
Author Topic: Lineage II Weeds Beta Started (1week)  (Read 1339 times)

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    Lineage II Weeds Beta Started (1week)
    « on: May 16, 2012, 06:28:48 PM »

    General Information

    -1000x Experience , 1000x Skill Points , 1000x Adena , 1x Drop.
    -Safe enchant +3 , Max enchant +16.
    -Enchant rate with normal enchant scroll 75% , 85% with blessed enchant scroll, 100% with crystall enchant scroll
    -Server based in the pvp.
    -There are custom items.
    -New heroes every Two weeks, Castle siege every 2 Weeks.
    -You haven't to make quests , automaticaly class changer.
    -No exclusively donated items (You can get everything donable item in game)
    -Normal Scroll :75% - Bleessed :85%   Safe :4 Max: 10!
    -Crystall Scroll: 100% - Safe 10 Max:16!

    Unique Features

    -Not powered donations , 1 donator = 1 normal player.
    -News players can kill easy old players , due a extra power for the news players.
    -Farming system based in the pvp. Diferents farm areas where you get differents items killing an enemy.
    -PVP system quite similar to retail. Class balance is almost complete.
    -Fully operational skills.
    -Olympiad retail like , without any powered class there.
    -Well developed custom events, team vs team , capture the flag,Clan Hall event,DM,TownWar!
    -Only 1 Siege-Aden!
    -Castel Crown Lord Custom Stats!
    -Circle Of Aden -Custom Stats!
    -Custom Items (Armors Refining 60%-80%-100%)
    -Dusk Weapons-Abyssal Armors-Custom Tattos-Custom Items-Agathions-Custom Mask-
    -Custom Rebirth Manager(With Custom Skills)
    -Custom GMSHOP/CustomShop/Buffer
    -Custom Npc Password Changer.
    -Custom Npc PvP/Pk/Clan Rank List .
    -Custom Noblesse Quest!
    -Custom Npc With All Subclasses.
    -We have NPCS ONLY in Aden(All npcs and mobs are deleted )!
    -Custom Dances/Songs!
    -You can Have only 1 Active and 1 Pasive!
    -0 Weight for items/armors/weapons!
    -When you sell, everything will cost 0 adena!
    -All Mobs Deleted (We have mobs Only in Custom Zones)!
    -All recipes deleted!
    -Top No-Grade in start!
    -All SpellBooks Deleted!
    -Increases all chars p.def/m.def by 10%!
    -Increases all chars CP. At 20lvl by 22%, at 40lvl by 44%, at 76lvl by 66%: This one good one for longer pvps..!
    -Teleports cost 0 adena!
    -To enchant skill doesn't need exp/sp!
    -Auto server restart:Every week..!
    -Deleted Skill Kabokula (Tyrannosaurus Skill)!
    -Deleted Skill Tapirawa (Tyrannosaurus Skill)!
    -Deleted Skill Shabonoba (Tyrannosaurus Skill)!
    -Added Anti Buff Skill ( Players(Hierophant...Bixops..etc) can`t Debuff You!
    -Added Custom RewardBuff Skill! (Stats: 5000 HP/CP + 5% Atk-Matk Speed)!
    -Added Custom Noblesse Item!
    -Added Custom Clan Reps Item!
    -Added New Custom Craft Items!
    -Added New Dusk Fists!
    -Fighter & Mage Pack Buffs Edited!
    -War Cry Skill Edited ( You Can Activate and Deactivate)!
    -Rage Skill Edited ( You Can Activate and Deactivate)!
    -Thrill Fight Skill Edited ( You Can Activate and Deactivate)!
    -Dead Eye Skill Edited ( You Can Activate and Deactivate)!
    -Archer Stun Don't remove your target!!
    -Weapon & Armor Master Penalty !

    Dedicate Host
    -Powerfull dedicated server, AMD Athlon II X3 445 Processor 3.10GHz 8GB RAM ,64BIT Operation System,500Gb HardDisk Sata II-Download Speed : 90 mb-Upload Speed :75mb!

    Custom Commands
    - .away/.back
    - .deposit/.withdraw
    - .online/.joinoly/.leaveoly/.stats/ .rewardme
    - .tvtjoin/.tvtleave/.ctfjoin/.ctfleave/.dmjoin/.dmleave

    Server Protection

    - Anti-Bot System. You can't join with programs like L2Net , L2Walker.
    - Anti-Cheat System. You can't join with l2phx , l2haplex .
    - DDOS Protection System. High security versus attacks.
    We W8 You In Game
    WebSite:Lineage II Weeds
    Contact:[email protected]

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=7791.0

