
Author Topic: Promote Your Lineage 2 Server with L2day.com  (Read 1479 times)

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    Promote Your Lineage 2 Server with L2day.com
    « on: December 21, 2012, 08:09:14 AM »

    I would like to present to you all new project : http://l2day.com

    L2day.com is free service for Lineage 2 server owners to advertise their project before opening.
    It is really important for every project to get as many players as possible on server opening day, our service gives you an opportunity to advertise your project before opening, most toplist will not give you that option.You can add your server description up to 5000 characters + upload free banner.To stand out you can also purchase our VIP service.

    Our main goal is to link players to L2 Servers. In order to do so our project will be advertised on various L2 Community Websites/Forums.

    As we all know before I can start promoting this project to players it must have content, this is the part where i need server owners to submit their projects to our website.

    Service is new and unique for EU private server owners but it is very popular and powerful tool used by Russian server administrators and because it was so successful there i decided to create project like this for EU server admins.

    Project Link: http://l2day.com

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=11073.0

