
Author Topic: Lineage ][ Synergy [OFF] 14-9-12 | Join Us Today*|The Legendary Server Is Back!  (Read 1350 times)

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    GRAND OPENING:14 September.Join the forum for more news.Call your friends and clannies to celebrate this event all together at Friday 14th of september.! 18:00 GMT +1..

    Official Features:

    * All areas working,
    * All skills working,
    * Olympiad working,
    * Geodata working,
    * Fusion skills working,
    * 7-Sings working,
    * Clan system working,
    * Augumentation system working,
    * Single and party duel working,
    * Cursed weapons working,
    * Castle sieges working,
    * Clan Hall sieges working,
    * 24 buff slots,

    Custom Features:

    * Ant Queen and Zaken level 80,
    * Buffs are 1 hours, except COV/POW/POF/POW that are retail,
    * Most of spawns protected (peace zone / silence),
    * NPC Buffers (all 2nd class buffs/dances/songs for free),
    * Global Gatekeepers (all teleports are free),
    * Auto learn skills (you get skills after reaching right level),
    * Anti Buff Shield (toggle skill that blocks all unwanted buffs),
    * Giran as shopping zone (all needed NPCs can be found there),
    * Class Changer can be found at Giran to change your 1nd , 2nd and 3rd class,
    * Still under construction
    * Epic raids will be available after 1 week after live. ( Epic raids respawn will be 2 times faster than retail ),
    * Heroes will be elected by olympiad every 2 weeks ,
    * There is no EXP penality for leveling lowbies,
    * Stay tunned for more updates .

    Photos Of The Server/NPCs Can Be Found Here: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=250436.15


    Join us Today|More Info At Forum(Register And Suggest Your Own Opinions!)

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=9401.0

