welcome to Lineage][PvPserver, official start
www.l2pvpserver.eu.::XP/SP/ENCHANT::.XP Rate: 5000 x
Adena Rate: 100 x
Max Enchant Weapon +16
Max Enchant Armor +12
Safe Enchant +3
Enchant Rate: 80 %
Blessed Enchant Rate: 100 %
Augmentation Chance: 15 %
.::Other & Custom Systems::.No Custom Items!
Buff time: 2 hours
Buff slots: 36
Spawn protection 30 second
AntiFeed protection (players with the same IP can't fight eachother)
Olympiad Fully reworked as official, Open: 20:00 - 23:00 +1GMT everyday, Hero everyweek
Fights messages ex. "You have killed XYZ 5 times."
Max 31 players in one clan, max 2 clan in one ally
Max 1 active and 1 passive augmentation skill
15 kills without die = Hero Aura
Perfect class balance, no overpowers!
Respawn GrandBosses (24h - Valakas, Baium & 12h - Core, Orfen, Frintezza, Zaken, Queen Ant)
Respawn SpecialBosses (every 1 hour)
Pvp/PK rewards
Player with karma have 30% chance for drop items
All subclasses in one npc
All skills enchant in one npc
Announce castle lord login
Pvp/PK color system
Unique Zones
Wedding, Fishing Systems
100% Castle Sieges
Flawless Geodata & PathNodes
.::Special Zones::.- Safe Zone (peace farm for newbies)
- Zone 1 (custom arena zone for PvP)
- Zone 2 (farm zone for medals)
- Zone 3 (farm zone for adena)
- Zone 4 (special raid boss farm for top life stones )
Items:- augmentation click Life stone item and cancel augmentation click Gamestone D, C
- noblesse status click item
.::Security::. - DDoS Attack protection
- active machine firewall
- anti bot system, PHX, L2Tower
- several security codes in core server