
Author Topic: L2 Private Server Help needed!!! 100$  (Read 1967 times)

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    L2 Private Server Help needed!!! 100$
    « on: December 07, 2011, 08:16:03 AM »
    Server Machine: Hey guys i bought a alienware desktop cost me roughly 6k that i will be using to host my L2 private server. Trust me its a Damn BOMB

    My Goal: I want to run a Lineage II interlude or freya server low rate. 2x exp, 2x drop, skills likes retail, monsters like retail, a few TVT events basicly a server that looks a bit like retail. im thinking gracia not sure when dynasty gear came out.
    i want to be able to host about 500 to 1000 players tops. As my first server.

    Help needed:I am looking for somebody to help me out with getting it up and running.

    About me: im 24 years old and i live in canada im currently waiting to see if im accepted at university in programming.i use to run my own ultima online server for 2 years.

    write me back private msg me or add me on msn: [email protected]
    thx for the help in advance
    you can call me Pat

    ~~~~  anyone who is willing to help me get up and running will get a paypal transfer for 100$.  ~~~~

    P.S: i know L2 i now free and i dont care i want my own. main reason is they fucked up L2 and made it like WOW lol

    Linkback: https://l2topzone.com/forum/index.php?topic=5158.0
    « Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 10:36:48 AM by destluck »

