advanced Block (60minutes)

    Following dances are available:
    Dance of Fury (60minutes)
    Dance of Fire (60minutes)
    Dance of Inspiration (60minutes)
    Dance of Warrior (60minutes)
    Dance of Vampire (60minutes)
    Dance of Concentration (60minutes)
    Dance of Mystic (60minutes)
    Dance of Light (60minutes)

    Following songs are available:
    Song of Wind (60minutes)
    Song of Earth (60minutes)
    Song of Warding (60minutes)
    Song of Vitality (60minutes)
    Song of Meditation (60minutes)
    Song of Life (60minutes)
    Song of Water (60minutes)
    Song of Hunter (60minutes)
    Song of Renewal (60minutes)
    Song of Champion (60minutes)

    Coliseum Buffer
    The Coliseum Buffer Yomen is located in the Coliseum and providers characters level 80 or higher with an improved magical support.

    Following resistances are available:
    Mental Shield (60minutes)
    Resist Shock (60minutes)
    Chant of Protection (30minutes)
    Chant of Spirit (60minutes)

    Following prophecies are available:
    Prophecy of Wind (60minutes)
    Prophecy of Water (60minutes)
    Prophecy of Fire (60minutes)
    Chant of Victory (60minutes)

    Following buffs are available:
    Windwalk (60minutes)
    Berserker Spirit (60minutes)
    Blessed Body (60minutes)
    Blessed Soul (60minutes)
    Shield (60minutes)
    Magic Barrier (60minutes)
    Haste (60minutes)
    Might (60minutes)
    Death Whisper (60minutes)
    Focus (60minutes)
    Guidance (60minutes)
    Agility (60minutes)
    Acumen (60minutes)
    Empower (60minutes)
    Wild Magic (60minutes)
    Concentration (60minutes)
    Blessed Shield (60minutes)
    Advanced Block (60minutes)

    Following dances are available:
    Dance of Fury (60minutes)
    Dance of Fire (60minutes)
    Dance of Inspiration (60minutes)
    Dance of Warrior (60minutes)
    Dance of Vampire (60minutes)
    Dance of Concentration (60minutes)
    Dance of Mystic (60minutes)
    Dance of Light (60minutes)

    Following songs are available:
    Song of Wind (60minutes)
    Song of Earth (60minutes)
    Song of Warding (60minutes)
    Song of Vitality (60minutes)
    Song of Meditation (60minutes)
    Song of Life (60minutes)
    Song of Water (60minutes)
    Song of Hunter (60minutes)
    Song of Renewal (60minutes)
    Song of Champion (60minutes)

    Gameplay Features

    Leveling/Farming Zones
    The whole map is available and waiting for you to explore, however, only certain zones are popular. We've made several zones better then all others to regroup players which greatly increases the fun as you will meet a lot of players while leveling.

    Following zones are recommended to players between 1-40:
    School of Dark Arts
    Cave of Trial
    Ruins of Despair
    The Ant Nest
    Mithril Mines
    Execution Grounds
    Cruma Marshland
    Bee Hive

    Following zones are recommended to players between 40-65:
    Timak Outpost
    Sea of Spores
    Alligator Island
    The Cemetary
    Valley of Saints
    Forbidden Gateway
    Beast Farm
    Blazing Swamp

    Following zones are recommended to players between 65-85:
    Hot Spring
    Varka Silenos
    Ketra Orc Outpost
    Monastery of Silence
    Imperial Tomb
    Pagan Temple
    Primeval Island
    Hellbound Island

    Pvp Towns
    The peace zones has been changed so that you can be attacked while in pvp mode.

    Spawn Protection
    The spawn protection was added to prevent spawn killing (getting killed while loading).

    Upon logging in, the spawn protection lasts 15seconds. When teleporting ingame by using the Gatekeeper for example, the spawn protection lasts 60seconds.

    The protection will not be activated if you are in a chaotic state or close to a raid boss.

    Custom Events
    Further information will be available on the event engine shortly.

    Competitions randomly takes places in the events.

    When an event is under competition mode, the following rules applies:
    Only S84-Grade Equipment can be used.
    Augmented items cannot be used.
    Hero skills cannot be used.
    Enchant does not count.
    Clan Skills and Residential Skills are removed.

    You will be notified when an event is under Competition mode during the registration. Each kill made during a competition event is ranked on the Competition Ranks. Every two weeks, the first three in top of the ranks are rewarded with Competition Tickets which they can use to obtain rewards from the Competition Manager, Belias.

