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    Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
    « Reply #80 on: December 11, 2011, 06:26:33 AM »
    The IP of test server has been changed, so download new l2.ini in order to connect. :)

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    i need Acis Pack Turkey 4 Shared Not Work .. upload is not allowed -rapshared ..

    Here you go latest rev - CLICK



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      Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
      « Reply #81 on: December 14, 2011, 10:59:45 AM »
      Changeset 218

      Pets big update, accessories debug, little npc.sql update.

      Okay, that's it. I'm first sorry for the delay. I was taking a little break trying GoD on EU server (btw my name is Tryskell, /friendinvite me if you see me ingame). I reroll a lot to make a lot of money, enjoy the free exploit...

      Second, the update is quite "big", even if it's not really awesome. I had to check many things about pets, because they were entirely messed up. I hope the biggest part, if not all bugs, are now corrected. I tested almost all possiblities (force delog, etc) and all seems fine.

      I had to check aswell the npc.sql Darth sent me. After a couple of checks I had to ask to Darth to split data in 2, because it was really messy (collision system is a little *** in L2J...).

      Pets updates.
      • fully fix pet weapons and armors equip, and "race" condition (hatchling/wolf/blabla). I decided to keep the old system as it was really easy to understand it. The core changes automatically the bodypart for "chest" or "r-hand" following type of item.
      • addition of a feature (dunno if it's custom, and don't report because it won't be changed) : if you right click on a pet weapon/armor from YOUR inventory, it automatically TRANSFER && EQUIPS it to your pet's inventory if you got a pet summoned. Previous equipped item is desequipped and stays on pet's inventory..
      • fully fixed stats modifiers of summons (seriously it was a pure mess, many buffs just did nothing before, pets had 0 accu/evasion).
      • decreased amount of packets sent compared to current L2J (-1 packet per 10sec, and that fix too a minor bug targeting pet window every 10 sec)
      • off-like (if not retail) transfer system at unsummoning pets. Ty SweeTs for the report. Inventories of pets are cleaned at delog/unsummon, transfered to your. There is no check about slots/weight, as it is used for DELOG (and imagine at delog that don't transfer, you lose items lol).
      • fix RequestPetUseItem behavior. Now only one itemhandler is readed (using a pet food you had twice the code readed before o_o).
      • fix the mythic accessory bug aCis got since 100+ revs (about 2 slots accessories). Now all is fine. Enjoy Wizard's Hat.
      • when you pickup arrows and it fits with your bow and you are arrowless, arrows are now automatically equipped. Ty bomj for report.
      • improvement of npc.sql, with the addition of retail decay system. Now all mobs got their particular timer. It debugs mobs like Gigantic Chaos Golem. Only L2Attackable are concerned, as they are the only ones supposed to die. Others use the hardcoded in core as a default, which is 7 secs (still, the sql is correctly filled anyway). Addition of all missing weapons (some can still be wrong, but it should fill a lot of templates).
      • a couple of NPE fixes (itemhandlers).


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        Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
        « Reply #82 on: December 18, 2011, 04:54:50 AM »
        Changeset 219


        Well it's a really huge update. JDK 7 is now needed. Ty xblx for the libs update.

        • Updates of all existing libs, leading to heavy changes (mainly Trove-based codes).
        • Update of base64 code.
        • Update of internal Java-engine (scripts engine) which needs JDK 7.
        • build.xml will now check if you use JDK 7 or no. If no, build will fail, and an error message will invite you to dl latest JDK.
        • Addition of L2TIntObjectHashMap on util.

        NPCs RELATED
        • NpcTable code is fully reworked, utilitary "getters" aswell. More infos on GS start aswell.
        • update of npcskills (ty to old DiNoR rework), using L2OFF values. Changes are huge and correct known issues (ex : Primeval island) :
        • active skills => from 15894 skills, it now loads 20844 skills.
        • passive skills => 7k~ skills added.
        • L2NpcTemplate values are now private. Creation and use of "getters". Addition of isType("").
        • Aggro value is now loaded from AI (instead of npc.sql). All aggro ranges > 1 and < 500 have been changed for 500.
        • Sieges guards AI has been updated.
        • overhit flag is reseted when the L2Attackable dies.
        • creation of _staticAIData on L2Npc, which avoids to refer to template each time.

        • Baby pets are fully reworked (addition of conditions such as mp consumption, pet mental behavior (betrayed, blabla), etc).
        • Tamed beasts got a little update, as getSkillsArray() exist now.
        • Levels of pets skills are now correctly calculated. It can use lvl 1-12 skills levels following pet level.
        • fix an issue about items consumption @ SiegeSummon, leading to "ghosts" summons. Ty xblx for fix.
        • if you try to use a skill than a summon should have but haven't, it shows you the missing skillId to add on npcskills.
        • When you try to use a pet skill but difference of lvl is > 20, you can't control the pet.

