
Author Topic: L2OFFbeyond.lt classic 2.0 Antharas x3  (Read 908 times)

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    beyond.lt classic 2.0 Antharas x3
    « on: May 20, 2020, 11:58:50 PM »

    Website - https://beyond.lt
    Forum - https://forum.beyond.lt

    We all have at least once, thought that “L2 is not the same anymore”, “the game has rolled down to session”, and many other sad thoughts. The time spent on the Internet in repeated attempts to find something at least remotely similar to the "good old Lineage 2 time" did not give any results. But once our prayers were heard - once, back in 2014, in that memorable November, when the first Lineage 2 Classic servers with Russian localization were opened - an "alternative version of Lineage 2, in which there is everything that players loved in the early chronicles: difficult farming, the need for team play and a nostalgic soundtrack "(c).

    It seemed - we received the gift that we had been waiting for so long, but, it turned out to be not the sweetest filling. Everything would be nice if it weren't for these ill-fated updates one after another ... One cycle macro system costed a lot of negativity for example. There is nothing to say about the "New level of comfort" - the introduction of the autofarm system was one of the most serious mistakes in the development of these chronicles. And the farther into the forest, the thicker the jungle, as they say. With each update, the game became like the same nightmares from which we so diligently tried to escape into the world of our dreams and nostalgia for the "good old" Lineage 2 times.

    Given all of the above, we think that many have been waiting for this news for a very long time.

    We have been analyzing the market for quite some time, players' requests and looking for different ways. We understood that it was necessary to go beyond the framework, leave behind some traditions and principles and set foot on the path of development and improvement. Try to give users what they have been looking for and waiting for so long. And finally, today we are ready to confidently announce a new stage in the life of our beloved project - the opening of a server based on the Lineage 2 Classic 2.0 Antharas chronicles.

    Following the best traditions, we will try to do everything and a little bit more so that you appreciate this product. Starting with the introduction and disconnection of some features of the game:

    1 - (and most important) - auto-macros and auto-farm are disabled. Absolutely.

    2 - offline-trade is available to any player and is not taken into account when calculating the number of running windows (boxes).

    3 - the ability to disable experience has been implemented

    4 - simplified player's PK cleaning system

    and many, many other functions, such as a system for reducing the chance of a drop of items from a character dying from a monster and much more to follow.

    Main server rates:

    EXP/SP/Adena: x3;
    Drop: x2;
    Quests: х2;
    Spoil: x2;
    RaidBosses: x1.

    This is a real classic, complemented by unusual mechanics, new bosses and unique solutions. This is the same good old world in which we all would like to spend days, evenings and nights. Welcome!

    With pride and respect, Beyond Team

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=29672.0

