
Author Topic: [Guide]All Lineage Shortcut Keys and Chat Commands  (Read 25758 times)

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    [Guide]All Lineage Shortcut Keys and Chat Commands
    « on: February 14, 2011, 01:27:42 PM »
    All Lineage Shortcut Keys and Chat Commands


    Alt+T Show Character's Info.
    Alt+C Show Player's Action.
    Alt+K Show Player's Skills.
    Alt+U Show Quest's Info.
    Alt+V Show Player's Inventory.
    Alt+B Show Bulletin Board.
    Alt+X Show System Options.
    Alt+J Close chat window. Open only with ALT+H command.
    Alt+W Close Radar. Open only with ALT+H command.
    Alt+H Open/Close all windows on screen. Helpful for screenshots.
    ESC Cancels any action of your character, targeting something. If no target is selected, no character's action will be cancelled. You also can cancel the usage of Scroll of Escape by selecting your character and pressing ESC.
    PrtScn Taking a screenshot.
    Tab Same as ALT+V.
    Ctrl While pressing PvP starts. Any action is carried out forcibly.
    Alt+Ctrl Stat/End PvP. Any action is carried out forcibly.
    ALT+[F1-F10] Switch's between fact access panels. Only works if Enter Chat mark is disable.
    [F1-F12] Uses fast access slot of current fact access panel. Only works if Enter Chat mark is disable.
    ALT+[1-10] Switch's between fact access panels. Only works if Enter Chat mark is enable.
    [1-10,-,+] Uses fast access slot of current fact access panel. Only works if Enter Chat mark is enable.
    Arrows Character control - movement forward-backward and turning left-right. Strong drifting on turning.
    W S A D Character control - movement forward-backward and turning left-right. Strong drifting on turning. Only works if Enter Chat mark is enable.
    Home Put camera in front of you character.
    End Put camera behind your character.
    Page Up / Page Down Switching camera: first person, average and long distance from character.


    [message] Says sentence in General channel. This sentence is seen by any character in distance of several steps.
    ![message] Says sentence in Shout channel. This sentence is seen by any character in distance of several hundreds steps.
    +[message] Says sentence in Trade channel. This sentence is seen by any character in distance of several hundreds steps.
    #[message] Says sentence in Party channel. This sentence is seen by any character in party at any distance.
    @[message] Says sentence in Clan channel. This sentence is seen by any character in clan at any distance.
    $[message] Says sentence in Alliance channel. This sentence is seen by any character in alliance at any distance.
    %[message] Says sentence in Hero channel.This sentence is seen by any character in the game at any distance.
    "[character] [message] Says sentence to chosen character in private chat Whisper channel. This sentence is seen only by chosen char at any distance


    /friendlist Display the "friend" list. You can see players status - in game (Online) not in game (Offline)
    /friendinvite [character] Send an invitation to chosen character to become a "friend". If Character accepts the invitation, he will appear in your friend list.
    /frienddel [character] Remove a player from friend list.
    /blocklist Show's list of "ignored" players. Sentences of ignored characters are not shown in any chat channel and trade requests are canceled automatically.
    /block [character] Add a character to "ignore" list. A message is send to ignored character.
    /unblock [character] Remove a character from the block list
    /allblock Turn's "silence" mode on. Block text in all chat channels and cancels all trade requests.
    /allunblock Turn's "silence" mode off.
    /evaluate Recommend another player.

    Social Emotions / Attitude

    /socialno Character shakes his head. "I am against it!"
    /socialyes Character nods. "I Agree!"
    /socialbow Character bows. "My greetings!"
    /socialunaware Character shrugs his shoulders. "I have no idea!"
    /socialwaiting Character stretches his legs. "I hate waiting!"
    /sociallaugh Character laugh. "That's funny man!"
    /socialhello Character greets. "Hello!"
    /socialvictory Character victorious throws up his weapon. "Victory!"
    /socialcharge Character calls to fight. "Attack!"
    /socialdance Character dance. "I like to move it, move it!"
    /socialsad Character cry. "Oh! It's a pity!"
    /socialapplause Character cheers. "It was wonderful!"


    /gm [message] Initiate a petition to the GM staff. Write only clear description of a problem. Idle talk is ignored and can end in "silence" mode.
    /petition [message] Same as /gm command
    /gmcancel Remove send petition to the GM staff. When the problem is solved.
    /petitioncancel [message] Same as /gmcancel command
    /gmlist Show's online GM's. You can directly talk to GM using private message.


