
Author Topic: L2OFFPlayEvoke  (Read 2037 times)

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OfflineLineage Evoke

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    « on: September 29, 2020, 05:21:41 AM »

    Website: https://playevoke.com
    Discord: https://discord.gg/2rZeKQC
    Client: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vZt4q0 ... wH49r/view
    Launcher: Coming soon...
    Register: Coming soon...

    - Exp: x5
    - SP: x5
    - Adena: x5 (chance x1)
    - Spoil chance: x5 (amount x1)
    - Spam is not allowed stones: x5 (chance x1)
    - Drop chance: x2
    - Raid Boss: XP/SP x2
    - Raid Boss: Adena/Drop x2
    - Epic Boss: Drop x1
    - Quest Adena: XP/SP/Adena x3 (Dangerous Seduction reward capped at 200k)
    Fishing Rewards (POCAF): 3x

    Starting Pack:
    - Ruthless Mask (Item will disappear after 24 hours)
    An exclusive mask to show your truly ruthless self!
    - Mithril Shirt (Item will disappear after 7 days)
    An exclusive shirt which makes you feel fast as the wind.
    Description: Song of Wind (5 min. duration) and 20 minutes reuse delay that can be used when equipped the shirt.
    - Ring of Heir (Item will disappear after 7 days)
    A unique ring that will ease your burden and make you stronger.
    Description: +5000 Weight limit

    - Offline Trader Free (Setup up to 10 shops)
    - Offline shops lasts 72 hours (Type: /offline_shop or .offline_shop shops stays 3 days since you setup him)
    - Dual Box Free (1+1)
    - No GM Shop, No NPC Buffers, No Alt+B, pure retail-server!
    - Travelers' weapons (no-grade and D-grade)
    - PlayEvoke Wiki
    - PIN Protection
    - Master Account
    - Premium Accounts
    - Premium Anti DDoS Protection guaranteed
    - Fully working Olympiad
    - Fully working Lifestones & Augment system
    - Sieges every two weeks
    - Siegeble Clan Halls (unique)
    - Wedding System (unique)
    - Giran Harbor - Shopping Area
    - Monthly Events (Letter Collector, Glittering Medals, Summer Squash etc)
    - Vote System & Vote Rewards
    - World Chat
    - Lifestones lv 61+ stackable
    - Cursed Weapons disabled first 2 weeks from launch.

    Unique Marriage System

    We introduce to you the marriage system here on Lineage 2 Evoke.
    1. Get engaged with your partner by using the command .engage nickname
    2. Make sure your couple have equipped the beautiful Formal Wear
    3. Find NPC Maximilian located in the Church (Town of Giran) and get married by paying the fee of 5.000.000 Adena each.
    .engage nickname (This command must be used before getting married.)
    .divorce (If you divorce from your partner you will get a 7 days penalty before being able to engage again.)
    .gotolove (Teleport to your wife/husband, this command has 1 hour re-use and can not be used while being in combat.)
    The bride and the groom will receive after completing the ceremony: 3 x Wedding Rice Cake (Increases XP and SP gain by 10% for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 10 minutes. Cannot trade/sell.).

    Increased rates for vital quests:
    - Alliance with Ketra Orcs - х2
    - Alliance with Varka Silenos - х2
    - An Ice Merchant's Dream – x2
    - A Powerful Primeval Creature – х2
    - Clean up the Swamp of Screams - х2
    - Coins of magic - x2
    - Exploration of Giants Cave, Part 1/ Part 2 – х2
    - For Sleepless Deadmen - 2x
    - Gather the flames - х2
    - In Search of Fragments of Dimension - х2
    - Illegitimate Child of A Goddess - 2x
    - Legacy of Insolence – х2
    - Supplier of Regeants - 2x
    - The Finest Food - х2
    - The Finest Ingredients - Part 1 - х2
    - War with Ketra Orcs - х2
    - War with Varka Silenos - х2
    - Whisper Of Dreams Part 1/ Part 2 – х2
    - Rase & Fall of the Elroki Tribe - х2
    - Relics of the old empire - х2
    - Yoke of the Past – x2
    Raid Bosses

    Queen Ant: 24 hours +/-2 hours
    Core: 36 hour +/-2 hours
    Orfen: 36 hour +/-2 hours
    Zaken: 48 hour +/-2 hour
    Frintezza: 48 hour +/-2 hour
    Baium: 120 hour +/-2 hour
    Antharas: 192 hour +/-2 hour
    Valakas: 264 hour +/-2 hour

    Devastated Castle 17/10/2020 at 15:00 GMT+1
    Fortress of the Dead 18/10/2020 at 15:00 GMT+1
    Bandit Stronghold 17/10/2020 at 17:00 GMT+1
    Rainbow Springs Chateau - coming up soon.
    Wild Beast Reserve - coming up soon.
    Gludio Castle - 24/10/2020 18:00 GMT+1
    Dion Castle - 24/10/2020 18:00 GMT+1
    Oren Castle - 24/10/2020 20:00 GMT+1
    Giran Castle - 24/10/2020 20:00 GMT+1
    Aden Castle - 25/10/2020 16:00 GMT+1
    Goddard Castle - 25/10/2020 18:00 GMT+1
    Rune Castle - 25/10/2020 20:00 GMT+1
    Schuttgart Castle - 25/10/2020 20:00 GMT+1
    Innadril Castle - 25/10/2020 - 18:00 GMT+1

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=29797.0