        • Harvest/Sow skillhandlers are reworked, and Seed system too.
        • addition of _skillMaxLevel in SkillTable, preloading max level of skills in a map for future uses (before it was made on the fly).
        • orc mages are now considered as mages, not as fighters anymore (should fix the SpellForce issue).
        • fix Orfen messages for retail ones.
        • Correction of a couple of items. Ty SweeTs for patch, it is *untested* but should work at first look.

        I'm aware there's an issue about pets. HP/MP are not working as intented (not readed from PetDataTable). It leads to problems like a lvl 15 wolf got same HPs than a lvl 55 one, or a pet can't use properly a skill because asked MP consumption for skill use is higher than maxMP. Others stats are correctly working.


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          Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
          « Reply #83 on: December 23, 2011, 10:06:01 AM »
          Changeset 220

          Pets update, misc.

          Ty to all contributors - Sikken, xblx, Junior, MC.

          Pets are now normally fixed.
          • when a pet raises level, his stats and HP/MP infos are corrected shown.
          • Fix an issue when you give a name to your pet.
          • Pet control item is now correctly updated, both on name update and pet level raising.

          • Fix 4 skills.
          • Addition of Life Stones in GM shop.
          • Monastery AI sends now only one type of chat, but it is retail-like (better 1 retail than 3 customs).
          • fix 2 teleports location - untested.
          • Addition of a check to see if entered id is a valid NPC template for //polymorph. In addition, you can't transform if you're already mounted.
          • Fix an unvalid SystemMessage.


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            Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
            « Reply #84 on: December 25, 2011, 06:34:35 AM »

            So, here we are.

            One year is gone since the first public release. Many things has been created, corrected, fixed, tested & searched.  What begun by a simple individual one-man project became soon an international project followed by thousands of people. In the little world of L2J, between sharks selling crappy shits and free packs whom heart stopped to beat, aCis bornt from the void.

            The void, not really. From the latest decent emulator for IL, by the creators of the initial project. From that fully bugged piece of trashing ## latest revision, interrupted in the beginning of 2007, many things have been made : 220 revisions of aCis have been released, each one fixing multiples issues, improving the pack in one or another way.

            The main trend was (and still is) simple : giving you the power to make anything you want from a vanilla pack. You're right, a blank pack, allowing faction system, events engine, or any other gameplay you will decide. No one have to decide what you want for your server, except... You.

            Those revisions couldn't be possible without you. Testing, reporting issues and grabbing infos... So many things to do in order to make the pack complete. That work can't be made by one man, and that's the reason I decided to change the system, in order to wake up sleeping people who thought they had to wait in order to get a good pack. All that in the hope to bring aCis another life, in order people got access, one day, to a powerful and reliable pack.

            So Crappy X-mas to all, and long life to aCis : "the show must go on... And cookies have to be cooked".



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              Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
              « Reply #85 on: January 08, 2012, 05:21:56 AM »
              Changeset 221


              • Addition of missing skills for 3rd class summons.
              • Fix //polyself, adding check on templates.
              • Remove the useless button "Diet" on admin panel.
              • Addition of Ketra/Varka support. Ty fernandopm/Kenrix for their work.
              • Correct some things on " chat (GMs aren't blocked anymore), and send systemMessage when possible.
              • porta skill (GetPlayer) is now retail-like.
              • Fix an issue about BossZone (L2Summon != L2SummonInstance)
              • Avoid to stuck client if you try to exploit augment panel (trying to drop weapon/gemstones/LS).


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                Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
                « Reply #86 on: January 12, 2012, 05:05:37 AM »
                Changeset 222

                Quests and misc

                • Addition of Q350, Q618, Q645 && Q646. Ty to sharers.
                • Fix the systemMessage about double summon.
                • Addition of a systemMessage when pet pickups a full item.
                • eventual fix of a NPE.


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                  Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
                  « Reply #87 on: January 15, 2012, 07:39:43 PM »
                  aCis page off?


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                    Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
                    « Reply #88 on: January 16, 2012, 05:24:55 AM »
                    aCis page off?

                    Ye.. it's down since 2 days. Dunno why, we have to wait :)


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                      Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
                      « Reply #89 on: January 16, 2012, 09:11:11 AM »
                      I hope you come back soon, I'm on vacation but I prepared a patch for post there.


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                        Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
                        « Reply #90 on: January 17, 2012, 07:51:45 AM »
                        I prepared a patch for post there.

                        Well, if you have done any patch, you can send it to me via private and I'll give it to Tryskell, or w8 till site will be up (damn host).


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                          Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
                          « Reply #91 on: January 17, 2012, 10:51:19 AM »
                          It's nothing special, just a temporary fix to the problem of the Dark posted on linux skills.


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                            Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
                            « Reply #92 on: January 23, 2012, 06:51:38 AM »
                            Changeset 223

                            Addition of 7 quests - ty to sharers.

                            • Addition of Q104, Q257, Q331, Q351, Q431, Q623 && Q644.
                            • Fix a couple of typos and rewards on Q105.

