
Author Topic: L2JOSGames L2 - Grand opening 14/07  (Read 1799 times)

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    OSGames L2 - Grand opening 14/07
    « on: July 11, 2019, 01:10:18 PM »

    Website: https://osgames.net/lineage.php

    Data: Hosted in: OVH

    Country server: Canada

    Server time: UTC -2

    Server Chronicles: Interlude

     - Armor: Grade-S

     - Weapon Grade-S- Jewels Boss - Free Sub-Class - Donations do not influence the balance - Offline Shop Mode - Auto Learn Skills - Auto loot - Automatic PickUp (except raid's drops) - Only 3 clans per alliance

    - Farm system: Drop in custom areas.

    -Events Automatic

    - Argument STR, INT, WIT, MEN: 5% Chance


    + Experience (EXP / SP) x30

    + Adena x10

    + Party: x2Enchants:

    + Enchant safe +10+ Max. Enchant Weapons +20+ Max. Enchant Armor / Jewels + 20Buffs: - Buff Places 32

    + 4 (Divine Inspiration)

    - All the buffs in NPC

    - Buff time 1 hour

    - Free HS Buffs in NPC + Siege 7 in 7 days

    * Active castle: Giran / Aden / Rune / Goddard

    * Castle to the Winner: aden and GiranProteccion:

    - 99.9% uptime secure server - 24/7 days of the week - Dedicated server without LAG !!! - Premium anti-hack protection

    - DDoS protection

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=29173.0
    « Last Edit: July 11, 2019, 02:34:36 PM by GraetMaestro »

