
Author Topic: Server with FREE WALKER, rpg, no donate! (buy 1st+2nd class Q as official)  (Read 2096 times)

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    If you are interested in such a server, take a look at http://www.cosmosl2.eu
    It is Gracia Final, x10, non-banned the walker (except if you overdoit, e.g. 9 clients etc.).

    It is true that for most players, legit died! (make same things again and again). It is also true that 99% as the servers have donate (or secret e-bay/donate).
    At least this server is clean from these things (donates, etc.). The only thing you can ever donate, is accessories, rename, change e-mail! (if you like donate-servers for rullingl, stop already reading).
    And with walker we don't need think all the time of farming and enjoy pvping! :D
    (and also not be in a server full of +16 items, as very few have more than +5 weapons and of course we are not talking about S grades!)

    Everyone wants, is welcomed to join, because unfortunately community is not still big (like previous cronicles) and till now server did not have advertising and was not in sites like topzone because of summer (of course this does not mean that the community is small!), but after a while (and because that people they will know about the server, it is rare to find ''clean'' server, same for walker) we hope the community to become... HUGE! :D

    Just take a look if you like it ;)

    ps: I am a player of the server, not staff. I just want to play to a server that has walker and also lots of people! :D
    ps2: please keep the topic clean from flame/spam posts! :)

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=1589.0
    « Last Edit: September 18, 2010, 11:02:40 AM by Michail »

