
Author Topic: L2JTheBattle.club High Five + Classic 23 November  (Read 863 times)

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    TheBattle.club High Five + Classic 23 November
    « on: November 13, 2018, 07:16:13 PM »

    Opening x30 Reborn!

    We have prepard for you new world "Reborn" from new concept, as well as a modification in the form of entry into the game through CLASSIC client now you can play your favorite chronicles HIGH-FIVE as through old client HF and new client CLASSIC!

    Opening November 23 in 20:00 GTM+3

    Web: https://thebattle.club/
    Community Forum: https://forum.thebattle.club/index.php

    Server Rates and FAQ

    Chornicles: High-five Part 5
    You can use standard High-Five client, or Salvation (Classic Client, higher FPS)
    Server time GTM +3 (Moscow Time)
    EXP x30 | SP x30 Adena x15 | Drop x10 | Spoil Chance x10 | ClanRepScore x5 Manor x4 | Quest x3 | Reward x3 | RaidBossDrop x4 | Epaulette x10 | Fame x2
    Server Platform : Java.
    New players starts with a NG equiepement (TOP) + 300 000 Adena and Soul Shots (NG,D,C Grades)
    Buff - 1 hour
    24(+4) buff slots , and 12 for Dance/Songs
    Free buffer up to 80 level
    Class Change for free .
    Shout/Trade chat available only at 60 level.
    Max level for subclass 85.
    On server you can find Champion Monsters (Red x5, Blue x3) max level of champions - 80, without att drop.
    Hellbound - open , max level.
    Mana potion restores 1000 MP Coldown 10 sec.
    Expanded inventory - 110 slots ( dwarfs - 130 ).
    Boxes Limit - 3
    Safe Enchant +3.
    Max Enchant +16.
    Autoloot -on .
    Skills learning - automatically till 81 level, After you need - spell books, spell books not available in donate shop.
    Trade Zone Giran


    130 competitions per week
    Olympiad period 10 days, starts at November 23 , end of period November 30 (23:00 GMT +3), Getting Heroes will be im December 1 (13:00 GMT +3)
    18 Start Points
    18 Points every 3 days.

    Server Currency:

    Adena: main currency .
    Silver Coin: You can got it when you : voting, win events, spend time in the game(time bonus)
    Battle Coin: Donation currency.


    Team vs Team
    Last Hero
    PvP tournament 2x2\3х3\5х5\9х9
    PvP tournament 1x1
    GvE (Good vs Evil)

    Sieiges , Fortress Sieges, Terretori Wars

    First Sieges in December 1 at 16:00-18:00 и 20:00 - 22:00 (GMT +3)
    First Terretory wars in December 2 20:00-22:00 (GMT +3)
    Registration ends in 24 hours before siege will started.
    Next Fortress is Avaialable : Bayou Fortress, Antharas' Fortress, Borderland Fortress, Cloud Mountain Fortress, Floran Fortress, Hunter's Fortress, Swamp Fortress, Southern Fortress, Western Fortress All other Fortress UNAVAILABLE
    Fame & Epaluete drops x1,25

    Raid and Epic Bosses:

    All Epics/Raid Bossess respawn from 20:00 to 23:00. (GMT +3)

    Queent Ant - 85 level , Ring drops 100%, Second Ring 50% respawn 2 days .
    Core & Orfen 85 level , Ring/Earring drops 100%, respawn 3 days.
    Baium , respawn 5 days , After Baium Awaking, other players will have 10 min to tp inside the Baium spot.
    Antharas Respawn 8 days
    Valakas Respawn 10 Days
    Command Channel priority works.
    PvP zone around all Epic Bosses.
    In the server start, all epick bossess are dead.
    Queen Shyed - / Crystal SA 16 level / QHP 100-150 items

    New Raid Bosess

    Ghost of Peasant Leader 83
    Katu Van Leader Atui 83
    Barion 83
    Verfa 83
    Captain of Red Flag Shaka 83
    Ghost of the Well Lidia 83
    King Tarlk 83
    Roaring Skylancer 83
    Doom Blade Tanatos 83
    Palibati Queen Themis 83
    Beast Lord Behemoth 83
    Varkas Hero Shadith 83
    Bandit Leader Barda 83
    Mirror of Oblivion 83
    Harit Guardian Garangky 83

    RaidBoss features :

    High HP/P.attack
    New Drop List :
    Vesper Rare
    Mid Weapons
    Enchanting SA crystal to 14 100% 1 random party member
    Enchanting SA crystal to 15 100% 1 random party member
    Enchanting SA crystal to 16 100% 1 random party member
    Enchanting SA crystal to 17 50% 1 random party member
    Enchanting SA crystal to 18 to 18 50% 1 random party member

    Server features

    Premium Account 40% EXP/40% SP/30% Adena/30% Drop/30% Spoil/20% Epaulettes/30% Limit weight
    1 day - 45 Battle Coin
    3 days- 80 Battle Coin
    7 days- 150 Battle Coin
    14 days - 230 Battle Coin
    30 days- 330 Battle Coin
    60 days - 500 Battle Coin
    +10% Craft Chance
    +1% Craft Chance (Rare items)
    +3% Chance for Enchanting Armos/Jewelery/Weapon
    Runes :
    EXP rune : gives you +20% exp , if you have premium account, your rates will be x1.4 . with rune x1.6
    Drop rune: gives you +20% drop chance.
    Spoil "chance"/Adena - Gives you +20% for Spoi/Adena Rate. Runes Life time : 12 hours / 24 hours / 72 hours.
    Time Rewards
    5 min- Silver Shilen
    10 min 20 GCP + 2 Silver Shilen
    20 minutes 2 Silver Shilen

    Instance Zone

    Night Zaken
    Min level = 1
    Min Players : 36
    Max PLayers : 72
    Command Channel - required
    Day Zaken:
    Min level = 1
    Min Players = 9 Max players = 27
    Day High Zaken :
    Min level = 78
    Min Players : 9
    Max Players : 72
    Min level = 80
    Min players = 11
    Max players = 27
    Command Channel - required
    Freya\Blessed Freya:
    Min level = 82
    Min playes = 11
    Command Channel - required

    Game features:

    Counter Critical и Chant Of Protection doesn't stack!"Cancel" - cancel you 4-5 buffs, like a pts.
    Champions till 80 level.
    SS lags - off.
    Reuse bug with marcoss - off
    Recycle Macrosess - off
    Some items can be wrong displayed on High-Five client, we recomend you to use Salvation (Classic Client) ,

    Ingame Commands

    .cfg - Settings , ATT services (auto on/off), Game Option, Language, Game Language.
    .whoiam - info about your toon
    .recall - command for clan leaders, recall all your members, cd 5 minutes price 20kk
    .repair - If you toon stack, You need to create a new charachter, than in the game write ".repair" and put the name into the fill form, after try to log in into your previous charachter
    .autocp - auto combat potions
    .ping - check your internet connection
    .relog - clean your game cache
    .ipro - set password to your items (defend you against scam) they can't trade your items or drop it.
    .unipro - disable antiscamm system
    .norecall - Disable a possibility to use skill party recall in the instance zones.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=28750.0
    « Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 07:25:14 PM by younero »

