So Note that this guide is to adapt an old weapon to a new chronicle
Otherwise to adapt a new weapon to an old chronicle you will need the WeaponTextures
Okey So why i make this guide
Every day we all can see that many people at client mods child board request help because they getting errors when they try to encrypt the file
So i will make an easy way but you must be carefull and it takes some time
If there is a same topic like this just delete mine
So what will we need?
A Patched System
And L2FileEdit (It depends on your client e.g. For Interlude client take interlude file edit etc...)
Human Brain(I think all you have =))
Okey Let's Start
In This guide i am gonna adapt a Dusk weapon of c4 to hellbound client
In All the guides they give you the weapongrp/armor grp
Weapongrp of bow of halisha with right glows on C4 from l2gold
I am posting Photos because the line is very big
Ok look Copy The line from weapongroup

Or Here Good until here
Now We Paste it in our hellbound client with a space above
So it will look like that

Or We are going good till now
Now We must find a bow weapongrp line from the HELLBOUND client
And Copy it above of the c4 line
It will loook like that

Or okey now the "hard part"
What we do now?
Just change the characters of the bow of hellbound with c4
Now you will be a little confused
Here's a picture

Or that the c4 got an additional _wp
we just pass it nothing interesting
So the final step is to change the id with our custom Weapon with the old one
And remove the c4 line
Let a space in the end of the file
Save it as 413
And Tadam Our custom weapon is ready Yihhaaaaaaaaa
Note that when it lags it means the encryption is successfull
That's the end and good luck with adapting =)
Credits: TO me