                            Changeset 224

                            isMagic / staticReuse, typos.

                            • Fixed hundreds of skills using L2OFF infos about isMagic / staticReuse system. Ty dEvilKinG for the good job.
                            • Typos for classes folder. Nothing special.

                            Waiting for the forum, Tryskell work on the XML rework about Announcements (Sikken, xblx). He fixed a critical issue (xblx forget to clean tasks at XML reloading), and he's reworking the HTM. Here is a preview of possibilities :
                            • Addition of critical announcements
                            • Addition of scheduled tasks (announcements every X time)
                            • XMLization of announcements (both reading/writing)
                            • Fully reworked ingame tool (screenshot preview)


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                              Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
                              « Reply #93 on: January 26, 2012, 02:49:06 PM »
                              It's nothing special, just a temporary fix to the problem of the Dark posted on linux skills.

                              The forum is finally up, so you can post your fix. :)


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                                Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
                                « Reply #94 on: January 27, 2012, 05:22:08 AM »
                                Changeset 225

                                Raid bosses minions update.

                                Ty to 100500 for his detailed work.


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                                  Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
                                  « Reply #95 on: February 06, 2012, 10:55:08 AM »
                                  Changeset 226

                                  Quests and minor fixes - ty to the numerous contributors.

                                  • addition of Q298, Q317, Q368, Q370 && Q432;
                                  • fix a couple of existing quests (correct solo => party quest statut, and deletion of useless checks).

                                  • addition of a missing NPC spawn.
                                  • correction of an HTM.
                                  • 2 items fixed.

                                  I must apologize about current project's progression. I played a lot those days.
                                  I got an Othel rogue lvl 86 40% (with 3 subclasses, 75 HE / 75 ES / 65 Pal) on Core server, so don't search where was gone my time...


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                                  Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
                                  « Reply #96 on: February 09, 2012, 03:41:33 AM »
                                  Changeset 227

                                  Addition of 8 quests, ty to all sharers.

                                     - Q124, Q299, Q300, Q328, Q352, Q353, Q355 && Q366.
                                  TO SHARERS :
                                     - If you made one of those quests, please READ and ANALYZE the differences between your old share (they are kept in Archives section, you normally got access) and the current rewrite. From looking differences, you can learn what I dislike as typo, what, why and how I corrected.
                                     - I would like to repeat, as Inner Circle you got access to some internal infos, such as L2OFF HTMs. Use it !
                                     - And ofc, read a walkthrough of concerned quest when you code the quest. The reward formula is one thing, the complete walkthrough is another !!
                                  The most cleaned + well coded free(Actually,and non-free) project around.Be sure that if you choose this one you wont be dissapointed!!!!!

                                  Topic stickied by me.
                                  « Last Edit: February 09, 2012, 03:48:27 AM by DownUnder™ »


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                                    Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
                                    « Reply #97 on: February 09, 2012, 05:03:37 AM »
                                    Thanks DownUnder for good words and for sticky :)


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                                    Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
                                    « Reply #98 on: February 09, 2012, 05:13:38 AM »
                                    Thanks DownUnder for good words and for sticky :)
                                    we just promote the Good Work From Tryskell - Sido e.t.c :)


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                                      Re: [Project] aCis - Interlude
                                      « Reply #99 on: February 11, 2012, 06:45:10 AM »
                                      Changeset 228

                                      AbstractNpcInfo, polymorph, summons/pets, quests, misc.

                                      Implementation of AbstractNpcInfo
                                      • SummonInfo, PolyInfo and NpcInfo share the same Abstract layer.
                                      • CharInfo code about polymorph is cleaned. All is made with knownlist.
                                      • Addition of a config to on/off NPC crests (when a clan own castle linked to a town). Ty SweeTs for inspiration.

                                      • drop of 3 admincommands (polyself).
                                      • polymorph commands work by default on yourself if no target is found.
                                      • addition of success messages on command uses.

                                      Summons / pets
                                      • Addition of a config to on/off owner's clan crest on summons.
                                      • Fix titles : summons (blue color) and pets (green color).
                                      • Fix team circle (duel), karma and pvp flag (summons color name, based on owner's).

                                      • Addition of broadcastNpcSay(String) in L2Npc, and fix all uses for that new method.
                                      • Drop of setKarmaFlag(int) and broadcastTitleInfo().
                                      • Addition of 2 quests (2/5 FoD quests made) : Q021 && Q022.
                                      • Addition of retail chat windows for Mysterious Wizard (located near spawn of FoD).
                                      • Addition of minions infos for 2 mobs in FoD.
                                      • L2CharTemplate rework (private variables, public getters).

                                      Changeset 229

                                      Henna rework, ty xblx for the good work.

                                      • XMLization of hennas ; 3 SQLs are dropped and their infos are written in a unique file : henna.xml.
                                      • fix an issue with Human Mage class (class n°10), which could wear dyes - but shouldn't be able.