    /loc Show's characters current position data in form X Y Z.
    /sit Character sits down.
    /stand Character stand up.
    /walk Character walk.
    /run Character run.
    /pickup Character pick up nearest item.
    /mountdismount Character Mount or dismount a strider.
    /unstuck Move a character that may be trapped and has no Scroll of Escape. After 5 minutes character will appear in nearest town.


    /trade [character] Send a trade request to chosen character. If agree, trade window opens. Characters have to be close to each other.
    /buy Set up a private store for buying Private Buy. Up to 3 items can be sold at same time. Gnomes can sell up to 5 items at same time.
    /vendor Set up a private store for selling Private Sell. Up to 3 items can be bought at same time. Gnome can buy up to 5 items.
    /privatemanufacture Set up a private manufacturing store Private Craft. Only for Gnomes. Up to 5 items can be manufactured at same time.
    /findprivatestore [text] Highlight private stores that match search criteria text
    /findprivatestore Stop highlighting private stores that match search criteria text.


    /attack [target] Attack a monster or character (opponent's character has to be in PK or in PvP mode). If no target named, attacks the current chosen target.
    /attackforce [target] Force attacks a monster or character (opponent's character can be in any mode). If no target named, attacks the current chosen target.
    /attackstand [target] Attack while in a fixed position (opponent's character has to be in PK or in PvP mode). Useful for archers. If no target named, attacks the current chosen target.
    /useskill [skill] [target] Use named skill/spell on a monster or character (if the spell is positive, opponent's character has to be white, else in PK or in PvP mode) If no target named, attacks the current chosen target.
    /useskillforce [skill] [target] Force use named skill/spell on a monster or character (opponent's character can be in any mode). If no target named, attacks the current chosen target.
    /useskillstand [skill] [target] Use spell while in a fixed position (if the spell is positive, opponent's character has to be white, else in PK or in PvP mode).if the spell is positive, opponent's character has to be white, else in PK or in PvP mode
    /target [target] Select target monster or character.
    /targetnext Select next attackable monster or character (opponent's character has to be in PK or in PvP mode).
    /assist [target] Choose the selected target as like the selected monster or character.
    /olympiadstat Displays the wins, defeats, and Olympiad points for the current period.


    /target Any action of macros is aimed at selected target of your character.
    /self Any action of macros is aimed at your character.
    /pet Any action of macros is aimed against your pet.
    /party1-8 Any action of macros is aimed against a party member from 1 to 8.
    /delay [seconds] Delay in stated amount of seconds.
    /useshortcut [hot key] [slot] Use slot from current fact access panel. If the spell is positive, opponent's character has to be white, else in PK or in PvP mode.
    /useshortcutforce [hot key] [slot] Force use slot from current fast access panel. If the spell is positive, opponents character has to be white, else in PK or in PvP mode.
    /useskill [skill] Use named skill/spell on a monster or character. If the spell is positive, opponents character has to be white, else in PK or in PvP mode.
    /useskillforce [skill] Force use named skill/spell on a monster or character. If the spell is positive, opponents character has to be white, else in PK or in PvP mode.


    /allyinvite [target clan leader] Invite a clan into an alliance. Only for alliance leader.
    /allydismiss [clan] Dismiss a clan from the alliance. Only for alliance leader.
    /allyleave Leave an alliance. Only for leader of clan leaving an alliance.
    /allydissolve Dissolve the entire alliance. Only for alliance leader.
    /allycrest Add an alliances crest. Only for alliance leader.
    /allywarstart [alliance] Start a war with another alliance. Only for alliance leader.
    /allywarstop [alliance] Stop a war with another alliance. Only for alliance leader.
    /allywarsurrender [alliance] Surrender to another alliance. Only for alliance leader.
    /allyinfo Display alliance status.
    /warlist /clanwarlist Display clans you are in war with.
    /underattacklist /attackerlist Display clans that declared war to you.
    /attacklist /enemylist Display clans you declared war to.
    /nick Set your own title.
    /siegestatus Lists clan members within the siege zone (Noblesse clan leaders only).
    /clanpenalty View a list of any clan penalties.

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=2447.0
    « Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 02:07:30 PM by xzone »

