
Author Topic: L2 Outs  (Read 2328 times)

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    L2 Outs
    « on: May 14, 2011, 07:58:00 AM »
    Hello guys !
    I'm posting here because I have no where else to do it.
    I'm a guy who plays Lineage II for more than 4 years and I've been looking for a good server without corruption , without ( no offence ) *** players that once get level 80 come and kill level 40.
    I'm trying to make my own server of Lineage II Interlude , with the help of some friends and support of a clan or too that will join , as they said.
    First of all , I've been thinking of a ~ 25x server with GM Shop ( D/C/B Weapons/Armors , SS(D/C/B) , and other things like Consumables , no items that will influence the game ) , a Custom Trader ( Accessories = Not allowed Medals ) , only drop from Champion Mobs which I considered I should Enable.
    On time I hope I will improve my server and I want to know what you , nowadays , are looking for.
    Maybe I will have the honour to see you playing on my server , and that is why I am making this post , hoping you will give me some advice improving it.
    I forgot to mention why server's name is Outs ( another kind of abbreviation from "Out of the Shadows" , a song by Matthew Perryman Jones , which I do like ). By this , I want to believe you can always do something special , that people will appreciate , and you will step " out of the shadows " to show what you're capable off.
    Hope someone around here will give me some advice on how to make it better , and someday will even dare to join.
    Thank you !
    I will be right back with more details as I start to edit the server.
    It is a promise !
    With all due respect , please do not start to criticise me !

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=3066.0
    « Last Edit: May 14, 2011, 07:58:34 AM by L2Outs »

