
Author Topic: L2JTheBattle.Club 22 of December  (Read 1280 times)

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OfflineTheBattle Club

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    TheBattle.Club 22 of December
    « on: December 16, 2017, 04:42:50 AM »
    • Server chronicles Part 5
      Server directions: PvP Craft
      EXP 77 | SP 77 | Adena x40 | Drop x20 | Spoil Chance x15 | ClanRepScore x10 Manor x7 | Quest x5 | Reward x5 | RaidBossDrop x7 | Epaulette x10 | Fame x2
      Server platform: Java.
      All new characters appear in N-Grade Equip and Level 1.
      At level 40, you will receive a box with a temporary C-Grage Equip.
      Buff lasts - 1 hour.
      24 (+4) buff-slots, and 12 for songs and dances.
      Free buffer up to level 80.
      Professions are free.
      You can write to chat in Shout / Trade from the 60th level.
      The maximum level of the subclass is 85.
      On the server there are champions (red x15 and blue x7), up to level 80 inclusive, without drop ATT.
      Hellbound - the island is open from the start of the server. The level is the maximum.
      Mana potion restore 1500mp Coldown for 15 seconds.
      Advanced inventory - up to 110 slots (for dwarfs - 130)
      There are no restrictions on windows.
      Maximum enchanting on the server +16.
      The server is equipped with an auto loot.
      All skills are learned automatically.

    Raid and epic bosses and their features:

    • Queent Ant - level 85, drop 100%
      Core & Orfen level 85, 100% ring drop
      There is PvP Zone near the Raid Bosses
      Baium, maximum 150 players can enter Baium.
      CC capture thru DPS.


    Team vs Team
    Classic Team vs Team event in which players get divided into 2 teams. Each task has more PvP frags which gives a team more points. The event will take 10 minutes. The winning team gets Silver Shilien or Battle Coin.
    Award is given to only 1 player by HWID / IP check
    After respawn, the player has 8 seconds of full invulnerability
    Last Survivor
    The trash server of the event is to survive in the arena.
    The survivor receives the Battle Coin award.
    Capture the flag
    Classic Capture The Flag event where players get divided into 2 teams. The task of each team is to collect as more frags and points as possible. The event will take 10 minutes.
    For the victory players will receive Silver Shilien or Battle Coin.
    Fight Club
    You bet on the event, then if someone is ready to fight with you for this bet, he also contributes an identical amount of Battle Coin and can fight with you if he defeats your Battle Coin gives the opponent, if you win, then the coin gives the opponent You!
    PvP tournament 1x1
    You register for the event in Alt + B, it sends you to the Colosseum, where you fight 1x1 with the opponent, the one who won moves into a new circle, the loser flies to the city. The winning player gets the title of the best duelist and is awarded a unique accessory that is not available for sale.
    PvP tournament 2x2\3х3\5х5\9х9
    You register with the NPC which spawns 1 hour before the start of the Event in Giran. After registration, all parties are automatically split into pairs. The winners pass into the next circle, the losers fly to the city. As soon as your team wins, you are thrown to the next round to the winners, 30-45 seconds are allocated for training. If you do not have enough opponents, you expect up to 10 minutes (exactly how much it takes to fight).
    The team that wins the last battle is considered the winner.
    Event according to our ideas will be held every 3 days, the date may vary.
    9x9 Chaos near Beleth
    Registration for the event in Alt + B, teleports players and divides them into teams in an equal number of players. Let's say there are 200 people, there will be 25 parties of 8 peopl
    The task - to remain the last survivor of your party, you can choose different tactics.
    The group is formed randomly. When the last player remains, his party resets (the one he is a member of). All the parties are sent to kill Raid Boss, from which a very delicious drop falls.
    NOT AVAILABLE: mass resurection, party recall, clan summon.
    AVAILABLE: BRES / Res / Resurectio..

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=27941.0
    « Last Edit: December 17, 2017, 11:09:28 AM by GraetMaestro »

