[this topic created by owner of the pack]
Hello World.
L2J Clean is a interlude project based on l2j russian private project + l2jserver
Drop Protection:If you play at retail you know what i mean. When you kill mob/rb or something, someone can't pick up your item after some seconds.
AI:For now all AI are in .py and some ai in .java. "i will make all AI in .java but not now. I need some time"

Static Data:For now some static data are in .csv and .sql. "i will make some csv and sql in .xml"

Data - Python rewritting to JAVA:Coming Soon!
Olympiad:Retail like olympiad on interlude..
Some Fixes:
- Hero system off-like, hero you need recive on Monument of Heroes, not automatic like in other l2j servers. We need send Userinfo packet after player setted hero.
- Every hero weapons stats fixed.
- Every know exploits securities more, (more) than other packs
- Work like a charm and retail like.
- Wings of destiny have separated script, no like other l2j in weapons..
MMCore:MMCore rework, like L2J Freya
Party Matching:hmm every body know, 99.9 % pack don't have this feature so what more can i say
Some Fixes:
- Implement Party Matching
- Waiting room(now shows waiting players, works Whisper, Rm.Invite and other buttons).
- Cannot kick yourself from party room.
- Status update after kick/exit from room, before - then you exit you still have title "Looking for party".
- Delete unneeded packet, and rework ExPartyMember.
- Chat in party Match working.
More Info About Pack Coming Soon.
After i will update again this topic.
if you have a question you can report it in the forum.
link :
www.l2jclean.comLinkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=6114.0