    Treasure Chests Hunt
    This event will take place once every 3hours.

    When the event begins, whole server will be notified about the Treasure Chests location. The chests has been given "Click it NOW!" as title to avoid confusion with usual Treasure Chests, and can't be /target'd.

    In order to obtain reward once you found a chest, all you have to do is get close to it and click on it. You will be rewarded with 100 Silver Coins upon picking up a chest.

    Whole server will be notified regarding who found a chest, and how many chests are left. 30minutes will be given to players to find the three chests before they are removed from the world.

    If all chests were found within the given time, every players that found the chests will be rewarded with a Treasure Sack which contains several rewards, more or less great based on your luck:

    - 50 Large Squash's Seeds (60% Chance)
    - 25 Dreams Coins (25% Chance)
    - Purple Maned Horse (10% Chance)
    - Formal Wear (5% Chance)

    Primeval Battles
    The Primeval Battles is a PvP/PvE event and takes place on the Primeval Beach. The battles begins as soon as a certain amount of players has been killed within a minute on the beach.

    When the battles begins, whole server is notified and the Primeval Buffer Dyna spawns: In order to receive magical support from Dyna you must have killed a player on the Primeval Beach. The battles lasts 30minutes.

    During the battles, the Primeval Manager will start walking around on the Primeval Beach and, sometimes, laugh at/resurrect players that dies on the beach.

    Once certain amount of kills are reached, special Deinonychus will be spawned by waves. These Deinonychus are stronger than the usual Deinonychus and will aggro any player that's flagged for pvp. Based on your Primeval kills count you will receive more or less drops when killing the Deinonychus's.

    When dieing on the Primeval Beach while playing the Primeval Battles, the respawn-to-village button will not be shown, and you will be automatically sent to nearest after 15seconds.

    At the end of the event, the clan that collected the most kills will be announced and all players that participated in the battles within this clan will be rewarded based on their kill count. In addition, the top-killer will be rewarded and announced as well. The event cannot take place again for 1h30m after it ended.

    Other Features Worth Noting


    Tattoos can be purchased from the World Manager - Youska. You can only equip one tattoo at a time.

    Tattoo of Power
    Increases M.Atk by 5%.

    Tattoo of Fire
    Increases P.Atk by 5%.

    Tattoo of Resolve
    Increases Speed by 15.

    Tattoo of Flame
    Reflect damages from a melee attack.

    Tattoo of Bravery
    Increases P.Def by 5%.

    Tattoo of Blood
    Produce the Vampiric Rage effect.

    Tattoo of Absolute
    Increases maximum HP by 15%.

    Tattoo of Soul
    Increases maximum MP by 15%.

    Tattoo of Avadon
    Increases Casting Spd. by 5%.

    Tattoo of Doom
    Increases Attack Spd. by 5%.

    Skills Changes

    Boosted Spectral Dancers
    Additional self-effects were added to certain dances on Luna. Spectral Dancers benefits of double effects on a few of their dances. For example, when buffing up yourself with "Dance of Warrior", instead of receiving a 12% P. Atk increase, you'll be getting a 24% P.Atk increase.

    Below, the list of affected Dances:
    - Dance of Warrior
    - Dance of Inspiration
    - Dance of Mystic
    - Dance of Fire
    - Dance of Fury
    - Dance of Concentration
    - Dance of Light
    - Dance of Aqua Guard
    - Dance of Earth Guard
    - Dance of the Vampire
    - Dance of Alignment

    Boosted Sword Muses
    Additional self-effects were added to certain songs on Luna. Sword Muses benefits of double effects on a few of their songs. For example, when buffing up yourself with "Song of Earth", instead of receiving a 25% P. Def increase, you'll be getting a 50% P. Def increase.

    Below, the list of affected Songs:
    - Song of Earth
    - Song of Life
    - Song of Water
    - Song of Warding
    - Song of Wind
    - Song of Hunter
    - Song of Invocation
    - Song of Vitality
    - Song of Vengeance
    - Song of Flame Guard
    - Song of Storm Guard

    Cancel and Steal Skills
    To ensure you do not run back to town once every few minutes to get back some buffs that were canceled and/or stolen during PvP, the steal and cancel effects were customized so that they only temporarily cancel/steal a target's effects instead of permanently.
    Join Us!

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    « Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 12:03:31 PM by BunkoBugsy »

